Police Detective

v5 Chapter 690: The dispersing sea of ​​mist

There is no password for Zheng Can's mobile phone. Bai Song opened it easily, and then looked at the address book.

Sure enough, there is no contact information for him.

Bai Song remembers clearly that when he and Zheng Can left in Shangjing City, the two parties left each other's contact information. Now there is no contact information, but the other contacts on the phone are still there.

There are three possibilities. The first is that Zheng Can accidentally deleted it, the second is that the phone is malfunctioning, and the third is that someone else deleted it.


In theory, the possibilities of the three situations are 0%, 0%, and 100%.

"When did you find that there was no my phone in the phone?" Bai Song asked.

"I don't remember. We haven't called you either. I only know that I wanted to call you yesterday, but your cell phone number is gone. I asked my uncle for it. Uncle said he didn't have it. I asked him why he was unhappy. , He said that there is nothing wrong. Then he told me that I can solve any problems in the future." Zheng Can said.

"Then who can touch your usual cell phone?"

"Anyone can touch it." Zheng Can pointed to Bai Song: "You can touch it too."

"Um, what I mean is, in normal times, besides yourself, who else can use your mobile phone?" Bai Song explained carefully.

"That's my uncles." Zheng Can thought for a while and said.


Bai Song was a little excited.

There is still a problem!

It is not easy for these uncles, whether it is Sun Hongqi or the other two, at least one.

who can that be?

Is it Sun Hongqi?

Or the very calm red car mechanic?

Or was it the mechanic who was absent that day?

"Your three uncles, except for Uncle Sun Hongqi, are there any differences between the other two people recently?"

"What do you mean?" Zheng Can asked.

"It's something that I haven't seen on weekdays." Bai Song explained.

"Uncle Wang took out a set of Fox shock absorbers from the warehouse a few days ago. I have never seen it before." Zheng Can thought for a while and said.

"What is a Fox shock absorber?" Bai Song was a little puzzled.

"A very powerful shock absorber from abroad, the one that Uncle Wang brought out is for off-road vehicles." Zheng Can yearned for a bit: "That is very expensive. I bought all the money I earned for a long time. Can't afford one."

"Does your store usually have such a demand?" Bai Song asked.

"We are a car repair shop." Zheng Can said.

Bai Song nodded and left the mediation room, then let the assistant policeman in the duty room to accompany Zheng Can, and then called Sun Jie.

After talking for two minutes, Bai Song understood that the shock absorbers of this brand are quite expensive, and they are usually only used when refitting expensive cars such as Wrangler and Raptor. Sun Jie simply can't afford it.

It is basically impossible for a car repair shop to have such a thing.

It stands to reason that the car has a shock absorber that is broken. It is normal to change one, but if you change one at the same time, it is definitely not a repair, but a modification.

If Sun Hongqi's car repair shop does not have a car modification business, this behavior would be very suspicious for the man surnamed Wang.

Bai Song then called Captain Zhong.

"Is there any progress with you?" Captain Zhong preempted.

He was afraid that Bai Song would ask him first, so he asked first, but he also knew that it was useless to ask.

"There is progress." Bai Song replied.

"No progress is considered positive..." Team Zhong was taken aback for a while, his blood pressure soared: "What's your progress!"

"Let me ask, Team Zhong, is there anyone who is monitoring Sun Hongqi's over there?" Bai Song asked.

"There is nothing of value, that is, within half a month, I will withdraw the people." Team Zhong asked in confusion: "What, something happened?"

"Well, the one surnamed Wang, some time ago, took away a set of Fox shock absorbers from the warehouse. It is very valuable and not something that his car repair shop should have. Moreover, Zheng Can’s phone is mine. The contact information has been deleted. I suspect it was caused by the person we met when we went to the store that day." Bai Song said directly.

This surnamed Wang is the same as the red car repairer.

"Is there anything like this?" Team Zhong frowned. He thought about it. He had seen all the warehouses here. There were a lot of auto parts, nothing else, and no one paid much attention to it.

"Well, the news should be reliable." Bai Song said.

After listening to Bai Song's words, Team Zhong reacted.


What is the source of Bai Song?

Is it possible that Bai Song has been monitoring this place?

"I think so," Bai Song said: "This surname Wang has a problem. He has been doing similar behaviors before. It may be smuggling, it may be illegal modification, or it may be other more important things, but it is always his. There is a problem. He has kept this thing in the warehouse where no one pays attention. This is also normal. After all, there are so many auto parts in it, both new and old. Although a set of shock absorbers is large, but the warehouse is so big. It’s big, it’s easy to hide. When we found him, it was a very accidental behavior. He must be afraid and worried that this would be discovered, but he did not dare to transfer. Until two or three months passed, he was sure that no one was monitoring Only after he was there, did he think of a way to transfer it out."

"If you say that, the psychological quality of the surname Wang is too good, then this person is really not an ordinary person." Zhong team said: "What day is it? I immediately arrange for someone to investigate and monitor."

"It's just recently, I don't know the specific day." Bai Song said.

"Okay, I'll check them one by one." Team Zhong is a little puzzled, what exactly is Bai Song's news channel? It's not like arranging someone to monitor it...


When she hung up, Bai Song felt a little complicated.

Not so excited.

In fact, there are not many such small clues, but none of them can help the case of many years ago.

If this man surnamed Wang is really just smuggling and modifying the car privately, there is nothing worthy of him to think about.

However, if it’s Wang, delete Bai Song’s contact information from Zheng Can’s phone...

Bai Song woke up suddenly, why did he delete his contact information?

Bullying Zheng Can is stupid, just one aspect. Bai Song immediately took out his cell phone, called Zheng Can, and found that he had been blocked.

I borrowed a mobile phone from the assistant police next to him, and then tried to call, but he was still hacked.

Zheng Can’s mobile phone is set to not receive unfamiliar calls~lightnovelpub.net~ Is this afraid of Zheng Can contacting Bai Song?

Yes, I'm afraid of Baisong.

A large shadow suddenly opened up in Bai Song's mind.

If you are afraid of Zheng Can contacting Bai Song, it must be because the person who deleted Bai Song's contact information knows and knows Bai Song!

Knowing and knowing Bai Song means that this matter is related to Bai Song's other cases.

If it is related to Bai Song's other cases, it seems that the case of Xiangnan Province is only the case of Feng Yiling.

And here is the modified car...

This case is related to Feng Yiling!

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