Police Detective

v7 Chapter 1065: The most worried thing

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For Wang Huadong and Sun Jie, this scene is like an open-book question, too simple, and all the answers can be extracted on the scene.

"The murderer is a male, a person, and the deceased should know each other. There was communication before the fight. They were about 30 to 45 years old, were about 1.75 meters tall, weighed about 140 pounds, and were right-handed. Other than that, they had a personality. Quite calm." Wang Huadong said.

"The deceased died about 40 minutes ago. There was a significant struggle at the time of death, but there was only one cut, and there were not many other scratches. From the situation of the corpse, the two must have known each other, and the deceased was completely unprepared." Sun Jie said: "Judging from the current situation, the deceased does not have drunkenness and other mental disorders."

"From this place," Wang Huadong looked at the two footprints outside: "When the murderer left, he did not panic, did not run, and the stride length was not significantly different from before he came to the bathroom, indicating that the murderer may be a professional killer. , Or the nerve is too big. From the print of the murderer’s shoe, it can be seen that this is a more elegant leather shoe. The key problem is not here, but the murderer’s footprints are very deep after leaving the bathroom, and Still standing here for a while, there are still traces on the wall. It should be the deceased who is holding on to the wall and polishing the shoes here. The knives were not taken away, but the shoeshine were taken away. This should be a handkerchief, usually Gentlemen do this."

"A very small amount of black powdery substance was found from the wound of the deceased, which needs to be tested." Sun Jie said: "I need some equipment to assist here..."

"Black powder? It may be the key to this case, but it is not ruled out that the knife has been stored for too long and there is too much dust?" Wang Huadong said.

"The color is wrong," Sun Jie said: "But it doesn't matter, just go to the laboratory. This case is not difficult."


The local detectives looked a little confused, what's the matter?

Is it that simple? Why don’t we see it! Did you guys copy the answers in advance?

Such a scene full of blood is also very stressful for most police officers who have not experienced such scenes. The scene is full of blood. It is very difficult to obtain clues without destroying the scene. How come these two are so easy and free...


Leaders paid attention to it, and the test was very efficient. Soon, the results Sun Jie wanted had come out.

The main component of those very small amounts of black ash is potassium carbonate.

Anyone who has studied chemistry in junior high school also knows that this thing is plant ash.

This should be the key to solving the case.

The cause of death of the corpse in this case is very, very obvious, and the scene of the case is very simple, so Wang Huadong and Sun Jie stopped work in less than half an hour.

In such a situation, it is only a matter of a few hours to work with the technical investigation and graphic investigation departments to solve the case.

However, the two of them just got some clues from here, and after they came out they learned that the case had been solved...

Wang Liang succeeded in stealing his home, and the murderer already knew who it was...

"So this kind of case is meaningless..." Wang Huadong was not surprised when he heard about it: "The suspect is not hiding from us at all."

"Indeed," Sun Jie also felt this way.

It's like two PhDs in mathematics participating in a junior high school mathematics competition and handing in the papers ahead of schedule. Later, someone said that they were not grades--they would not care.

"Who is the murderer?" Wang Huadong asked.

"Professor Ye," the local criminal policeman said.

"What?" This puts Wang Huadong and Sun Jie tired, Professor Ye? ? ?

Professor Ye is the one who just met the little girl last night!

I met a ghost yesterday and killed someone today?

"So, has anyone caught it?" Sun Jie slowed down first.



Originally, the scene of the murder case was simple, but when this happened, it immediately increased the trouble.

In the junior high school mathematics competition, the last question actually asked to solve the Riemann conjecture or the Nahuel-Stoke equation!

Ignore this, Wang Huadong and Sun Jie went straight to Professor Ye's house.


Professor Ye’s home was surrounded by many people, not only Bai Song, Ren Hao and others, but also many media reporters.

The main reason is that Professor Ye wrote a blog before committing suicide, and one stone stirred up waves!

The blog clearly explained what he encountered a ghost yesterday, and then a little girl gave him a dream, saying that the little girl in the dream told him that this tour guide was the murderer of her. Not only that, but also outlines a complete story, in short, after listening to it, it feels true.

Professor Ye was disturbed by the girl's "spirit" and went to commit murder today. After killing people, he chose to commit suicide and ended his sins.

Professor Ye himself believed that it was wrong to kill and that it was a deep sin, but he said he did not regret it.

In general, it is such a simple process.

But as soon as this blog was posted, it was quickly hit by hot searches, mainly because Professor Ye really committed suicide!

For a time, the news that the professor was possessed by a ghost immediately ignited the entire network.

Under this circumstance, a lot of new posts have been posted!

Yesterday, not only Professor Ye and the two people who called the police claimed to have seen the little girl, but also a few others, but these few did not call the police!

Not everyone will blog or something, but someone has seen it or met it!

The most bizarre thing is that some people actually photographed the little girl!

The Internet is developed. With the upload of photos, countless people have picked up information about the little girl who died unexpectedly some time ago, and found that it is indeed the same person as the photo, even the clothes are the same.

The thing that Bai Song and Ren Hao worry most has happened. The "Shenguang~lightnovelpub.net~" yesterday evening was finally brought up to talk about things, and some people started to promote all kinds of wrong things.

No one thought that it would quickly attract hundreds of millions of traffic in this form, and countless media and self-media began to flock to it.

"Does the White team have any experience in handling this kind of thing?" Ren Hao's pressure was too great.

"Don't worry about making a full statement, but you can say something to stabilize the military spirit," Bai Song said: "Multi-pronged approach, rumors grabbing a group, chaos-bobbers blocking a group, and then establishing official channels sooner, other than that. , That photo must be looked up carefully, what is going on, how did you get such a photo. Also, the professors, we must study this photo together."

"Inspector Bai still has experience..." Ren Hao said: "But I'm still afraid that the credibility is not that sufficient, hey..."

"I also seem to have a blog number, hundreds of thousands of fans, it seems that the word of mouth is okay," Bai Song said: "You plan an official announcement, and I will do my best."

(Two updates today, and another update tomorrow)