Police Detective

v7 Chapter 1063: Opened mouth

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"Dyndall Effect", a professor immediately pointed out the cause of this phenomenon: "Because of forest fires, there are a large number of soot particles in the air nearby. When light hits the particles, if the diameter of the particles is smaller than the wavelength of the light, it will Scattering of light occurs. The light emitted by light waves surrounding the particles is called scattered light or opalescence. In this case, the air is similar to a'colloid', and a bright line can be seen from the direction of the incident light. 'Access', this is the cause of the phenomenon."

After the professor pointed out this, everyone went to check with their mobile phones and found that this phenomenon does exist. Sometimes, it is easy to happen in the evening, and it is called "squishy" again.

"Hurry up," Ren Hao said: "At all costs, quickly disseminating explanations of Tyndall's phenomenon in the major media will definitely not give people who want to take advantage of it!"

Ren Hao's order was very timely. After giving the order, he glanced at Wang Liang.


I have to say that the light path formed by the Tyndall phenomenon is really spectacular. Tourists took pictures one after another. After some people put forward some conjectures, they were immediately popularized by various scientific leaders on the Internet.

For a time, the term "Tindal effect" became a hot search.

This kind of phenomenon is actually not uncommon, but there are very few such magnificents. Many photographers feel very sorry that they have not photographed such a beautiful scenery in person.

The spectacular sight disappeared completely as the sun set, and the whole city fell into a state of excitement, especially after the news that the wildfire had been extinguished, tonight must be worth celebrating.

Generally, there are not many student parties who come to Belvedere this month. It has not yet arrived in the winter and summer vacations. Most of them are freelancers or people who are already working who took annual leave to avoid the peak travel period. Everyone thinks what happened today is A miracle!

"What the **** is this!" Ren Hao was a little confused: "Inspector Bai, why haven't you given me any letters?"

"Me?" Bai Song said, "I...I came here for the case on the snow-capped mountain... I plan to climb again tomorrow."

"..." Ren Hao was speechless for a while: "Xueshang...then how do you check? Can you still go over the mountains and go to the place where the black spot where you took the photo is located?"

"I'll arrange for others to go. Your grid is highly counter-revolutionary. Don't let anything happen." Ren Hao could see how much Bai Song paid attention to the previous case. In the end, he could only fully agree to Bai Song's previous request: "Since you guys Here, help me see what is going on in this case."

To be honest, Ren Hao is not an expert in case handling. He is just a good leader. It is not that simple to let him focus on investigating.

The public opinion on the Internet is still further fermenting, and they are all about the beauty of Shenguang. Bai Song asked Wang Liang to take a closer look. There was no major problem. Almost no one took this phenomenon to the place of civil science and anti-science.


"Miracle in the world," Wang Liang thought about what happened today: "Bai Song, let's sleep in the same room at night."

"We were treated well this time. We are one person and one room, so I don't want to be with you." Bai Song said.

"Why is your bureaucracy so strong? We still want to save resources for the country. We should have two people and one room." Wang Liang said.

"The room rate has been booked," Bai Song said: "They are all double-bed rooms."

"I don't mind the big bed room either." Wang Liang said.

"I mind!" Bai Song saw that Ren Hao's eyes were no longer normal, and he quickly drew a line with Wang Liang. Wang Liang was obviously a little scared about what he encountered today, and he dared not live alone. It is estimated that he would not dare to go to the bathroom at night.

"Speaking", Ren Hao suddenly remembered something, and asked Bai Song, "Why did Wang Liang come with you this time? I heard that the ministry is engaged in electronic fraud cases. Such talents are quite lacking."

"Isn't this saying that there was a case of beautiful women spreading AIDS? He wanted to see the case where the word'beauty' was accounted for. He used to be like this. As long as it was a case of catching and selling Y or something." Bai Song felt that Ren Hao I'm not an outsider, so I just talk freely.

The reason for saying this is that he must separate himself from Wang Liang to prevent Ren Hao from really thinking that he has something with Wang Liang.

"Fart, nonsense!" Wang Liang said: "If you say that again, I will return to Beijing on the plane tomorrow morning."

"Are you sure you are not afraid to go back alone?" Wang Huadong stabbed him.


"By the way, I have always wanted to ask," Liu Shuyuan asked: "Da Liang, I can understand that you like beautiful women, and I can even understand that you are willing to go for prostitution, but you are not afraid of these people with AIDS? I feel uncomfortable listening."

"What is he afraid of?" Bai Song said: "Isn't it said that if there is only one minute, the probability of transmission is only five out of ten thousand?"

"Damn!" Wang Liang was so angry that his nose was smoking, and he was going to dry the white pine when he came up directly, and was held back by everyone.

"Bai Song, it's too much." Sun Jie couldn't bear it.

"Bai Brigade knows Wang Liang well," Ren Hao suddenly laughed.

"Eh?" Bai Song was silly, and the clown was myself!


After teasing, everyone's condition is better.

There are really a lot of things in Belvedere these days, and every one of them is abnormal, and the fields involved are all aspects. One hammer in the east and a stick in the west make people confused.

There were still many people looking for clues outside at night, but almost all the clues seemed to disappear in an instant.

There are too many places to check, but Belvedere's police force is not so rich, and it is impossible for Ren Hao to mobilize manpower from the provincial capital.

For example, at the auction house, there are now many people in disguise and staring nearby, and the mountaineering team at Yulong Snow Mountain will also be prepared to go up and look up the situation. Not only that, but you have to find someone to investigate the cause of the forest fire. Coupled with incidents such as AIDS and little girls, Ren Hao's leadership skills also feel a little bit stressful.

He doesn't have many friends in Belvedere ~lightnovelpub.net~ and joked with these young people, but they are in a lot better shape. Last time when we dealt with the case on the border of southern Xinjiang, everyone was born and died together. They were close together and spoke more casually.

"I'm really afraid of what Wang Liang said nonsense now," Ren Hao said, "It turns out that his mouth is really open."

"That's absolute." Bai Song said: "If he says there will be a murder tonight, there must be."


Ren Hao's cell phone rang.

When Wang Liang heard this, he finally forgave Bai Song. He found that his title of Crow's Mouth could finally be given to others, and the pressure was much less: "Mr. Ren, take it, there won't be a big deal."

"Dare to love today's divine light, it is used for consecrating your mouth." Ren Hao sighed.

(Fortunately, it's a shame! Wan Geng, thank you)