Police Detective

v7 Chapter 778: what

(Some real content in this chapter is likely to cause discomfort for dog lovers, please read it carefully. This chapter is a simple process, you can skip it if you don't want to read it)

"Looking for a dog?" Liu Shuyuan heard Bai Song's words: "Are you crazy or I'm crazy? Let's not get results?"

"Achievements are important." Bai Song paused: "Dogs are also looking for it."

"As far as the number of cameras in H County is concerned, I have to find people and dogs..." Liu Shu didn't fight, and then looked at Wang Liang, "You plan to be crazy with Bai Song."

Wang Liang didn't speak.

Liu Shuyuan's aura stagnated, and he looked at the four people who had just gone to the kitchen after they had lost their souls: "Forget it, tell me what happened."


The five teams quickly reached a consensus without much discussion.

Today’s grilled fish is no longer eaten, and I will go to the dog overnight.

At night, Bai Songda called Lin Yu, an old classmate in the ministry, and wanted to borrow a police dog.

Wang Liang, Zhao Han, and Sun Jie began to disperse, looking for all nearby cameras.

Liu Shuyuan and Wang Huadong contacted the nearby police station and wanted to ask if they found this incident. In addition, you have to check the dog meat restaurants in City A.

Everyone is smart and knows a very serious problem.

Many dogs have reached the end of their lifespan and may take the initiative to stay away from their homes. However, without considering illness, dogs can live beyond 15 years old. Dogs who are less than 10 years old basically do not.

The high probability is that it was taken away by the dog meat shop.

This is a black industrial chain.

Many people don't understand, this thing is too wicked, why not do it?

Make money! Germany? Can virtue be exchanged for money? how much?

Someone asked again, make money? How much money can you make?

The purchase price of these dog meat in the black industry chain is less than 10 yuan per catty, but there is no cost for this stuff!

A van, two or three people with no bottom line, around a county or several townships for a day, can catch thirty or fifty dogs, one 20 catties, produce 10 catties of meat, and earn 3,000 yuan a day to play with. same.

How to catch it?

It's definitely not possible to chase the dog directly.

However, over millions of years of evolution, humans have learned to use weapons.

Poison bait containing cyanide, crossbow needle containing succinylcholine, these things were superbly played by dog-killing gangs.

In recent years, many groups of poisonous dogs have been arrested. The law they violated is the crime of "selling poisonous and harmful food."

In other words, in law, poisoned dogs are nothing, but selling them to people for food is illegal.

In recent years, cases of this kind have basically broken tens of thousands of catties of dog meat.

Ten thousand catties of dog meat is equivalent to the lives of 1,000 dogs.

Dogs targeted by these people have no other way except to die.

What everyone is looking forward to is to meet the dog-catching gang in the high-end dog meat restaurant, which is to catch dogs with anesthetic.

In this case, the dog is alive, and the unit price sold to the dog meat shop will be more expensive. But in recent years, many people are unwilling to do this, which is troublesome.

Some gangs would rather poison two dogs than make one alive.

If it is this kind of dog catching, then the rhubarb is still very likely to be alive.


City A is not a big dog meat consumption market, but City D next door is. Bai Song and others looked there for the first time, preparing to rush over tonight. Before that, he would bring a police dog.

Police dogs have many uses and are very sensitive to many smells, but if you say which smells are most sensitive to police dogs, it is naturally their own ethnic group.

Bai Song borrowed a police dog and sniffed the big yellow den of the grandmother's house. Then the police dog quickly set off from home and followed the smell to find it.

Not long after, the police dog found a road where the rhubarb was walking, and then stopped at a place on the side of the road.

From here you can see some vomit, and some dog hoof prints on the grass, in addition to several human footprints.

Although Bai Song is not good at site surveys, he can still see that these are three people, all men, and none of them are taller than 1.7 meters. Judging from the vomit at the scene, the rhubarb should have been injected with anesthetic by a crossbow needle.

In other words, there is a high probability that this dog is not dead yet.

Many people go to the dog meat restaurant to eat dog meat directly, and the meat has already been stewed. In this case, people who eat meat don't even know whether the dog was killed by poison or by poison.

The more advanced dog meat restaurant requires reservations. Some people want to eat, so they go in the morning or at noon, order a live dog, and then kill it. After killing it, stew it and eat it at night.

Because dog meat needs to be simmered for a long time, it must be more than four hours in advance.

The rhubarb lost today is in a state of malaise, and it is impossible to be killed today.

"Check the watch," Bai Song said: "There are only seven or eight restaurants in City A. They have just passed the different teams and have already checked it out. There is no trace of rhubarb. It can basically be judged now that I went to City D. Now It's 10:30 in the evening. We must find rhubarb before dawn tomorrow. It may take overnight. How are your health?"

No one spoke.

"Okay," Bai Song said: "Wang Liang, you and Zhao Han will be in charge of looking for surveillance. Now that it is determined that the dog was taken away from here, the nearby surveillance needs to be looked for. There are four of us, one for each. Team, separate operations. Tonight, we are going to investigate 67 dog meat restaurants in County E, City D."

Baisong’s choice is also misleading, but from the map, E County in City D is indeed the most probable area. There are seven or eight high-end restaurants here, but those small restaurants also have live dogs, which are placed there to fill the facade. .

Time is limited, a group of people, take a taxi to the past, and then separate taxis to check.

At this time, there is no need to consider what money is not.

Two police dogs were borrowed, and the other was with Wang Huadong.

After Bai Song arrived at County E in City D, he was refused taxis one after another. Many people saw Bai Song holding a dog and didn't stop at all.

I stopped a car with my body on the side of the road and finally got on the car after showing the police officer ID. Only then did I understand ~lightnovelpub.net~ Now E County is cracking down on some dog theft cases.

Now on the streets of County E, it’s okay for anyone to lead a dog, but take a taxi with the dog, especially if the destination is the dog meat restaurant. The taxi driver generally refuses to take the car and doesn’t want to pull it for fear of causing trouble.

The severe crackdown in County E has brought some chaos in this area under control, but the existence of the market here has triggered frequent chaos in the surrounding urban areas.

The driver was very nice, and he took Bai Song to five or six stores.

It is not yet 12 o'clock in the evening, and some stores are open, which makes it easier to check.

After three o'clock in the morning, Wang Liang and others finally discovered the suspect's license plate number.

It is a Wuling Glory. It has now been confirmed that the car will come to County E today.

There were not enough cameras in County E, but it still locked an area. Bai Song felt a little calm, and immediately called everyone to the nearby street and began to check the 4 dog meat restaurants on this street.

(Seeking monthly pass~)