Police Detective

v7 Chapter 943: Clues fly all over the sky

The shantytown itself is controlled by many people. Team Peng's meticulous work found this clue and finally found a place for women to work in the town.

The so-called work, this small town can't provide many jobs, it is to clean up the family at a seed station that has not yet closed down, and the monthly income is 300 yuan. In addition, it also picks up tatters.

But this time the woman left, and did not come to receive the half-month's salary, nor did she say that she would go home for the New Year.

There is a problem.

This kind of low-income group has very poor personnel mobility, and the place where they can live is a good place. Therefore, it can basically be determined that the mother and daughter are also missing.

Especially women's mothers, who are nearly 70 years old this year, are missing? Where to go?

Everyone discussed it, and some people thought it might have been abducted. Some people objected that the 70-year-old is of little value. In response to subsequent objections, some people think that taking the elderly away may prevent someone from calling the police.

After investigating the women’s house, nothing was found, there was no trace of a fight, just a state of tidying up the things and leaving with the things.


at night...


The third day.

He Bureau arranged for people to continue to expand the scope of the search to check whether there were other missing persons in the entire town.

It’s easy to say that it’s easy. In each of the more than 20 villages, ask the village chief, and then go to the "Village News Distribution Center" at the entrance of the village, and you will be done. The investigation was extremely detailed. In some nearby villages, there are small coal mines, and there is also a movement of people.

Finally, no one followed Bai Song and others. He still liked to do it by himself, so he told the Bureau to distribute all the manpower and arrange for everyone to rest backwards, so that he could not be tired to handle the case.

It's the third day since I'm here, and the people in the village have reached the stage of adapting from curiosity.

"Leader, leader", Bai Song was walking down the street when someone came to him to talk to him.

"Are you?" Bai Song saw an uncle who was familiar with him. Behind the uncle was a child who seemed to be his grandson or grandson.

"I'm from the Cunkou Canteen..." The uncle reminded: "I saw you yesterday..."

"Oh, oh, yes, yes, yes", Bai Song patted his head: "I don't have a good memory now."

When Wang Huadong heard it behind Bai Song, he was a little bit slanderous. A villager only saw one face, and it was normal if he couldn't remember...

"What can you do with me?" Bai Song felt that there was a clue.

"That's it... Leader, how long will you need to investigate the case here? Can you give me a rough time?" the uncle asked.

"This...I don't know." Bai Song was a little speechless. What kind of problem is this? Who can determine which number to close the case...

"That's it... the policemen in the village... usually draw profit groups, Yuxi, and so on. Our village usually can't afford it... I'm afraid I have more goods and you will all leave..." The uncle told the truth.


All four of them have black lines on their faces.

Just this thing for a long time...

But even if I think about it, who doesn't do it for yourself? Uncle usually doesn't have any good cigarettes here, basically they are less than 7 yuan, but recently there are many police officers handling cases in the village, in the eyes of uncle, it is even a new wave of consumption.

In the winter, no one buys drinks. The main consumer product is cigarettes.

"I really don't know this. If you don't find it bothersome, just run a few more trips to town." Bai Song meant two fewer cigarettes at a time.

"That's all right, thank you for your leadership." The uncle frustrated, turned angrily and left.

"Wait a moment," Bai Song thought for a while: "The thing we are investigating is the disappearance of Xiaofang in your village. If you have clues, you can provide me with a clue. A valuable clue, 5,000 yuan."

"5000 yuan?" The uncle's eyes straightened suddenly, and his breathing became a little heavy.

"Valuable clues." Bai Song said that there was no psychological pressure at all. Now his status is different. With this money, let the county bureau come out, and there is no problem at all.

"Well, I..." The uncle nodded again and again: "If I have a clue, how can I find...?"

"Just hit 110." Bai Song said directly.

His mentality has really changed now, and he wouldn't have said such things before.

The uncle left with a little excitement, followed by a little kid who was wrapped up like a black zongzi, and the padded jacket on his body looked older than him.

For children, Bai Song and others are naturally new. The little boy looked at Bai Song frequently and didn't know what he was thinking.

After encountering the uncle, Bai Song called He Ju, thinking that he had heard soliciting clues in this case.

The first step is to provide the village with a bonus of 2,000 yuan for the middle-aged woman and the missing old woman, and the second step is 5,000 yuan in cash to collect relevant clues about Tian Fang and keep it confidential.

The reason why it is 5000 yuan, Bai Song has also thought about it. If he can really get a clue, he won't say anything if he asks the Bureau to arrange one hundred thousand, but too much money can easily change the nature, and villagers will really come over and talk, which will disrupt the rhythm of the case.

5000. This little money allows He Ju to pay for it. He is under too much pressure. The city leaders call him three times a day to ask about his progress.

Since then, the reward issued by the Bureau of He is directly written, providing effective clues to 5000 yuan, providing key clues and affecting the solving of the case, directly rewarding 50,000 yuan.

For the villagers, it was just watching the excitement. As soon as the news came out, the pot was blown up immediately. Tian Gen's house was like a Chinese New Year, and countless people ran over to ask for warmth. If you can't get 50,000, you can get 5,000, and you can have a good year this year!

For Tianne, he didn't understand.

He didn't know why so many people came to ask him about his sister. Before that, it was not like this. In the morning, a dozen relatives who had never seen him came over empty-handed to chat with him. I don’t know if it’s a relative. When his father was there, Tian Gen seemed to have a vague impression that he knew each other when he was very young.

This made Tian Gen feel terrified. When he was young, he felt that everything was so strange, even his mother became strange, so he decided to go to Bai Song.


Bai Song is having a headache right now...

Some people say that poor mountains and bad waters lead to troublesome people~lightnovelpub.net~ This sentence is a bit of a regional blackness, but in this village, it is true. He thought that 5,000 yuan would not be enough, but there were still more than a dozen fake clues.

Most of the clues Bai Song can tell at a glance that there is a problem, and the rest... can't be checked...

Someone actually said that Tian Fang was dissatisfied with the marriage arranged at home, and went to work in Beijing, saying that Tian Gen came to Beijing to find her sister...

If you don’t have any basis, you dare to provide clues... People say that this is from Tianne’s house. Could the police still say “detain if the clue is not true”? Of course not.

I was worried that no one would provide clues before, but chicken feathers flew all over the sky...

(Two updates today, I will post it later, there is a risk of being banned in the next chapter)

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