Police Detective

v7 Chapter 798: If everyone hides behind

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4-1-603, Donghua Garden, Nanfeng Road, J County.

"Police officer, take a drink." Lao He smiled, holding the old teapot in one hand and two cups in the other, the cups still ticking with water.

"Don't worry, you sit down, this is... well... after 11 o'clock, we will continue to talk." Liu Shuyuan looked at his watch.

It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and Liu Shuyuan came over at six o'clock this evening and stayed here for five hours. This is also the first time the host has taken out water to entertain the two, and his tone has become much looser.

"I... police officer, do you want tomorrow? You have been here for two days... I have to go to school to send my grandson to school early in the morning..."

"Old Ho, I have to give you some details, and I have to do it today." Liu Shuyuan sighed, "The Li family has five members, and the bones are not cold."

"But..." He was a little anxious, "What are you telling me about...Oh, oh...Police officer, you said, what do you always force me to do..."

"I just said, I can't wait until tomorrow." Sun Jie also nodded affirmatively, giving Lao He a psychological hint that he would never give up.

"Old Ho, we have known each other for two days." Liu Shuyuan took out a piece of paper and held it on the table: "Do you know that your grandson was bullied three times recently in school, and was beaten five days ago?"

"What?!" He was anxious: "Who did it?"

After speaking, Lao He immediately thought that his grandson did come back from an injury five days ago, but the grandson said it was a fall...

"Tell you who you are, what do you plan to do?" Liu Shuyuan said seriously: "The back of this paper is about the situation of the people who bullied your grandson. Do you want to see it?"

"I..." Lao He was held there.

Lao He's children were gone because of a car accident a few years ago, and there is one grandson left. He is now in elementary school. Because of family reasons, his grandson is always bullied at school, but every time he asks, his grandson does not tell him.


The case in County J was over.

The suspect was the prospective son-in-law of the deceased's family.

The cause of death was a gift issue.

The family named Li, also known as the deceased’s home, was a local farmer and asked for a huge amount of gifts.

The murderer was the boyfriend of the dead daughter of the Li family. Now, except for the youngest son, the Li family is still alive, everyone else is gone.

To put it simply, when it was time to talk about marriage, the man had also given the money for the marriage, but in the end, the woman had to pay a very high bride price.

Province A is not a big province of beauties, but it does require a bit more, 188888 yuan.

In a place like County J, the standard in 2015 would not exceed 100,000 for the average family, and the man had prepared 80,000, but the result was far from enough.

The money itself is actually fine, but the woman feels that the man can spend more money at the house, so she changes her mind temporarily.

The most important thing is that the woman was fine for the first time, but when she finally talked about it, she turned against her, regardless of years of feelings, and completely obeyed her parents.

The man is really cold, and the feelings of many years are actually because of this...

If the bride price is a stumbling block, the attitude of his girlfriend is like a knife stabbed by his partner.

It's as if the two went up the mountain and met the tiger. Instead of helping, the companion stabbed another person for his survival. Companions are more hateful than tigers.

Men are also college students at prestigious universities!

However, people today don't look at what you can do in the future, they just want the results of the present.

Three questions about marriage: "Do you have a house", "Do you have a car", "Do you have a deposit?"

No matter how much you earn now, no matter what your future is, just ask the deposit...what the heck is this...

The man was helpless, the marriage ended, and demanded to return a deposit of 10,000 yuan and gold jewelry, but the woman refused to return.

For a while, Shinobu became more and more angry, but couldn't bear it, so he made a move and used some of his authority in the school laboratory to obtain a small amount of cyanide, and then poisoned the locusts.

Regarding this question, Liu Shuyuan asked several doctors of biology on the road in District J County to determine the basic cause of locust toxicity.

Current research has found that locusts living in groups can cause a gene to convert phenylalanine to phenylacetaldoxime, which is rapidly hydrolyzed to phenylacetonitrile under high-density stimulation.

Phenylacetonitrile is an olfactory warning signal, and the natural enemies of locusts are very disgusted with this smell. And if natural enemies insist on eating, benzyl cyanide will be converted into highly toxic hydrocyanic acid. In this way, the birds may be poisoned if they eat it.

The mechanism of action of cyanide is very wide. As long as it has a cell structure in the body and needs mitochondria to provide energy, it is afraid of the locust itself. Therefore, the concentration of this thing is not as high as expected. After high-temperature frying, some of it volatilizes. It is impossible to poison a family of five.

Moreover, the hydrocyanic acid produced by the locusts is volatilized in real time, and there is not so much left in the locusts. If you want to eat people to death, you generally have to eat a few kilograms.

It is meaningless to talk about toxicity without measuring. Apples and other Rosaceae plants, such as apple seeds, also contain cyanide, but if you want to eat dead people, you have to continuously eat a ton of apple seeds. In fact, tomatoes have a certain amount. Toxic, you only need to eat four tons at a time to get poisoned~

With the development of the autopsy, forensic doctors gradually discovered that the cause of death was cyanide poisoning. This degree of poisoning is beyond the reach of poisonous locusts.

So ~lightnovelpub.net~ the local police quickly started relevant work.

However, before the announcement of the cause of death, Liu Shuyuan started the action ahead of time because of sufficient preparations for the preliminary work, and arrested the suspect as soon as possible.

At this moment, the evidence chain is still a closed loop.

No one knows where the suspect bought the locusts, and no one knows how to deliver them. In this closed loop, there is a witness Lao He, but Lao He is unwilling to testify.

"He..." Lao He's voice was a little low: "In school, someone bullied my grandson, won't anyone come forward to help?"

"Perhaps, many people are as indifferent as you. Maybe they know what justice is, but they love themselves too much and hide behind when they encounter problems. That's why." Liu Shuyuan sighed.

He was silent for a few seconds, then lowered his head: "Police officer, let's go..."

"Okay." Liu Shuyuan turned around and said when he was about to leave the house, "I have settled your grandson's matter."

Liu Shuyuan's words seemed to have a magical power, and Lao He believed it all at once.

He was not afraid of the murderer man, he was afraid of the locust seller. If you want to succeed in this case, one person is not enough. The suspect also bought a locust seller and made a clever trick to sell the cheap, poisonous locust to the family of the deceased.

Now, the buyer is dead, and Lao He has also sold locusts in the market these days, and he knows a family surnamed Li, who originally belonged to the same village before his children were in trouble. Later, his son and daughter died. In order for the child to go to school, he bought a house on the sixth floor in the county with the compensation and accompanied his grandson to and from school.

There are a lot of locusts on the market recently, and anyone who knows his family surnamed Li is the same.

"Police officer... sit down and drink a glass of water... alas..."