President Shen Always Top Up Money

v1 Chapter 348: video content

The quality of the video is very unclear and looks very old. And the camera lens is separated by a certain distance, and it is dangling, like some kind of low-quality small video taken secretly.

But you can still see the content in the video.

In the picture are two young people embracing, they are standing in the shadow of the corridor, the taller young man pushes the other person against the wall, the delicate kiss falls on each other's neck, and his hand falls on each other's body , and the hem of the young man's shirt standing against the wall has been rolled up...

As if he couldn't bear it, he stretched his neck in the direction of the light source on the top of the corridor, but more and more exposed his weakness to the eyes of the young man who was constantly plundering in front of him.

Wu Fei's face turned red when he saw it, thinking to himself, is this really something I can watch for free.

Then in the next second, the dangling camera suddenly stopped shaking, and Wu Fei finally saw the faces of the two people in the video.

The man who was pushed against the wall had the exact same face as him.

As for the tall young man in front, although he only showed half of his face, he could also recognize that it was Shen Xing Wuxing.

With facial features like Xingshen, it is difficult to hit the face.

Wu Fei was stunned for a moment, only to feel the blood pouring out of his body—

Has he kissed God? kissed.

Has God ever kissed him? also kissed.

Did the above two events happen only once? no.

But, even so, seeing this from a bystander's point of view, and experiencing it in person, doesn't feel the same!

Wu Fei: Sir, I advise you to be careful. This is clearly someone's P video distorting the pure relationship between me and Xingshen.

Do you look at me like the kind of person who is pushed by Shen Xing and hits the wall and obeys?

...even if I do it every time, but it's only on personal occasions. How could a good young man like me agree to be so affectionate with Xingshen in broad daylight?

He turned his head to look silently at Asir, who was also silent next to him, and realized that he and Shen Xing were now in an upright legal partnership, or a couple of suspects, so he turned his head again and continued to watch the video.

Obviously, the video that Li Keke showed him should have happened before the copy began, and it was an old image.

And the scene in the video is not unfamiliar. He once visited the field, but found nothing - it was the dormitory building where he lived when he was studying.

Therefore, this is just the past behavior of the person set by this dungeon for me. It is impossible for the real me to be so obedient to Xingshen and ask for anything.

Wu Fei realized something in his heart, so he was able to deceive himself and continue watching.

At this moment, I saw a person walking from the other side of the corridor. Wu Fei in the video saw the person coming first, so he began to push the person in front of him hard. However, Shen Xing seemed to be unaware, and he still branded two kisses under his lover's earlobe. Then he took a breath and slowly released the shackles of the person in front of him. Not stretched a distance.

He turned to look at the person who came. Wu Fei couldn't see the expressions of the three of them, but he felt something was wrong.

Ordinary people passing by and encountering this kind of situation, of course, go as fast as they can, but that person not only didn't walk, but instead seemed to be on a collision course with the two of them.

But there was no sound in the video, and Wu Fei didn't know what they said.

I saw Wu Fei walking out from behind Shen Xing in the video, seemingly arguing with the person who came. However, Shen Xing had been standing behind silently listening to the two quarreling, but did not come forward.

Wu Fei faintly realized something.

The person who came must be someone who is very close to "himself", so Shen Xing will be watching at this time instead of standing up for him - Xingshen's identity at this time must be very embarrassing.

At this moment, the accident happened suddenly.

I saw that the visitor seemed to be pulling Wu Fei downstairs to leave when he was angry. Wu Fei in the video began to struggle, but he couldn't earn that person. Shen Xing saw this and walked over to pull the two away—

He stretched out his hand and tried to **** Wu Fei over, and at the same time naturally pushed the person out, only to see that person swayed and fell straight down the stairs!

What followed was chaos. Wu Fei in the video ran down quickly, and while calling, motioned for Shen Xing to leave first on the other side.

The two seemed to argue a few words, but Shen Xing finally left the scene from the other side...

The video stops here.

Wu Fei could already guess what happened later—

In order to protect his lover and at the same time maintain this secret love that is still unable to be exposed in front of others, "he" lied.

In the records of the case that he found, "Wu Fei" told everyone that his younger brother fell by himself.

Li Keke also opened his mouth at this time, with a scrutiny in his eyes: "Mr. Wu, according to the information I have learned, you told the school that your brother accidentally fell downstairs by yourself."

"The video I got gave the opposite truth."

Wu Fei shook his head: "I'm sorry, I really don't remember anything."

"And what if it's real in the video? You've seen it, Shen Xing didn't do it on purpose, everything in the video was just an accident."

Li Keke said solemnly: "Yes, for the current President Shen, this video does not have much impact, he has enough ability to clarify and settle all this, and has enough strength to invite the best lawyers. , to give the victim's family reconciliation compensation that is difficult to refuse. What's more, that person is your brother. "

"But what about you and Shen Xing back then?"

Wu Fei didn't speak, he had already guessed what the other party wanted to say, and at this time, as a person who had been silently investigating the truth, his thoughts and the police officer in front of him were magically synchronized.

"According to the information I have learned, Shen Xing was born in an orphan and has nothing to rely on except himself. He can successfully complete his studies with the scholarship he obtained from the school. At this time, he has already obtained the best recommendation and opportunity in the school. , the future is bright. If this video is exposed, the intimacy between you and him is exposed, and there are mistakes that hurt others, then even if it does not affect your graduation, those honors and opportunities that belong to Shen Xing will definitely disappear. ."

Wu Fei did not speak.

Li Keke approached him further: "Mr. Wu, do you know where I got the video from?"

Wu Fei lowered his eyes and shook his head: "I really don't know, I forgot everything."

In fact, he had already guessed it.

Li Keke: "I got it from another old classmate of yours, and that classmate is no longer there."

Li Keke: "The owner of the video is Li, a victim who was killed at the class reunion more than three years ago. You should have an impression, right?"

Wu Fei only felt that the whole brain was "buzzing", completely out of his control, it was a physiological pain, as if something was about to crawl out of it.

His face was pale, and he couldn't help lying on the bed with his head in his hands.

Just then, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a tall, tall man hurried in from the door, followed by a doctor, a nurse, and a person who looked like a lawyer.

Shen Xing hurriedly walked to the side of the bed, took Wu Fei into his arms carefully, put his head on his lap, pressed him carefully and gently, and dropped a few kisses on the other's forehead with great pity. , kissed away those fine cold sweats.

After doing all this, he raised his head and looked directly at Li Keke in front of him.

Those gentle entanglements disappeared in an instant, his eyes were pitch black, and he clearly looked at Li Keke, but it seemed that there was no such person in front of him.

"Officer Li, it's time for you to go."

"If you have any further questions, please contact our lawyers directly."


He raised his head, and a gentle smile formed on the corner of his lips.

"Bring out the evidence and arrest me."


After Li Keke left, Shen Xing held Wu Fei and gently pressed his head for a long time, and fed him two kinds of medicines, only then did Wu Fei feel better.

Turns out I was really sick.

Wu Fei suddenly had a thorough understanding of this.

But at the same time, the words Li Keke said were like a thread, linking all the possible clues he had suspected and the clues he had discovered before—

The person who pushed the "younger brother" down the stairs of the dormitory back then seemed to be a walking spirit. Not only that, but the video also clearly recorded some of his intimacy with the gods.

And Li Keke guessed well, "Shen Xing" and "Wu Fei" in those days really couldn't bear the consequences of these information being exposed.

This video will become a weapon to blackmail them.

The video is in the hands of Li, but he has not exposed it. Combined with the clues about Li and Wei, it is easy to think that Li may have really used this video to carry out their investigation. Blackmail/extortion, and more than once.

Then, "Wu Fei" and "Shen Xing" both had strong motives to kill or kill Li.

But it's just a suspicion.

The police have not found any evidence yet, even if he turned himself in, it would be useless.

But Wu Fei also really realized again at this moment that "Shen Xing" and "Wu Fei" here are just the identities arranged by the system using them as templates. After all, they are not the real him and Xingshen.

If it were the real him, from the beginning, he wouldn't have let this happen.

Put yourself in the shoes and imagine that if he is really Wu Fei in this level, and he is a college classmate in Xingshen—

Will they secretly fall in love with their classmates, family members and teachers behind their backs, and secretly make out in the dormitory building?

...well, this is really not guaranteed to be impossible...

Forget it, let's not mention it, what if his younger brother was accidentally pushed down the stairs by his lover during a dispute?

Will he hide the truth for his lover's future, and then be blackmailed?

Wu Fei thought, he wouldn't, and Xingshen certainly wouldn't either.

No matter what situation they are in, they will have the courage to face what they do and be responsible for themselves and those they love. Whether good or bad, intentional or unintentional.

The real God is not the one who needs the lover to have guilt and unease to cover up their mistakes and protect the lover with murder and silence.

Even if they will face more difficulties and obstacles, they will live frankly.

If "Wu Fei" and "Shen Xing" in this level were like the real ones, wouldn't the ending be different?

Wu Fei pushed Shen Xing's arms away, sat up from the hospital bed, and sighed softly.

He thought of a way out.

He hadn't figured it out before, and would always go back to the self-denial of "how can I win Xingshen, Xingshen is invincible, and he will not reveal flaws".

But now he understands clearly, what he has to deal with is not the real Xingshen, but this "Shen Xing" played by the real Xingshen.

And the real walking **** is always on his side.