Prehistoric: A Stable Life, Starting From the Journey To the West

Chapter 76

It's not that Qingyang County is bad.

But because he stayed in Qingyang County, he really felt insecure.

This is a very dangerous world.

Someday, when a big demon will appear and fly over Qingyang County, he is suddenly hungry and wants to find something to eat.

Then looked down.

Shout out, this Qingyang county is not bad, 100,000 people are just enough to eat half full.

As a result, he, Chen Qi, died young and was completely cold?

Or, a certain magician wants to sacrifice blood to improve his cultivation, or to practice magic weapons or something.

A county seat of 100,000 people is not a big nor small, and it is a perfect target.

So, wouldn't he, Chen Qi, be cool again?

Don't say impossible.

In fact, in this fairyland, this kind of thing happens a lot.

According to an unreliable predecessor of Datang Qintianjian, more than one million people in Datang die under the hands of demons, ghosts, and monsters every year.

Well, this is still what Datang officials can count, and there is a Jiuzhou Ding in the territory of Datang Shenzhou.

If some remote locations are counted, or if local officials concealed the report for the sake of Wushamao, this number must be multiplied by at least three times.

Three million people.

That is equivalent to thirty counties.

From this, you can know how dangerous this world is. Maybe when you are sleeping, you will even go to the belly of the monster with the bed.

The most important thing is that this kind of monster attack is an irregular event.

So even if you want to prevent it in advance, you can't.

Only when things come to an end, goodbye tricks.

In this way, it is not surprising that the casualties are not large.

Compared with ordinary county towns, county towns are much safer.

Not to mention that there are imperial troops stationed outside the county town, just talking about the powerhouses in the county town and the strong dragon spirit of kingship is enough to make most of the demons shy away.

In addition, in Qingzhou City, there is not only the big tree of Qingzhou Yang Family, but also Bai Yuer, an immortal powerhouse from the Great Han God Court.

It can be said that in the entire Datang, except for Chang'an City, there are really few places that are safer than here.

It's just that it's not easy for Chen Qi to settle down in Qingzhou.

Since he has inherited all the causes and effects of this body, it is impossible for him to only consider himself alone, he must consider Chen's father and Chen's mother.

You can't say that you are afraid of being swallowed by the passing demons, so you want to move to the county seat, right?

If this reason is said, it would be strange if it is not laughed to death.

After all, the Chen family lived in Qingyang City during their time. After a hundred years, they managed to accumulate a piece of family business.

If you really move to Qingzhou Prefecture, will you still need this business?

With prices so high in Qingzhou, how can the Chen family make a living?

These are all things that need to be taken into account, and cannot be decided in a few words.

Therefore, Chen Qi can only take one step at a time.

I plan to wait until I return to Qingyang County before making a decision based on the actual situation.

Chapter 120 The prosperous city of Chang'an is prosperous, and the people at the bottom are at risk! (please subscribe)

Declined the good intentions of the Yang family to send someone to **** them.

On the morning of the third day of the Furong Poetry Club, Chen Qi, the little book boy, Chen An, and the nurse Zhou Chong, left Qingzhou County together and set off towards Qingyang County, which is more than 3,000 miles away.

There are sixteen prefectures on Henan Road, and Qingzhou is located in its northeast corner, adjacent to the Bohai Sea to the north, and is close to Laizhou, Dizhou and Qizhou.

Of course, it is said that it is close, but in fact it is also seven or eight to thousands of miles away.

If you ride a fast horse, it will take at least four or five days to arrive.

In fact, the Tang Dynasty in this world is completely different from the historical Tang Dynasty in Chen Qi's memory.

Especially when it comes to map terrain.

It is not scaled up at all, but some places are infinitely enlarged, and some places are reduced, and the map of China in later generations is completely inappropriate here.

For example, the Bohai Sea has been magnified more than 100 times, and only the three roads of Henan, Hebei and Hedong cannot surround it at all, but instead become the eastern coast of the Bohai Sea.

Shuzhou has a 100,000-strong mountain, and the mountains and rivers stretch for hundreds of thousands of miles. There are remnants of the Wu clan and wild beasts entrenched in it. It is definitely a forbidden area for human beings.

In Lingnan Road, the southernmost part of Datang, there are 300,000 miles of Nansha Islands and tens of thousands of small and large islands, dotted between Datang and the South China Sea.

In addition, there are thousands of miles of desert in the northwest, black mountains and waters in the northeast, Turkic grasslands in the north, and the East China Sea.

These places, nominally belong to Datang's territory, and cover a huge area.

Datang's three million-mile-square territory alone occupies more than half of the eastern and southern seas, the Nansha Islands, and the 100,000 mountains.

If other forbidden areas are added, then only about one-tenth of the total is left to the Tang Dynasty.

This does not include the famous mountains and rivers occupied by Xiandao sects and Buddhist monasteries, and the mountains, forests and waters occupied by martial arts sects.

If you count all of that, it's even less.

Qingyang County is located in the northeast of Qingzhou County, about 3,500 miles away, and belongs to the junction of Qingzhou Prefecture and Laizhou Prefecture.

Backed by the Bohai Sea, it is famous for its salt products and rare products in the sea.

In the words of later generations, it belongs to county-level cities with industrial pillars.

The three of Chen Qi left Qingzhou County, and Zhou Huyuan drove by car, hurried on the road during the day, and stayed in the mountains at night, or rented a house.

In such a day or two, the carriage traveled seven or eight hundred miles along the official road, and it was considered to be gradually moving away from the Qingzhou county.

At this point, Chen Qi has truly seen the situation of the people at the bottom of the Tang Dynasty.

The farther the carriage was from Qingzhou County, the more desolate Chen Qi felt.

After leaving the boundary of Qingzhou County, in just one day, he passed through two deserted villages.

The village has long been overgrown with trees, and the ruined walls have turned moss-green.

When Chen Qi was passing by, he could occasionally see the remaining bones of the beasts from the corner of the wall.

"Perhaps, this is the true appearance of the Tang Dynasty. The emperor doesn't know it, and the officials of the court don't care."

"Chang'an is prosperous, the county town is prosperous, but the people of the villages and towns at the bottom are precarious."

"Monsters and monsters, horse thieves, beasts and wolves... Maybe it only takes an accident to make a village disappear without a trace."

Although Chen Qi had long known from the original "Journey to the Immortal World" that the people at the bottom were not easy, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't help being silent.

This is only a village close to the official road, and there are occasional patrols by the soldiers of the county town.

If it is really a remote village, the situation will probably be more serious.

Chen Qi's heart was heavy, sitting in the carriage, looking through the car window at the scene of the wild mountains and forests on both sides of the road passing by quickly, he was silent, and he always felt that there was a sullen breath in his chest and abdomen, and it was difficult to spit it out.


Suddenly, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a mountain rain came very fast. In a moment, the bright sun turned into heavy rain.

The loud thunder made the horned horse pulling the cart involuntarily give a slight pause, and it also made Chen Qi wake up from his depression and contemplation.

"Shelter from the rain!"

With a light drink, he used his finger-pen to write the two big characters "Sheltering from the rain" in the void.

Immediately, an invisible force appeared out of thin air, like an invisible and intangible umbrella, wrapping the entire carriage and blocking the rain.

"Find a place to shelter from the rain first!"

Outside the carriage, Zhou Chong, who was shocked by Chen Qi's mysterious tactics, heard Chen Qi's order and immediately replied, "Okay, young master!"

After a few miles of mountain road.

Through the rain screen, Zhou Chong vaguely saw a small building not far in front of the official road, and drove his horse over to take shelter from the rain.

When I got closer, I saw that it was a post station, but the appearance was slightly dilapidated.

The strong wind blew, and on the flagpole outside the inn, a gray-white flag with the word "post" in the book screeched wildly.

Obviously a folk inn.

Datang station, there are folk and court points.

The private station is mainly responsible for the transportation of goods, letters, temporary accommodation, etc. at the level of the common people.

For example, if you are doing business in the north and want to send a letter to your home, or send local specialties, you can do it through the inn.

Generally, there is a gray-white banner with the word "station", and the name of the station is written on the door plate.

The imperial post station was only used by people with official positions. It was usually used to transmit military information, or the memorials that local officials wanted to submit to the emperor for correction.

There will be a yellow flag with the word "post" written on the door, and there is a golden dragon on the side of the flag, so it is called the yellow dragon flag.

The gray and white flag outside the inn in front of you represents the folk inn.

"Tiger Station!"

When Chen Qi's carriage came to this folk inn, there were already many pedestrians and business travelers in the inn taking shelter from the rain.

The second of the inn is also a smart person. After seeing the Jiaolin carriage that Chen Qi was riding, he trotted out and greeted, "Is the guest officer temporarily sheltering from the rain, or staying?"

"Accommodation, three rooms!"

Chen Qi first glanced at the plaque of the Tiger Station, and then calculated silently.

The hexagram indicated that the heavy rain outside would continue until late at night, so he decided to stay one night in this Tiger Inn.


Running in the rain is a very dangerous thing.

Even if a person can bear it in a carriage in the rain, the horned horse pulling the carriage can't bear it.

He wasn't in a hurry to go back, so there was no need to hurry in the rain.

"Okay, please, please, I will park the carriage for you in the backyard of the station, and feed the horse by the way."

The station boy greeted Chen Qi and the three of them while going to lead the horse.

"No, I'll come!"

Zhou Nuyuan talked about this, and he didn't forget to ask Chen Qi for instructions: "Young master, there is no need to be so troublesome, old Zhou, I can make do with one night in the freight room of the post station."

The post station cargo room refers to the place where the post station stores the goods.

In many cases, the inn is also a part-time inn, and many merchants and passengers have a lot of goods, so they are stored in the cargo room.

After all, there are unpredictable wind and rain, just like now, if you don't have a cargo room, you can't let the goods of the business travel soak in the rain, right?


In addition, when you go out, who is not careful, so most business travelers will have guys sleeping in the cargo room to prevent the goods from being stolen.

Although there were no valuables in Chen Qi's carriage.

But whether it is the decorative items in the car or the carriage itself, it is of great value.

So if no one is watching, I am afraid that it will really be stolen.

Chen Qi thought about it for a while, and felt that it was the same. He nodded and said, "Then I will trouble Guard Zhou."

"You're welcome, young master, this is what I should do."

Zhou Huyuan smiled, and after speaking, under the guidance of the station's second, he led the carriage into the backyard of the station.

In the late autumn of October, the torrential rain poured down, and there was already a slight chill between the heaven and the earth.

At this time, in the Tiger Post, there were already seven or eight people dressed as traders and pedestrians surrounding the two braziers to bake the fire.