Police Detective

v6 Chapter 702: Preliminary investigation

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At the scene, Bai Song, Wang Huadong, and Sun Jie put on gloves, rubber covers, headgear and masks, and went into the rubble.

It was extinguished with water cannons by the fire department, and everything that was burned was completely destroyed. Most of the physical evidence at the scene and the deceased himself have been taken away by relevant departments.

The three of them looked at the remnants of the scene and found that all the flammable things were almost burned, only some glass shards, roasted fruits, some scum from burning balloons, etc. were still there, and all other things had been taken. gone.


"This is Detective Bai from our corps." The Zhuang Detachment introduced Bai Song to the leader of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Xijing Sub-bureau.

"I heard that I have been admiring my name for a long time, really young..." The Liu Detachment here and Bai Song shook hands cordially, and pointed to a young man next to him: "This is Xiao Zhao, the criminal police sponsored, you just ask about the case. he."


Bai Song shook his hand, politely, and had a preliminary understanding of the case, that is, the Xijing Branch did not pay enough attention to it, thinking it was an accident, and the organizers were not leaders.

This makes Bai Song a little puzzled. Why did the Zhuang team come in person for this matter?

After learning some details from here, Bai Song planned to understand the matter clearly before going to see the physical evidence and witnesses, so he specifically asked the Zhuang Detachment, he was afraid of missing any important details.

"This construction site is a key project, and the on-site blockade here cannot be too long." The Zhuang Detachment simply said.

Bai Song nodded and understood the reason why the Zhuang Detachment came, and then went to see the physical and personal evidence with everyone.


The cause of Yao's death was a cardiac arrest caused by high temperature burns-his heart was not good.

"Who bought the balloon?" Bai Song asked.

"It was bought by the deceased's daughter. Originally, the child wanted to accompany his father on his birthday, but when Yao was going out for a drink, the daughter bought a handful of balloons, cakes and candles, and went back to school." Criminal police Xiao Zhao gave Bai Song Explained.

"How many balloons? What kind?" Bai Song asked.

"Almost twenty, the size of an ordinary balloon."

"So little?" Bai Song said: "The explosive limit of hydrogen is 4% to 75.6%. If the concentration is lower than this, it will not explode. From the scene, the single room is about 11 square meters and the height is 2.7 meters, which is almost 30 cubic meters. At the very least, 1.2 cubic meters of hydrogen is needed, and these 20 balloons only have 0.1 to 0.2 cubic meters of hydrogen, which is an order of magnitude worse. Why did they explode?"

"No?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"What do you mean?"

When Bai Song asked this question, Xiao Zhao and the people around him also reacted. This thing was studied in junior high school or high school, so it seems to be the case.

Before, everyone suspected that the daughter who bought the balloon was suspicious. In this case, hydrogen may not be the main cause of the accident at all.

With just this, the case can be filed.

"Um..." Xiao Zhao said, "I'll talk to the leader about this situation now."

"Don't worry," Bai Song shook his head: "Hydrogen balloons are floating in the sky and won't explode for no reason. Even if a few are broken and scattered near the roof, they can't be ignited. I don't think about this problem, let me ask. You, where is the autopsy report of the deceased?"

When Sun Jie heard this, he immediately stepped forward, waiting for the result.

"There is no result yet, there is only a temporary report. The autopsy is still in progress." Xiao Zhao thought for a while: "The cause of death should be heart disease caused by burns."

"Brother Jie, you follow the people here and do a favor." Bai Song finished talking to Sun Jie and looked at Xiao Zhao: "Thank you, please call someone else and take our forensic doctor to find out the situation over there."

"Good leader," Xiao Zhao took out his cell phone and called.

Taking advantage of this effort, Bai Song asked Sun Jie: "Brother Jie, can a burn cause a heart attack?"

"If you have a history of heart disease, then many external factors may cause heart disease." Sun Jie said: "However, burns themselves are not so easy to die. Even if the body is oiled, the human body can persist for a few minutes. Of course, five minutes later. Even though he was still alive at the time, he was still weak."

"Does this person have a history of heart disease? Where are the medical records?" Bai Song then asked Xiao Zhao.

"Wait a moment, I will ask..."

After five minutes, someone came with the case. Sun Jie looked at the case and followed this person for an autopsy.

"East China, you go to the site again, be more careful, and give you enough time." Bai Song did not say anything to the East China Tizhuang Detachment, and did not urge Wang Huadong.

After speaking, Bai Song then looked at Liu Shuyuan: "Team Liu, if you are okay, go and help Wang Huadong."


Wang Liang watched all three of them leave, and looked at Bai Song eagerly.

Bai Song then looked at Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao Mo has a guilty conscience. He is the policeman who knows the most about this case, but how come the detective Bai opened his mouth to ask, he was a little frustrated...

"Inspector Bai, just ask if you have any questions." Xiao Zhao asked himself first.

"Is the video coverage of this place very good? Why is it said that the video is so certain before?" Bai Song was a little confused.

Before coming, he had heard that through the video, it can be confirmed that no one was near the house for a period of time before the death of the deceased~lightnovelpub.net~ Why can he be so sure? Bai Song also took a look at this rental room nearby. The camera can't guarantee that there is no blind spot.

"That's it, Inspector Bai", Xiao Zhao finally got his own affirmative answer, "These places are where workers live, because there have been several thefts in the past. In order to prevent similar situations from happening again, here is There are many cameras, and basically there are no blind spots. The main reason is that they all use wide-angle cameras. From the surface of the camera, you may feel that there are blind spots in some places, but in fact there are no dead spots."

"Wide-angle camera? With infrared?" Wang Liang asked.

"Brought it." Xiao Zhao nodded affirmatively, he would answer this question too, so comfortable.

"Then how does this solve the problem of distortion in the image taken by the infrared wide-angle camera? Has the distortion been corrected?" Wang Liang asked.

"Huh?" Xiao Zhao's eyes widened, and the whole person was in trouble.

What the hell?

"Team Wang, if you have time, go to their investigation department to study." Bai Song said to Wang Liang.

"Okay." Wang Mingliang nodded and left here.

"I know so much, Inspector Bai, the materials are here, you can read it yourself, there is something that needs to be added... Tell me, I will find someone to check it." Xiao Zhao didn't dare to say if he didn't understand anymore. ask him.

"Okay", Bai Song looked kindly: "It's just a small case. Let's cooperate and learn from each other... Um... Let me take a look at all the transcripts of the deceased, including the children of the deceased, the few who ate together during the lifetime, and the deceased’s All subordinates, ex-wife, boss, other contractors and related suspicious personnel."

"There is only a part, and the rest has not been found..." Xiao Zhao almost knelt: "You take a closer look at the transcript. If there is a problem, you can say that I will take the notebook and I will write it down."