Police Detective

v5 Chapter 676: Easy to understand

Latest website: On the way back, Bai Song received a call from Songsuo, asking Bai Song to eat tomorrow night.

Bai Song is the leader of the four groups, Li Yunfeng is one group, Song is in the second group, and Li is on duty tomorrow, so the fourth and second groups will have time tomorrow evening.

Of course, Bai Song was not invited to dinner alone, but all four groups were invited to dinner.

As the top leader of the institute, there are four teams and one case-handling team below. The cohesion of these people is directly related to the combat effectiveness of the whole institute.

The police station is different from the police station.

The directors of the Jiuheqiao Police Station and Sanmu Street Police Station seem to be of equal rank, but there is still a gap in status. The Sanmu Street Police Station is considered to be one of the best in Jiuhe District. In the future, it may be promoted directly to the detachment leader of a certain detachment. So after Song’s transfer to the top position, he is full of enthusiasm and looks forward to good results.

The other three groups are all finished, and now there are only four groups left.

Generally, subordinates make appointments with leaders at least three days in advance.

Leaders make appointments with subordinates, it depends on the mood.

Bai Song fully agreed, and then called Ren Xu, telling everyone not to arrange other personal affairs tomorrow night and go to the restaurant Song said for dinner.

It would not cost much to simply eat a stir-fry, but the leadership's heart is absolutely indispensable.

"By the way, I have to ask you something." Bai Song thought for a while: "Before going to eat tomorrow night, you find a place to eat three hamburgers."

"Huh?" Ren Xu didn't understand what Bai Song meant. Why do I have to eat a hamburger mat first when I have a big meal?

"Ah what? The leader treats you. It's not that we sit down and eat together. The leader orders 12 dishes. You ate 8 of them. The leader has to add a few dishes for you. Do you think it is appropriate?" Bai Song understands too much. Ren Xu said: "You have to remember what I said, and savor carefully."

"I understand what you mean."

Ren Xu had a lingering fear after hanging up the phone. Fortunately, Bai Song reminded him!

Otherwise, after tomorrow, it is impossible for other leaders to wear shoes for him, but it is also very embarrassing...

Police stations are different from large organizations. Leaders like Ren Xu who work.

However, if you can leave a good impression on the leader, then the future will always be a little broader.


Back in Tianhua City, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening, and Bai Song went to Liu Shuyuan for the first time.

"What's calling me, is there any clue to Zheng Yanwu's murder case?" Bai Song asked hurriedly.

"Do you treat me as a god?" Liu Shuyuan gave a blank look: "However, it's a bit related."

"You said." Bai Song lowered his posture all of a sudden, listening respectfully.

"I don't have a friend from the police in Xiangnan Province, but a friend is in the government. I passed him a document. He helped me find someone from the Taxation and Market Supervision Administration and passed the materials from Zheng Yanwu's previous printing and dyeing factory." Liu Shuyuan took out a large pile: "Too many, I looked at it for a while and couldn't understand these accounts."

"Okay, let me see." Bai Song took the box in Liu Shuyuan's hand, which was quite heavy.

Bai Song looked at these scrolls there, Liu Shuyuan admired a little.

The stuff of these companies is incomprehensible to laymen. Experts can judge many things through a single ledger, while laymen only know 1234567890.

But Bai Song actually taught himself the knowledge of certified public accountants, and he usually learns this kind of things. He doesn't have time to prepare for the exam, otherwise he hopes to pass a few of them.

It's okay to see these materials.

Bai Song looked at the materials there, and the large books he had brought from Shangjing City were temporarily placed on the table.

"I don't understand those accounts. I have no problem with his books anyway, right?" Liu Shuyuan thought secretly, and began to look through the books that Bai Song had brought over.

Turned over a book...and another book...


Liu Shuyuan began to doubt life.

Are these books that the police can understand? Are you sure this is not the book that the doctor should read? What the hell!

And there are several books in pure English!

There is another one, is this in German? ? ?

Is Bai Song's law already at this level?

Liu Shuyuan has been fighting hard recently, and now looking at Bai Song's back, he is completely depressed.

This gap can't be caught by driving.


Bai Song watched for more than an hour, during which time he jotted down a lot of things in the notebook with a pen, and calculated a lot with his mobile phone calculator, sometimes frowning, sometimes in a daze.

"Is there a problem?" Liu Shuyuan watched Bai Song close the order file, poured a cup of tea for Bai Song, and handed it over.

Bai Song was stunned. He hadn't seen Liu Shuyuan pour tea.

"Don't drink tea?" Liu Shuyuan's voice was not loud: "Why do I pour you a glass of ice?"

"No need," Bai Song took the teacup and pointed to what he had written: "This company has a problem."

"Just now when you weren't here, I looked at the accountant, and the accountant said there was nothing wrong with the book."

"There is no problem on the books." Bai Song said: "But there are problems with raw materials and output."

"What do you mean?" Liu Shuyuan approached, seeing a lot of chemical equations he didn't recognize, and was a little dizzy.

"Their company has a lot of printing and dyeing products, but most of the products are alkaline and cationic dyes. Because there are many types of production and many raw materials are cross-used, there is no way to calculate." Bai Song pointed to an equation on the book: "They started to produce a reactive dye a few years ago. To be precise, it is called KN-type bisazo reactive blue dye, which is a type of vinylsulfone reactive dye. To produce this reactive dye, a chemical is needed. , Called p-nitroaniline."

"So?" Liu Shuyuan found that he only understood the three words "chemicals".

Seeing Liu Shuyuan's appearance, Bai Song suddenly wanted to tease him: "It's very simple to produce this blue dye. Mix p-nitroaniline with water and concentrated hydrochloric acid and heat it to dissolve it. After dissolving, it is quenched with ice~lightnovelpub.net~ Then add the sodium nitrite aqueous solution at low temperature. During the diazotization reaction..."

Bai Song roughly talked about the steps in it, and talked about it for about fifteen minutes.

"What do you want to tell me?" Liu Shuyuan rubbed his temples.

"Actually, what I just said is useless. We just need to know that because the process is very stable, it stands to reason that the ratio of the purchased p-nitroaniline to the blue dye should be fixed." Bai Song said: "Considering that there will be Hoarding of raw materials and other conditions exist, and there is no way to give an accurate assessment, but if you roughly estimate it on a monthly basis, it can be clearly seen that in recent years, the production of dyes has exceeded the raw materials. It’s not the process improvement that can explain it."

"It's useless to say a fart..." Liu Shuyuan almost vomited, but he resisted the sentence.

Liu Shuyuan endured forbearance and said, "So you just tell me that these raw materials may have smuggled raw materials, isn't it all right?

"I'll give you a little more detail, isn't it easy to understand?" Bai Song didn't feel anything, and then said: "These data are too little, we need more data."