Pope Behind the Scenes

v1 Chapter 6: ·Summoning Evil Ritual

Xiu Fei'en generally understood what happened in the city of Xishen Ersu. He wrote a total of three scripted events in the 'Mystery Book'.

First: The Church of Yumuta houses demons, and some of their characteristics, strengths, and ability to spread the plague of evil forces.

Second: The way to pray for holy water is correct, and some of the usual uses of holy water will become reasonable, such as resisting the erosion of evil forces.

Third: His blood is sacred golden, and a drop of blood can kill a demon, because he is the only descendant of a **** in the world.

There are demons created by Sheufien through the mystery book in the city of Hyessersu, and the demons written by Sheufien in the mystery book are being used to make use of their abilities.

At the same time, Xiufien also made instructions and arrangements. It will take a few days to know what the clergy of the Diocese of Hyessersu will do next.

Moreover, the commissioner from the Holy See of Guernsey had to arrive at the city of Hyssersou within the time period from one to two o'clock this afternoon.

Xiufien sat behind the high-end wooden writing desk in his room.

In front of him is a simplified version of the scriptures.

It is a simplified version of the philosophical thinking about the case stories of later scholars who are enlightening to some twists and turns of the scriptures.

For children, the simplified version of the scriptures is a very good introductory book. Even Xiufien is no exception. He is only ten years old this year, and his vocabulary is not as rich as that of adults.

And the scriptures were written in ancient Roman script, which made it difficult for him to indulge in them when he read them.

He looked at the simplified version of the scriptures just to get some inspiration, and he needed to find some legendary myths.

Write him into the mystery book to form a script, and then use the mysterious ability of the mystery book to rationally log him into the real world stage.

However, the current Xiufien is best to choose among some less threatening stories, such as the one that has been mentioned many times in the true scriptures, abandoning the Holy Lord, the fallen person created by the great creator.

He questioned and betrayed the supreme right of the Lord, and wanted to become the second of the creators.

As a result, he was willing to degenerate, and the Holy Lord was the first life he created because of his compassion for the other party.

So they just exiled the other party to hell, a place that the Holy Master hates.

The fallen recruits in **** those devils, demons, and other evil creatures who are dissatisfied with the Holy Lord and hold grudges against the Holy Lord, and form a huge army, ready to attack the kingdom of heaven at any time, and pull the Holy Lord down from the only throne.

"The fallen one, the king of **** 'Satan'!"

Xiufien took a deep breath, he didn't dare to write Satan in the mystery book, especially in the scriptures, there was a powerful **** army under his command.

If Xiufei En created Satan in the scriptures, then **** and the army of **** will also extend.

And there is no Holy Lord in this world, unless Xiufien then writes the Holy Lord into the script in the mystery book.

Otherwise, Satan would appear in a world without the Holy Lord to suppress him, and he would inevitably summon the army of **** to the world on earth.

That would really be a step ahead of the realization of the Apocalypse Year.

Xiufien sighed heavily and mastered the power of the mystery book. Once he let go of the space of his mind and fantasized, even he himself would be afraid of this deity.

Mystery books shouldn't be a power controlled by humans.

And if he wrote the real world, the cosmic villain of the American superhero, the big boss, in the mystery book, would it also be realized?

Thanos or Trinity Demon?

There was a soft knock on the door outside, and Nan Xi walked in with black tea.

She saw that Xiufien, who had recently lost her parents, not only was not immersed in grief and sorrow all the time.

Instead, he was summoned by the Holy Master before the Year of Apocalypse, and he awakened the bloodline of the descendants of God.

At this moment, in the eyes of the other party, Xiu Fei'en is still studying seriously, which makes Nan Xi feel moved as a woman.

"Your Highness, why don't you take a break? I have prepared 'Ceylon Highland Black Tea' for you."

An exquisite white porcelain teacup was placed on Xiufien's desk.

Xiufien thanked him. Ceylon Highland black tea was his favorite. To be precise, it was the black tea that Xiufien's deceased mother liked to drink.

And Xiufien was affected by this.

He held up the teacup. If it was his mother, she would definitely take a look at the tea soup before tasting it, which is a unique appreciation.

The color of the tea soup is bright orange and red, and the top-grade soup noodle ring has a golden halo, like a coronation.

Its flavor is pungent, revealing the aroma of mint and lily of the valley, and the taste is mellow, although it is bitter and astringent, but the aftertaste is sweet.

Xiufien took a light sip, and he felt a bitter and sweet earthy fragrance flowing along his throat, moisturizing his stomach.

As if to transmit this comfortable feeling to the blood vessels of the whole body.

It was as if the whole person was rolling on the Ceylon highland grassland where the spring breeze was floating, and his body was covered with morning beads. When he raised his hand, he could feel the comfort of the high-altitude clouds.

Xiufien sniffed. He would start to miss his deceased mother again. He had been coquettish in his mother's arms last week.

And now he was left alone.

"Poor child... Your Highness, you have to be strong, have you forgotten the mission you were carrying?"

Nan Xi stretched out her arms and hugged Xiufien, who could smell the scent of lily-of-the-valley on her body.

He sighed in his heart, 'How could he forget, what mission did he come from? It's just my lie and a play I played. ’

But he still showed a pretentious expression on his face: "Of course I will not forget that I feel very uncomfortable when I think of the clergy from all over the world, some of them being arrested by the governments of various countries."

Nanxi firmly believes that "they arrest the clergy and even wrongly wrong the believers of God, and they will regret it in the end."

Xiufien nodded, so at this time, it's not enough just to have a demon in the Church of Yumuta and the terrible plague in the city of Hyessersou.

Xiufien had to use the power of the mysterious book to make the whole world feel terrified and fearful, and then he could better spread his beliefs.

Forcing governments around the world to cancel the arrest of clergymen, and to move closer to the Holy See.

It is necessary to let all countries know that without the power of the Holy See, they simply cannot deal with those supernatural, only terrible powers that exist in fairy tales.

"I... I have never forgotten, so I have to study more now. I feel that the Lord's revelation to me is not only about the city of Hyessersou, but maybe there are other things."

He went on to say, "So I want to see the stories recorded in the scriptures, and then I will also look at some special materials recorded by the Holy See."

In fact, he was looking for suitable materials that could be written into the events of the mystery book script.

Unexpectedly, after listening to it, Nan Xi directly extracted the truth story from the other party's hand.

She justly asked Xiufien to take a rest now, some things are not in a hurry.

After all, as a ten-year-old child like him, he has to have more time to play and relax by himself.

There is no need to create too much pressure and burden on yourself.

Nanxi was also worried that Xiufien would tire herself out, but she didn't know that this was just a good play directed and acted by Xiufien.

"But if you don't let me read, you have to ask me to do something. You can't keep me in the room and drink black tea!"

Sheuffian also gave advice: "I have no interest in those games on the computer, and if you let me go out of the Holy See, take a walk in the garden outside, or take a walk in the park of the Holy See, I am not interested either.

And the weather is not very good today. If you want me to travel, there is no time at all. The day after tomorrow is the ceremony of my succession to the Pope, and I am also worried about the situation in the city of Hyessersou. "

Nanxi thought about it and took out her cell phone.

"You can play games or watch the news, just look through the short videos!"

Nanxi wanted to let Xiufien relax.

If this was when the Pope and his wife were still alive, Xiufien would never be allowed to play with his mobile phone casually. Like Nanxi today, Xiufien was not allowed to read books, but let him relax while playing with his mobile phone.

It will definitely be scolded by the Pope and his wife.

Xiufien held the phone and felt that Nanxi really had her lovely side.

At the same time, Nanxi's mobile phone screen wallpaper is also very interesting. It was a group photo of the two of them meeting for the first time when she took care of Xiufien on the first day.

At that time, Xiufien was only eight years old. Judging from the photos, he was a handsome young man with extraordinary temperament.

"This is your phone, let me guess, will there be some bold selfies in your phone album!"

Xiufien said subconsciously.

Nanxi frowned. She didn't allow Xiufien to see her photo album and her browser access records.

But this kind of request from the other party further increased Xiufien's curiosity, and the other party's behavior seemed a little out of place.

"What software is this?"

"A social short video software launched by Facebook, I downloaded it recently and it's pretty good, and it even has some live broadcast functions."

Xiufien opened the software, which would push some content based on the user's usual browsing records, but he found some short videos that Nan Xi watched the most.

It is a video of some good-looking boys in cross-dressing.

There are also some short videos of boys showing off their muscles in the gym.

"The live broadcast is also very interesting." Nanxi interjected.

But Xiufien felt that the other party regretted handing the mobile phone to him to play.

He clicked on the live broadcast column, but saw that there were several large communities in it.

Extreme sports, beauty bloggers, fitness and body sculpting, travel, food, mobile phone evaluation...

Nanxi once followed a live broadcast community in a horror zone.

"What is this? Is it a live broadcast of the Haunted House Adventure?" Xiuffian asked.

"Actually, it's similar, but it's not just haunted houses, he's referring to some groups of anchors...well...it's rare that a single anchor broadcasts in this community.

Even if there is a single person doing a live broadcast here, they will choose some legendary soul-calling games, such as the cross-street soul-calling, or the bathroom mirror calling Bloody Mary, etc..."

Nanxi explained, "They will choose some well-known haunted places in the world, or some places in the wild where horror legends are left.

They often get together with a few people to strengthen each other's courage, and then in some special places, perform some special rituals of summoning the soul or calling the devil, to see if it can work! "

Xiufien felt a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if an old goblin who had been cultivating for thousands of years suddenly had an epiphany.

"Most of the rituals they use are seen in some ancient books, such as the rituals passed down by the Aryans, the black magic of the Indians, and the Gypsies, etc..."

Nanxi added, "But more of it is from some terrorist forums, or some content circulated on private websites."

"That's really good!" Xiufien murmured in a low voice.


"I mean it's very dangerous... They don't even understand! Some legends are not false. The Apocalypse Year is approaching, the restrictions imposed by the Holy Master on humans will be relaxed, and some terrifying rituals will really come true!"

Nanxi didn't understand Xiufien's meaning. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"The Holy Lord interrupted the influence of hell, the underworld, and the human world a long time ago, so that people's souls can only ascend to the kingdom of heaven, or fall into **** and the underworld.

But **** and the underworld are no longer able to deliver terrifying things to the human world. Even some powerful beings will be imprisoned by the divine power of the Holy Master, but because the Year of Apocalypse is approaching, this imprisonment will slowly disappear! "

Nanxi seemed to have something in common.

"So there are some ceremonies. If it is fake, it will be easy to handle. After all, it will not have any effect, but if it is true, it will be responded by evil forces!"

"That's it."

Xiu Fein clicked on the live broadcast community of Terror Zone.

And just in Cardiff in the UK, there is a group of members of the Terrorist Research Organization from the University of Wales, live broadcast how to summon evil spirits!

They seem to have had several live broadcasts of rituals to summon demons and undead, but there was no accident before.

And this time they will experience the black magic ritual of the gypsies.

A photo was also given below the live broadcast, which was a gypsy's notebook they bought from an auction website.

There is a piece of content on it, which records the rituals and methods of summoning evil spirits.

It seems that this live broadcast team is very famous. Now more than one million people around the world are watching the live broadcast of summoning evil spirits. The location they chose is the very famous haunted apartment in Cardiff.

Xiufien started to get excited. In his mind space, he recorded the content of the ritual in the Gypsy's handbook on the mysterious book, and wrote it into a scripted event.

If the ritual is really carried out according to the above content, then the real evil spirit will be awakened.