Police Detective

v6 ~: Thanks to the 17th leader "Tianya is a c

LoveMikeG told me that this leader is not his trumpet.

Inspectors, who do you believe?

Seventeen leagues, the boss himself has six...

It's time to disclose the real identity of the boss, yes, is Hangzhou Ma you? !

I'm quite moved. Really, even though I don't approve of this name, it's all in the league. What can I say?

Tianya is a cute girl...

You have money, you have reason, I will take it.

I obediently add more.

Currently owed 11 more.

Thanks again to the leader "A cute girl from the end of the world"!

Other single chapter statistics for rewards tomorrow. Thank you all. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site