Police Detective

v7 Chapter 1098: Do 1 right thing (four K)

  Chapter 1105 Do the right thing (4K)

  Bai Song frowned when he saw his footing, Fuwai Hospital.

  The thief did not go to his residence or other places, but went to Fuwai Hospital. It should be something else.

  The characteristics of the city and the city are indeed different. The city of Shangjing is somewhat legendary, after all, it is the capital. The Fuwai Cardio-Cerebrovascular Hospital can be regarded as a king in the country. It is well-known in the field and has attracted countless patients to come for treatment. The radiation area is as high as half of China.

  However, not all the rich people come here for treatment.

  According to the clues provided by Wang Liang, the suspect was in the hospital. Before he came out, Bai Song directly took a taxi to the hospital. There are not many traffic jams on the road at the moment, and the taxi arrived in more than 10 minutes.

  If you come to Beijing to travel, you can go to the entrance of the first-line hospitals. It is definitely a life style. It is better than seeing some scenic spots.

  When I arrived at the entrance of the hospital at this time, I could still see people begging outside. Each of them had a piece of cloth with their own tragic experience written on it. Bai Song didn't even look at this and went straight into the hospital.

  There are too many tragedies in this world, and the richest man cannot save it.

  There are fewer people in the hospital at night than during the day. Before Bai Song came here, he guessed roughly that someone in the family who stole the things should be someone in the family who needed money for the operation. He should have stole a lot this night.

After turning for more than ten minutes, Bai Song found the thief. The thief was sitting on the side of the hospital bed in the aisle, talking to a woman next to him. There was a child lying on the hospital bed with IV drips, and he had fallen asleep. .

  Bai Song listened roughly as he walked by. The man was promising to the woman that he would be able to collect enough money. Then, the man and Bai Song looked at each other, and suddenly he felt a little bit in his heart.

  Perhaps this is an intuition, and the man suddenly becomes nervous.

  I always have a guilty conscience when I have done something bad.

  Bai Song did not speak to him, walked forward seven or eight meters, then turned his head, glanced at the man, beckoned gently, and then continued to walk forward.

  At this time, the man seemed to know what was going on. He told his wife that he had something to do, and he followed.

  Bai Song stopped at the corner of a staircase, and within half a minute, the man followed.

   "What's the problem with the child?" Bai Song asked, it seemed like an exchange between friends.

   "Room shortage", the man was a little confused, but he still replied.

   “Don’t doubt, I’m a policeman.” Bai Song took out the police officer’s ID and gave him a look: “Give me your ID.”

  "." The man was silent and did not continue to say anything. He pursed his lips, took out his ID card, and gave it to Bai Song, but he didn't know where to put his hand.

   "What kind of room is missing, what did the doctor say?" Bai Song then asked.

  "Secondary hole-shaped room with insufficient diameter", the man did not say a word.

  "How old is the child?" Bai Song didn't seem to be very interested in battery matters.

  "I’m two and a half years old, I thought I could heal myself when I was young, but... alas." The man sighed, "I want to give him surgery."

  "I see that the child's complexion and condition are acceptable. This kind of room is usually only three to five years old before surgery can be done, right?" Bai Song asked rhetorically.

  "Do you know everything about this?" The man was a little surprised: "The doctor said the same, but I want to be earlier"

  "This thing is not as soon as possible. Under the current situation that does not affect survival, it is convenient for the child to be older. You can go back and hang up the director number and check again." Bai Song said.

  The "director number" man is even more speechless, and the director number is so easy to hang up.

   "What are you going to do with this matter?" Bai Song raised his police officer ID.

  The "I" man gritted his teeth hard and his expression was bitter: "How long can I judge?"

  "Is this the first time you did this?" Bai Song was a little confused: "Who did you learn from?"

  "No need to learn"

   "Yes," Bai Song said: "Where did you sell your things?"

   "Not for sale." The man glanced into the corridor from the stairs and sighed: "Comrade police, I admit my mistake, I will walk with you to get the battery back."

   "Okay", Bai Song felt that the man had nothing to say, so he didn't continue to ask, followed the man downstairs and left the hospital directly.

After walking for more than ten minutes, there was no communication between the two of them. Bai Song is a calm person. He is quite accurate in seeing people, and he is not worried that this man has any other ideas.

   is this kilometer away, from the bustling hospital to the dark alley, here are some old houses, which can't be demolished at all, there are many ordinary residents and some tenants living in Beijing.

  "Have you never worried about me running?" The man finally couldn't hold back and asked.

  "Are your batteries hidden here?" Bai Song did not answer, and pointed to the dilapidated house in front.

   "Come with me." The man nodded lightly.

  Walking through two narrow aisles, Baisong smelled the scent of the food. Someone was cooking. There should be a lot of people living in it. When he walked to a window, the man pointed inside and motioned for Bai Song to see for himself.

  Bai Song leaned over and took a look inside from the window, and saw a little girl resting on her stomach beside the bed. There was a middle-aged man lying on the bed, and an oxygen mask was still hung on the man’s face.

  The one connected to the oxygen mask is not an oxygen cylinder at all, but a very old machine, but it is still in operation. It looks like it should be an oxygen generator.

  On one side of the oxygen generator, there are four or five electric car batteries, which are charging.

  This makes Bai Song fall into a knowledge blind zone. Generally, so many batteries are charged at express stations and other places.

  The man took a few steps forward and said to Bai Song: “Her dad is waiting for the operation. It will take more than half a month to line up for the operation. During this period, he needs to be hospitalized and they cannot live in the family. There are frequent power outages here, but the backup power supply is too expensive.”

  "What does this woman have to do with you?" Bai Song did not expect this situation.

  "I met after I came here", the man gritted his teeth: "I was stolen a whole electric car a few days ago. I called the police and the police didn’t find it for me."

   "Yeah", Bai Song didn't say nonsense: "So you know you are wrong?"

  The "I" man sighed, "I won't be sentenced for a long time? I'm going to earn money and come back to perform surgery on my son."

  "Answer my question," Bai Song said seriously.

   "Of course I knew it was wrong, but" the man got stuck and didn't know what to say.

  Bai Song stood here, and did not continue to say anything.

  "Can you tell me what to do?" The man knew that Bai Song was not an ordinary policeman, and at this time he also understood that he should ask for help.

   "Would you listen to what I said?" Bai Song asked back.

   "Be sure to listen."

"Well, this girl, you can't help me this way. If you really want to help, just buy a few second-hand batteries. Now call the police and call 110 to surrender and return these batteries," Bai Song said: "You are the first offender. An occasional offender, voluntarily surrender, and then explain the situation to the police, sincerely regret it. The worst result is that you will be detained for five days and you will probably not be punished. Go back and make money."

  Bai Song finished speaking and handed the ID card to the man: “Remember, at any time, nothing is a reason for you to harm others.”

  After speaking, Bai Song turned around and left.

  He did not deceive the man. Although he stole four times, in law, this continuous crime cannot be counted as "multiple times", but only once, so the value of the case is four electric car batteries. According to Bai Song's case handling experience, the real valuation of these four batteries is about 1,000 yuan, which does not meet the standards for criminal cases, that is, public security cases.

  According to Article 49 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, anyone who steals public or private property is also detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days, but there is actually a judicial interpretation. Article 7 of the "Interpretation on the Application of Legal Issues in Handling Criminal Cases of Theft" stipulates that such voluntary surrender, resignation, or remorse can be exempted from punishment if the circumstances are minor.

  Bai Song is not afraid that this man will not surrender, he is indeed very accurate in seeing people, but he did not expect that this person is not for himself.

  In fact, before he came to arrest this person, Bai Song was a little bit confused. If this person was really trying to steal the battery to sell money, it was still very early. In the past, it was usually stolen until four or five in the morning.

   Seeing the scene just now, Bai Song basically understood the rest of the matter, and didn't want to ask.

  Today, he was just idle and okay. He came over and took the initiative to investigate the theft case, but he didn't expect it to end like this.

  Bai Song walked out, thinking about when he first started working.

  At that time, the first time he came into contact with the theft case was when the old lady of the East Third Court of the Jiuheqiao Police Station was stolen from the house. Bai Song looked at Er honestly being pitiful, so he bought rice noodles and sent them to him.

  Nowadays, Bai Song has watched these human tragedies, but he doesn't feel much anymore. It can only be said that he has really become "relentless".

  He has now adopted a child, namely Tian Gen. He will visit Tian Gen regularly and give Tian Gen enough money for food and clothing, but he will not give him alms on the street.

   is really old

Walking out of the street, the man suddenly came out from behind and called Bai Song "police officer". Bai Song turned his head and saw the man standing there. He raised his phone and raised his voice: "I called the police. Thank you for giving me a chance to surrender. !"

   "You are welcome, you have never seen me." Bai Song shook his head.

   Turning his head back, Bai Song then went out. He still has one thing to do at this time. Since you have chosen to take care of nosy, keep the nosy to the end.

  The man stood on the spot, waited for the police to come, and called his wife. He planned to face this matter, and he told his wife the original matter, and promised that he would work hard in the future and save enough money to perform the operation on the child early.

  "Oh" After hearing this, my wife could only sigh: "What about Xiaodoudou? No one can guarantee that there will be no power outages these days."

  The man raised his head, tears still streaming down.

  He was ready to be scolded by his wife. He did not expect that his wife, like him, cares so much about the family he has just met in the past few days. His wife does not blame him.

   sighed, the man said: "If I get caught, you can help. Help her. Our family waits for me to work three jobs to make money!"

  "Go to the police station and talk to the police." The woman herself was already crying, but she suppressed her emotions forcibly: "There is nothing wrong on our side, and my son's operation is not too anxious."

  Tonight, for this man, it was a very extraordinary night.

  From going out in the afternoon to coming back in the evening, he felt that he had helped the neighbors. He felt that the police would not care about taking away a few batteries, but in fact this also lowered his own principles.

  Maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, he will continue to steal the battery for money, the reason is naturally to save his son.

  Sometimes the hardest thing for people is to convince themselves. Once they have convinced themselves, they can do everything.

  From the moment he saw Baisong, he regretted it, but he still felt that he was "righteous", that he was doing good deeds, robbing the rich and helping the poor, and not stealing the battery for personal gain, so he was not ashamed.

  In fact, theft is a shame, and there is no proper reason. If others are wrong, it doesn't mean that you can be wrong.

  Bai Song did not criticize him or touch him because he understood him and believed that he was not a repeat offender. And if one day he stole dozens or hundreds of times, then he also knew that when he faced a policeman like Bai Song again, he would definitely not be what he is today.

  The police came soon. This is not the police station where the theft happened, but two young policemen came.

The two policemen understood the situation and were full of emotion. When the two of them took out the four batteries from the house, they looked at the girl’s eyes and felt very sad. In the end, the two took the batteries into the car and again. Turning back, the two people left six to seven hundred yuan for the little girl.

  At this moment, the man suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. It was not that the money left by the police could do anything, but that he was relieved after surrendering himself.

  This Doudou's family actually saved tens of thousands of dollars in surgical expenses. The key point now is that she is totally reluctant to spend money, so she is not willing to rent a mobile power supply after the police gave it.

The man was relieved. He knew what the principle was and what was the bottom line~lightnovelpub.net~ But everything behind was different from what he imagined. The police from these two police stations moved him to the police station in the area where he stole the battery. With the approval of the sub-bureau, he was actually exempted from punishment. Even the two policemen who lost their batteries who were taking notes at the police station did not blame him after hearing this story, but forgave him.

  The man felt the world full of love. He stayed at the police station until more than three in the morning. When he left, he felt that the world was clearer.

  At this moment, he found that there was a missed call on his mobile phone, which was a local landline in Beijing. He was worried that it was from the hospital, so he immediately dialed it.

   answered the phone. It was a call from the police station near Fuwai Hospital. The electric car he lost a few days ago was actually found by someone in just five or six hours, and the thief had already caught it.

  After learning the news, a young figure emerged in his mind, and tears could not stop streaming down.

   (This chapter has been revised many, many times, let’s write a story that is not so routine)

  Thank the lost helpless 1 for a reward of 10500 coins, thank you very much!

  Thank you for the reward of the leader of the schoolbag ~ Dao 666

  (End of this chapter)