Police Detective

v7 Chapter 799: Leaders' condolences

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H County, where to live.

"Thanks, the Zhuang team will come here in the afternoon." Bai Song said, "I've been out this trip. I heard that you are in the limelight."

"Fortunately, I didn't insult my life." Liu Shuyuan rubbed his temples: "Why is the Zhuang Detachment here?"

God knows how much he has spent the last few days, how much effort he has spent!

"Come to sympathize with us."

"Oh..." Liu Shuyuan was still a little excited: "Bai Song, I really want to persuade you. I think of so many things as soon as I encounter an incident. Although there are some discrepancies in the follow-up, the first way is right. It is indeed murder. At the beginning, many departments thought it was locust poisoning, and the local government ordered the ban on the sale of locusts."

"My chemistry is fine. After all, I am considered a non-staff disciple of Professor Tang..." Bai Song's face was thick enough, and he began to put gold on his face.

"If everyone is as strong as you, then the thallium poisoning case that year would not be so." Liu Shuyuan couldn't help sighing.

In the thallium poisoning case, let alone the police. Even the hospital didn't know what caused it. It was too late until the treatment plan was obtained from abroad.

"Don't be nonsense, that is a historical issue, and the technology is not good. Now we are all standing on the shoulders of giants." Bai Song thought for a while. "But it can't be denied. Maybe a new type of poisoning problem will arise one day, maybe it's still It's hard to be discovered, after all, the tricks of bad guys are becoming more and more professional."

"You said, will one day when the technology reaches a certain level, the suspect can't leave any clues?" Liu Shuyuan thought of the case he had handled. This is a situation where clues are very lacking.

In the market on the outskirts of the city, there are no cameras at all, and there are very few people who know him well. If Lao He's mouth were not opened, this matter would be a big trouble.

The five people who died in this family included the woman, her parents, grandmother and a child.

"If one day..." Bai Song smiled: "If one day, the criminals can already leave no traces, then the detection technology can reach the level that can solve the case without relying on any traces."

"That's really desirable..." Liu Shuyuan pondered for a while: "Oh, yes, it's weird, we have such good grades, why doesn't Wei Ju not come? He doesn't like this kind of showy thing the most. …"

"Don't talk about leadership like that." Bai Song sighed, "I heard from Zhuang Detachment that Wei Ju was injured."

"Injured?" Liu Shuyuan stopped teasing, "What's the matter? He is so old that he should arrest people himself?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I was injured." Bai Song said, "You can't underestimate Wei Ju. What if he leads the team to arrest someone?"

"That's good." Liu Shuyuan took out his cell phone and called his friend.

Not long after, Liu Shuyuan hung up the phone, his face blackened: "Wei Ju walked to play with his mobile phone and fell."

"???" Bai Song sighed: "Well, when I didn't say it."


Two people were arrested in the grandmother's case, and Liu Shuyuan solved another murder case involving a major problem, and Tianhua City received nearly 30 cents.

Even though other places have been chasing after and fighting hard during this period, the Tianhua City Public Security Bureau is still the first place.

Now, let alone H County, the crime rate in other districts has also dropped significantly. On the one hand, there are too many catches, and on the other hand, there is a lot of trouble now, and the bad guys are in danger.

For example, Guangdong Province, with a score of more than 200, caught 50 or 60 people, and at least 20 or 30 people were caught by the other three teams in his district. There were more than 150 people in a single district, and in just two weeks, the detention center could not fit in.

In the recent Li Haibo case handled by the Municipal Bureau, the suspects were all detained in different places.

The weather has gradually become hotter, and the summer solstice will be a week away, and there will be more and more mosquitoes. The Zhuang Detachment came here on behalf of the corps this time and brought the leaders' concern and blessings, as well as offerings of condolences to everyone.

Each person has two boxes of Huoxiang Zhengqi water, one bottle of mosquito repellent toilet water, and one bottle of Fengyou essence.

"Team White, I also told you before, safety first, our comrades' safety is the first priority. You come this time, and you have all the equipment and belts. You must wear protective equipment when you go out to arrest people." Zhuang Detachment He instructed: "If there is a dangerous scene and meet the requirements for shooting, don't hesitate. I would rather help you take punishment than give you the title of martyr."

"Team Zhuang..." Bai Song looked a little serious: "You say that, are you worried about us? Has anyone secretly told you about H County?"

If the current situation in County H has reached the ears of the Zhuang Detachment, this matter is troublesome, and it can be known from such a long distance, then this matter has been disclosed internally.

"What happened in H County?" Zhuang Detachment asked in confusion, "What's the matter? Did you have a big case?"

Having said this, the Zhuang team was helpless. He was just what he said, urging everyone to keep their safety awareness in mind~lightnovelpub.net~Who knows that this team has already provoked the big Yaozi...

"Oh, oh, it's okay..." Bai Song hissed: "Zhuang Detachment, the secret case is involved, don't ask."

"You are still secretly involved with me... The Zhuang team spit out a few words, but did not continue to ask: "Do you have any outstanding problems that you need my help? "

"Yes." Bai Song said: "We want to change accommodation."

"Is the situation here too bad?" Detachment Zhuang thought for a while: "I just saw it. Your residence is really small, and it should be one person.

"No, we want to change the place. It is near the county public security bureau and is also with other teams, which is not conducive to our investigation of the case."

"Okay, you can go out and live. You can live in accordance with the standard of accommodation in the following days. Keep the invoice and pay attention to safety." After the Zhuang team came here, they had a deeper understanding of the exchange of captains and the red-blue confrontation contest. .

Except for some encouragement meetings and some poor condolences, nothing can be done. Can only arrange these.

"Is there anything else I can help? For example, docking with their leaders." Zhuang Detachment asked hopefully.

"Zhuang Detachment...Bai Song directly connected with their city bureau." Liu Shuyuan coughed twice.

"Well then." The Zhuang team is a very stable leader: "Since they are all connected, I will represent the team tomorrow and meet their leaders."

At this moment, a hotel security came up and knocked on the door of the hotel reception room.

"What's the matter?" Bai Song asked.

"Which is Mr. Bai?" the security asked: "Someone is looking for you outside."

"Oh oh oh, well, I will go out now." Bai Song looked at everyone: "Huadong, you go out with me."


(Three more than 11 o'clock)