Police Detective

v6 Chapter 709: dream

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"Still worrying about the case?" Liu Shuyuan held a bowl of noodles with three eggs and placed it on Baisong's table. "Eat this."

"Everyone has a rest?" Bai Song squeezed his temples and put down the materials in his hands.

This is the file of Yao Xin's middle and high school, as well as the oral recordings of several of Yao Xin's teachers-just contacted by various departments.

"I've got a rest, so I'll leave you." Liu Shuyuan paused: "There is me, go to bed right away."

"Well, this case is no longer in a hurry, and people are caught." Bai Song rubbed his face with his hands, and then asked, "Did you eat?"

"Eat." Liu Shuyuan was a little bit hesitant to talk.

Bai Song picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles, tilted his head and blew it with his mouth. Seeing Liu Shuyuan's expression, he couldn't help but pause: "What's the matter?"

"I feel you are a little uncomfortable." Liu Shuyuan said: "I understand why you are uncomfortable."

Just as Bai Song was about to speak, when he heard the sentence behind Liu Shuyuan, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and then he paused. There was a pause for half a second, then he lowered his head and blew the noodles, one second before he was about to deliver it to his mouth, Bai Song said, "We are law enforcement..."

In the latter case, just eat the noodles.


Bai Song had already figured out this case, and it was a total tragedy.

The rebellion of the silent.

Bai Song has heard of such cases, and they mostly occur in divorced families and regrouped families.

If PUA is a means of thinking control that is only emerging now, this so-called father's behavior has existed since ancient times.

The most important thing is that the so-called elder brother in this kind of family really doesn't inherit any good genes.

Bai Song remembered an old saying: Don't perish in silence, just erupt in silence.

Violence is not the best way to eradicate hatred-in the same way, revenge can never heal injuries. (Note 1) However, violence is indeed the most effective and direct way to solve problems.

The case can now be determined that Yao Xin's act of stabbing Yao Lei to death with a knife is a legitimate defense and he is not liable for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law. Although Bai Song doubted that Yao Xin had the ability to make Yao Lei unsuccessful, he could still determine that he was justified in defense. The scene was there, and Bai Song's doubts could do nothing. Moreover, things did happen, Yao Lei did...

For Yao Xin, the mental problem at this time is not necessarily pretending. For this kind of ending, she paid too much after all.

Of course, the state of mind at this moment is not the illegal reason for the killing of Yao.


Regarding the murder of Yao, Yao Xin was a suspected perpetrator and was detained under criminal law. Because Yao Xin is mentally abnormal now, he has already applied for a psychiatric appraisal-the time for psychiatric appraisal is not included in the length of criminal detention.

It takes at least one month to handle the case, so there is no need to worry.

"You know the law better than me. In this situation, will Yao Xin die?" Liu Shuyuan asked.

"No." Bai Song's spirit is a little better: "Although it is a murder, the subjective malignancy has not reached the unforgivable situation."

"Really?" Liu Shuyuan asked.

"Really." Bai Song went on to eat a large bite of noodles, filling his entire mouth.


The bureau attaches great importance to the case. Recently, it has also deployed personnel to help the Xijing sub-bureau to investigate relevant clues. In any case, the truth of this case must be revealed.


Watching Bai Song lie down after eating, Liu Shuyuan unskilledly cleaned up the dishes and left the house.

Bai Song had a dream, in which he became a god-like master of the ancient sky.

There is a big difference between ancient and present systems, that is, judicial power and administrative power are all controlled by one person. Take the county magistrate, for example, he can not only let the head catch people, but he can also directly judge the case and punish him.

Under this system, if the county magistrate is really a good official, then the whole county is good.

If the county magistrate is mediocre... and in that era, the probability of mediocrity...

Because of this, there was Bao Qingtian in that era, and that was what everyone dreamed of.

In his dream, he was incarnation of tens of thousands, and in different courts, he could be wholeheartedly for the public and never favoritism, but he could only lament and sigh.

Bai Song has read a lot of history books, and he knows what those times are like. Many people understand history and believe that there are only two states in history: living and working in peace and contentment, and wars and chaos. I think that it is either to ensure food and clothing, or to eat each other, but in fact, most of the time, the oppression and being oppressed are constantly repeating.

In his dream, he saw many tragedies, much more miserable than Yao Xin's.

Behead! In the dream, Bai Song threw down an order.

"Master County, please beg your life..." a woman under the hall who had killed her father knelt on the ground and cried.

"Humph." Bai Song snorted angrily, and his mood was substituted into the ancient times: "The son kills the father, and the crime is violent and heinous. The county convicted you of beheading is already a kind heart!"

As the woman slowly raised her head, Bai Song was a little surprised, this...this is Yao Xin.

Woke up from a dream.

"What are you dreaming about?" Wang Huadong asked when he was playing with his mobile phone opposite Bai Song, watching Bai Song wake up.

"Huh?" Bai Song was still a little confused: "What time is it now?"

"Time?" Wang Huadong took out his mobile phone and looked at it, "Youshi is three quarters."

"What?" Bai Song shook his head and spoke English.

"It's almost six o'clock."

"So early?" Bai Song squinted again, and then realized that it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

He slept in the morning, but he did not expect to sleep so long in one breath.

"Everyone is awake, you slept the latest, and no one disturbed you." Wang Huadong took out his mobile phone and sent WeChat to his brothers. After a while, everyone came over.

Bai Song had already sat up at this time, boiled some water in the electric kettle, and took out the tea leaves from the cabinet.

Originally, Wang Huadong was playing with his mobile phone there, and he didn't pay much attention to Bai Song~lightnovelpub.net~ but when Bai Song was preparing to make tea there, he was a little curious, because it was really rare to see Bai Song making tea, so he couldn't help but take a closer look. Then his eyes widened and widened: "Why do you look so familiar with this tea??"

"Huh?" Bai Song was startled by Wang Huadong's sudden loud words, and thought for a while: "You gave it to me before."

"I gave it to you???" Wang Huadong was stupid. If he remembers correctly, Bai Song took a pot of tea from him three years ago. (Note, Chapter 47)

"Ang, I think it can still drink." Bai Song took out several cups and pinched a little tea in each cup.

"Don't, you guys drink it, I just drink boiled water." Wang Huadong waved his hand again and again.

"Why are you being so polite to me?" Bai Song was a little puzzled, "It's okay, there is still more than half a can. If you don't drink it, you will grow hair."

After speaking, Bai Song squeezed a little into the East China cup.

Note 1: Excerpt from "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte

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