Police Detective

v7 Chapter 1064: bloody

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Bai Song is an atheist, and the main reason is that science allows others to say "no".

In fact, he didn't mean "firm". As long as God really showed it, Bai Song would immediately believe it. If he couldn't come out... then don't fart.

In this world, there are such a group of people who claim to be the incarnation of gods, explain gods with illusory things, influence others and gain control. As long as there is ideological control, it is much easier to accomplish other things.

The spread of wildfires is far less harmful than the spread of evil thoughts.


Bai Song and Wang Liang are indeed a little bit crows mouth. In the current troubled state of Belvedere, they can do whatever they say...

After Ren Hao answered the call, he heard the content of the call and was speechless for a long time.

"Your two mouths are really open," Ren Hao said: "I am an atheist, and I was affected by the two of you... If you tell me that you two are possessed by great gods, I will believe it!"

"Really dead?" Bai Song was also taken aback, which is too exaggerated.

"Yeah, it's really dead, it's still your friend." Ren Haodao.

"What?!" Bai Song's whole body is not good, "Who!"

"It's settled." Ren Hao looked at Bai Song and didn't want to tease him: "It's the tour guide. Didn't you make friends with him?"

The tour guide was killed.

The time of death did not exceed 30 minutes. The tour guide was killed in an ordinary bathroom in a restaurant in Belvedere.

"How did you die?" Bai Song heard about the incident: "He was killed, does it mean that I was exposed! Could he die because of contact with me?"

"Impossible, you haven't been outside as a police officer in the past few days." Ren Hao shook his head: "And even if the tour guide had any contact with you, the tour guide was unaware of the organization behind him. In fact, there is no need to kill. This kind of murder is too exaggerated, the police will always find the murderer."

What Ren Hao said is naturally the truth. Times have changed. Even the more powerful black organizations will not engage in homicide cases casually, let alone engage in such cases.

"To say that, it has nothing to do with this matter," Bai Song said: "However, this tour guide is somewhat problematic. He must know what is happening on the snow mountain, which means that he has been exposed to the core secrets. This kind of person. When I get along with me, I talk more casually, and even take me to that auction house. I want me to buy things and earn commissions, so it’s easy to make other mistakes."

Bai Song felt very obvious that after the tour guide knew that he was driving a luxury car, he thought Bai Song was very rich, and often mentioned words such as "auctions" and "good things", hoping that Bai Song would spend a lot of money.

In fact, the tour guide takes it to the most high-end venues, but also for money. And that auction house, in fact, logically speaking, it must be related to the organization behind the tour guide, and the tour guide should not take people casually.

Therefore, these behaviors of the tour guide will inevitably lead to strong dissatisfaction from the leadership. In this way, it is not impossible to have such things. In addition, it may also be related to something in the snow mountain, such as extinguishing the mouth.

"So you tend to think that he was liquidated by the people behind?" Ren Hao said: "This kind of murder..."

"This person is actually not smart. He and I have shown several times that he is very familiar with that auction house and is capable of getting high-quality goods," Bai Song said: "This kind of unwise person is easy to do stupid things, such as Hing En He can definitely do things like self-respect. He is a veteran employee, and may be skinny."

"It's possible," Ren Hao nodded, "But, are you interested in this scene?"

"I won't miss my face, let Brother Jie go and see." Bai Song looked at Sun Jie, "Are you interested?"

"I'm fine", Sun Jie nodded: "This person is logically your friend. I didn't expect that I met your friend in this way."

"What friend..." After Bai Song finished speaking, he still sighed: "But I don't think this person is that bad. It's really a pity to die."

"You are really ruthless and unrighteous," Wang Liang vomited.

"Oh", Bai Song didn't pay attention to Wang Liang at all, and then said: "Daliang, Huadong, you two should go there too, if I don't pay attention to other murders, this person is dead, the problem is still quite serious. There may be a lot of involvement in the future. thing."


Bai Song sat in the room, drinking tea with Ren Hao.

Belvedere is already like this, and only these two can drink tea here.

There are many local people in charge, and Bai Song and Ren Hao are quite aloof.

Here, Bai Song also learned a lot from Ren Hao.

The command of the public security department is not the same as that of the military. The military considers the interests of the overall situation. However, when the public security department designs a plan, it cannot make sacrifices.

It is impossible to say, "Today's mission allows two people to be sacrificed", that would be an exaggeration.

It’s one thing if there is an accident, it’s another thing if there is a problem with the design plan, so when Ren Hao considers the arrangement of the case, he can say that everything is fine and the overall situation is particularly good. Bai Song followed the exchange for a while, and all felt open. A lot of horizons.

Not long after, the information on the scene came back.

The guide's cause of death is very simple. He was pierced by a sharp blade in his heart, bleeding too much.

Because the heart was pierced and the knife was pulled out, the entire bathroom was covered with blood from the wall to the floor, and the place where it fell was even more bloody.

Most of the homicide cases encountered by Bai Song's members were more complicated. Suddenly encountered such a case, and some were not comfortable with it, because there were too many traces left on the scene.

This kind of direct fighting case has always been Wang Huadong's favorite, because the scene will tell him a lot of answers.

The most critical problem is that the knife was still on the scene. It depends on the situation that after the murderer inserted the knife, the deceased pulled it out in an instant. As a result, the blood was ejected and died.

There are fingerprints of the deceased and another person on the knife, which means that the assailant did not hide anything at all. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

After the murderer finished killing, blood was stained on his body and shoes, and the footprints on leaving the bathroom were also very clear, and some of the footprints were bloody.


on site.

"You know, this is the first time I have seen a knife on the scene", Wang Huadong sighed: "I finally encountered a more normal homicide."

"Why the leader?" A local detective next to him asked, "Isn't it normal to have a knife at the crime scene?"

"Generally, it is not my turn to go to this kind of scene..." Wang Huadong sighed.

"Valdon?" After Sun Jie finished speaking, he looked at the scene for himself: "But...what you said makes sense...I haven't been exposed to such a simple and clean scene for a long time anyway."

Several local police officers at the scene thought that the two men were mentally ill, but this scene is actually simple and clean?