Police Detective

v6 Chapter 744: Teach

"Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wang Liang. I am the deputy captain of the fifth team of the Municipal Bureau of Criminal Action. This year, I am 25 years old." After Wang Liang said this, everyone was stunned. This is no bigger than everyone. How old is it...

   Wang Liang then pointed to Bai Song: "This one, makes the captain of our fifth team one year younger than me."

   After finishing this, the whole hall was in an uproar. This is too nonsense. Police college students are not the same as ordinary college students, mainly because they are very sensitive to things on zz. Many college students ask him what the department, department, department and department mean. Basically, they don’t know what it means, but the police students all know what it means.

   "Quiet and quiet", Wang Liang waved his hand: "I will give you a lecture today. I have never been a teacher. Today I will talk about network security. I hope you can use it in the future."

   Surprisingly, all the students are energetic, none of them play mobile phones or sleep.

  At this time, because a student called the teacher before, a few teachers had already arrived at the door of the step teacher. Seeing that the students inside were straight up, they couldn't understand them all.

   When are these students so serious?

   It’s not difficult to conquer the student spirit, you have to have real skills. If you only follow the script, or if your things are all castles in the air, no wonder the students sleep.

   Teacher, in fact, I have an obligation to make the lessons I teach as interesting as possible, but there are too few teachers with this talent.

"What we are going to talk about today may not be used by most of you. Just when you started working, you are more in touch with grandpas and mothers, who are parents." Wang Liang sees that everyone is still energetic at the moment: "I will give it to you today. What you are talking about is the dragon slaying technique!"

   After finishing speaking, he wrote these three characters on the blackboard. Although the words are not very good, the name is very domineering.

   was still a little sleepy at first, and he was so energetic, what a good fellow!

"You'll know when you go to the police station. Basically, you can't do anything by yourself. After you join the work, the only thing you can quickly surpass the old police is to be familiar with the law enforcement system." Wang Liang said: "But that's a fool system. , It’s very simple. Just be familiar with a few basic operating procedures. Every large game you play now is much more complicated than that system. It is naturally useful to be familiar with that system, but if you want to be better than others, it’s not enough. At this stage There is a high incidence of cybercrimes, the suspects have become more sophisticated, and the technology has become more and more advanced, but the grassroots do not have those detection conditions..."

   If a skill is mastered by most people, its value is very low. The more difficult it is, the higher its natural value.

  Wang Liang demonstrated some technologies of CTF to everyone, demonstrated the operation mechanism of telecom fraud and Trojan horse programs, and also described some of his own situation in the CTF competition organized by the Ministry of Public Security, and then talked about some cases investigated by computer technology.

   The more you speak later, the more practical you are, but you have to have some professional terms. In the end, Bai Song couldn't understand it. But there are still a few people who understand it.

   Wang Liang asked a few questions on the spot, and a few people were able to answer them, and he remembered all the names.

   The five teams are always going to grow, and he can't do it alone.

  The most important thing is that I rely on him for everything now, and I don’t have a good time off work, and I am always worried that someone will call him...If I can bring a few students out, wouldn’t I be able to be the shopkeeper in the future?

   I have to say that among these hundreds of graduates, there are always a few who have the foundation.

  Wang Liang talked about four o'clock, so he left get out of class and left. Bai Song and others kept eating melon seeds down there.

   has three days of teaching, and that’s it for today.

   After the class was over, a large group of people immediately gathered around. It's not because the lectures are so good. In fact, many people are very smart. I want to know more leaders of the city bureau. More people look for Bai Song than Wang Liang.

  If Zhuang detachment came, not many people would dare to come up, but Bai Song was obviously a young man, and everyone was about the same age, so many people would dare to come up and join in the fun. Naturally, Bai Song could see this thoughtful thought, but he still had something to say with his classmates, and had an appointment for a basketball game for a while.

   Tianhua Police Academy does not have an indoor basketball hall, but it is still difficult to reduce everyone's enthusiasm for playing. By four o'clock in the afternoon, there are already a lot of people on the basketball court, and the most interesting is Bai Song and the others.

   Baisong Five vs. Tianhua Police Academy students.

   Tianhua Police Academy, as a unit directly under the Municipal Bureau, has a large number of police training carried out here every year. The most common one is the promotion of superintendent. It usually takes ten years for a policeman to work to be promoted to a third-level police inspector. Therefore, most of the people who come here are in their thirties. Most of them have worked in the police station for a long time. It is highly likely that they will not be able to beat these students in playing basketball.

   But today I met an opponent. Except for Sun Jie, the remaining four human bodies are all very good! Especially the big guy, dunking is easy!

   These four people are all specially trained by Qiao Qi!

   "These seedlings are pretty good, why didn't you see them in the morning? Are they sophomores?" The leader of the special police team looked at the basketball game here from a distance and said.

   "I don't know, if you are a sophomore, pay attention before you come next year." A special policeman said, getting closer and closer: "Political commissar, isn't this Captain Bai from Xing Zong?"

   "Really." Fang Cheng nodded: "I saw a few of them during lunch. It just so happened. I will make an appointment with them tomorrow. Let's play a friendly match."

   "Haha~lightnovelpub.net~ I think it's OK..."


   Two days passed in a flash.

   On the first day, how did the five people win the police academy, and the next day they were abused by the special police.

   People often play ball over there, but the five people are technically different from them. In addition, their physical fitness is not at all superior. The one who loses is called a miserable one.


   The next day’s teaching was conducted by Wang Huadong, Liu Shuyuan and Sun Jie in turn. Except for Liu Shuyuan, the lectures given by the other two people left a deep impression on the students.

   Liu Shuyuan is not without characteristics, but it is really difficult to show in the fifth team, which made him very depressed, but Bai Song actually has no professional skills, he has to see what Bai Song will say tomorrow.

   Some of the forensic knowledge that Sun Jie talked about, many people are crazy about taking pictures.

   The same was true when Bai Song was in college. If the teacher showed something particularly **** during the lecture, the students would not be sleepy at all.

   The same is true now. When Sun Jie was talking about some specific anatomy procedures, the eyes of several girls were bright, looking at him blingblingly.

  Wang Liang looked at it and sighed. Programmers don’t like girls...When can programmers stand up, shuddering!


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