President Shen Always Top Up Money

v1 Chapter 356: Dangerous time

Chapter 356 Dangerous Time


Wu Fei looked at the crystal ball in shock.

"...Are you the master here? The real dark wizard?"

This crystal ball is too magical, it can actually see the curse in the black robe.

The crystal ball is still flashing purple light: "Do you have any other orders?"

Wu Fei felt that it was not the crystal ball that was installing artificial intelligence, after all, it was not necessary.

But if this is not the case, it can only show that the original owner who can create the crystal ball is really powerful.

The other party should be a wizard genius with great ideas, in order to create the artificial intelligence of the wizardry class like a crystal ball.

Wu Fei changed the question: "Do you know the man in black robe just now? What curse did he get?"

"I don't know him." The crystal ball replied with a twinkle, "He is a soul with a spell of incomprehension."

Although there is no valid information, it has been confirmed from the side that the man in black robe should not lie, he is indeed cursed, and this curse is called... "The Curse of No Solution"?

Wu Fei looked back at the book in his hand.

The black cat didn't know when he came back, and he nestled quietly by the table, watching him not far or near.

Wu Fei tried to reach out to touch the cat, but was deftly avoided by the other party.

Wu Fei looked down at the book, but Yu Guang still looked at the black cat from time to time.

It's too similar, his demeanor, movement, and feeling are exactly the same as Shen Xing's. He still believed that the black cat was Shen Xing, and he did not admit his mistake.

He tentatively called the black cat again: "Xingshen? Xingshen? You are Xingshen, right? Why don't you respond to me? Is it not allowed by the rules? Or is something wrong with you? Amnesia?"

However, the black cat seemed to dislike him for being irritable, so he flicked his tail and ran away.

Wu Fei lost track of the cat in the labyrinth-like castle after chasing him for a while. He could only return to the study to continue reading.

The content of the book is not much, it only explains the basic concepts of the Unsolvable Curse and some cases.

The Curse of Unsolved is just a special curse, and the special thing is its name - Unsolved.

The condition for successful casting of the Unsolvable Curse is to trade life, love, or dreams, and the higher the price, the stronger the spell's power.

Usually, once this curse is applied, it cannot be solved.

Wu Fei frowned and turned to the end, a piece of paper fell from the book and fell to the ground lightly.

Unlike the print in the book, the words on this piece of paper are handwritten, the handwriting is the same as the notes on the desk, and it should be from the same person.

Wu Fei bent down and picked up the paper—

"The only solution:

Take phoenix grass, star sand, dragon blood, sea gold... with the following proportions as paints to draw this array...

At zero o'clock on the full moon night, inject mana to activate the formation.

Note: When the array is activated, the object being unlocked cannot be present. "

Could this be... the solution to the Unsolvable Curse?

Wu Fei felt his heartbeat quicken, and he quickly read the content on the paper again.

This method looks complicated but it is not impossible to achieve, just use many rare materials to draw a complex and subtle magic circle.

Wu Fei put the paper clip back in the book and turned to look at the crystal ball: "How long has it been since we returned here?"

Crystal Ball: "It's been one night, it's the next morning."

"If you wish to see the sky, I can open the dome."

Wu Fei: "The dome?"

As his voice fell, the ceiling above his head suddenly disappeared, and when he looked up, he could see the blue-gray sky.

Birds passed by in the distance, the tall trees in the lower places swayed their branches gently, and the clouds in the sky moved slowly. He could see the wind, but he could not feel the existence of the wind.

It turned out that the study was located on the top floor of the castle tower.

Wu Fei looked at the crystal ball suspiciously: "Why can't I feel the wind?"

"Because there is protective magic outside the castle, it can isolate external interference."


Wu Fei looked at the sky, and it seemed that while he was reading this book, the night had passed unknowingly.

"Teleport me to the guest room, I want to see the three people who came yesterday."


Wu Fei first went to the room where Yuan Sanpang and Yuan Lao were suspected to be, and the two were still in a drowsy state.

Fortunately, these "adventurers" in this level have some special abilities, and it is not a big problem even if they don't eat for a short time.

If the crystal ball can see the curse in the black-robed man, can it see through the disguise of these two people?

Wu Fei tentatively asked the crystal ball: "Is their current appearance real?"

Crystal Ball: "No, they used potions for disguise."

Crystal Ball: "If you want them to show their true colors, just let them drink the Restorative Potion."

Wu Fei: "Where is the reducing agent?"

Crystal Ball: "I have it here."

The crystal ball flickered, and in front of it appeared two small bottles of green liquid suspended in purple mist.

Wu Fei dubiously took a bottle and gave it to the swordsman who was suspected to be Elder Yuan. After all, Elder Yuan was a contractor, so even if he died unexpectedly in this gate, it wouldn't have much impact.

I saw that after the swordsman drank the weird green liquid, within a few minutes, the whole person's appearance and body began to change strangely - the sturdy black-skinned middle-aged swordsman gradually changed into a sturdy and handsome man with a fairy style. old man.

Sure enough, it was Mr. Yuan.

There is no doubt that the potions they used were prepared by Mr. Yuan himself. With those potions, Yuan Sanpang was able to disguise himself as a pharmacist. And Yuan Lao himself may have used a swordsman-related ID card to disguise himself as a swordsman.

Wu Fei gave Yuan Sanpang another bottle of medicine to drink, but Yuan Sanpang lost his disguise as a pharmacist after a while.

After confirming the identities of the two, Wu Fei put down a worry and asked the crystal ball to help him pay attention to the situation of the two in this room, and then walked to the next door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood at the door, the door of the next room opened automatically.

Shen Xing's handsome, noble and slightly pale face appeared behind the door. He looked at Wu Fei with a shallow, gentle smile on his face.

"Good morning." The man in black robe opened the door with a smile, stretched out his hand to invite Wu Fei in, "I heard your footsteps."

"You've been waiting for me to come?" Wu Fei looked at him.

"Well." The man in black robe was still smiling, but his gaze was very focused on Wu Fei, "You said yesterday that you would come."

so similar.

The feeling I had when I saw the black cat last night reappeared.

Even though the black-robed man looked gentle and harmless, he was cursed and seemed a little sick, so his appearance was not consistent with Shen Xing's daily temperament, but Wu Fei still clearly felt that this person was Shen Xing. Row.

It's not that he didn't show this kind of temperament when he used certain identities or needed to make a disguise.

So why do black robes and black cats appear at the same time?

And neither the black cat nor the man in black robe seems to have any cognition or memory related to "Shen Xing" nowadays.

Wu Fei: "Let's go have breakfast? It's getting late."

He still needs time to observe and think carefully.

The man in black robe was still smiling, he looked very easy to get along with: "Okay, we can have breakfast and lunch together."

The two went to the restaurant for brunch together, and then spent half the day in the garden below the castle.

After dinner, Wu Fei sent the man in black robe back to the guest room and returned to the study alone. The black cat was already resting lazily on the table.

Sensing that he was coming in, the black cat raised his eyes and gave him a bored look, then lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Wu Fei continued to read books related to curses in the study all night.

These days continued for five more days. Whether it was getting along with the man in black robes during the day or spending time with the black cat at night, Wu Fei became more and more sure that both of them were Shen Xing.

Will it be a split/identity? After all, this situation has not occurred in previous levels.

Both Yuan Sanpang and Yuan Lao have not woken up, and the only clue he has obtained so far is the unsolvable curse on the man in black robe.

Or he should try to break the curse.

the next day.

After dinner, Wu Fei sent the man in black robe back to his room as usual.

The man in black robe: "Good night."

When the other party was about to close the door, Wu Fei reached out and grabbed him.

The man in black robe pushed the door open again, lowered his head, and looked at him gently: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Wu Fei: "I've checked a lot of information recently... Maybe, I can try to unravel your curse."

The man in black robe gave him a smile: "Really? That's great."

"But I still have concerns." Wu Fei said.

"You have amnesia now, you don't remember who you are, and you don't remember your purpose."

"But you may be a vicious person, a heinous person, but you don't remember it yourself. So after your curse is lifted, it may hurt me instead."

The man in black robe still looked at him with a smile: "There is indeed such a possibility."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Wu Fei: "I know a very powerful oath."

"I need you to swear, no matter what, no matter when, you can't hurt me."

"is it okay?"

"Of course. It's very reasonable." The man in black robe laughed, "I will."

The oath was also read by Wu Fei recently. It belongs to a kind of incantation, so Wu Fei just turned to it.

This oath spell is simple to operate, but the effect is remarkable, and it is suitable for him to use now.

The man in black robe: "Are we making this oath now?"

Wu Fei thought for a while: "Yes. Give me your left hand."

The man in black robe extended his hand to him with a smile, while Wu Fei pulled out a quill from his room.

Wu Fei held the familiar hand and carefully wrote the oath incantation on the opponent's palm - making this oath does not require the help of a magic circle, and is more suitable for him who lacks the corresponding drawing skills.

Then Wu Fei wrote the same spell on his left hand.

"Then drop your blood on the palm of your left hand, put your palm against mine, then look at me and promise me, no matter what, no matter when, you can't hurt me."

"it is good."

The man in black robe cut the fingers of his right hand with the knife in the room as he had instructed, dripped blood on the palm of his hand, and then pressed it against his palm.

Those gray-blue eyes looked at him intently, and at that moment, even though the magic had not yet taken effect, Wu Fei still felt a unique connection - the connection between him and Shen Xing.

"No matter what, no matter when, I won't hurt you."

As the promised words were announced, a faint golden light flashed between the palms of the two, and disappeared in an instant.

Wu Fei retracted his hand and looked at it - the palm that should have been full of spells and stained with blood was as clean as ever.

The oath has taken effect.

"Then I will start preparing tomorrow to unravel your curse." Wu Feidao.

"Actually, don't worry," the man in black robe looked at him with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry to get rid of the curse now."

"It's better to untie this kind of thing earlier." Wu Fei muttered.

At present, it seems that by unlocking the curse and allowing Shen Xing to recover, he can figure out the goal of this level faster.

"But there is something I need you to do for me."

"What's up?"

"How's your drawing skills?"

No matter how good your painting skills are, as long as you are Shen Xing, you must be better than me.


It was much easier to prepare the materials recorded on that piece of paper than Wu Fei imagined.

Because there are several warehouses dedicated to storing various materials in the castle, and the crystal ball can help to check where various materials are stored. He only needs to go to the corresponding warehouse to take out the materials, and then follow the records on the paper. The proportion and method are formulated into special drawing pigments.

After three days of trying to formulate, Wu Fei finally formulated a ready-to-use finished pigment.

And the man in black robe has already skillfully painted the magic circle with ordinary paint.

He explained that although he has no memory, it is very likely that he was a magician before, so he still has the corresponding abilities.

At this time, it happened to be the night of the full moon. If they missed this day or failed this time, they would have to wait another month.

The man in black robe painted the magic circle on the floor of his room early in the morning with the paint provided by Wu Fei. Even if he looked at it with a critical eye, he had to admit that it was the same as the delicate and complicated magic drawn on the paper. The arrays are identical except for their size.

In addition, there are several magic scrolls stacked next to the magic circle. Wu Fei has no mana at all, so he can only rely on these magic scrolls found in the warehouse to inject mana into the magic circle.

As it got closer and closer to zero, the man in black robe looked at Wu Fei with some anxiety.

"Do you really want to use this magic circle?"

"I don't remember many things now, but I intuitively feel that this magic circle is flowing with strong time-related energy, but I can't feel any curse-related energy." He frowned slightly.

"It doesn't matter, let's try it first. If it doesn't work, find another way." Wu Fei comforted.

"Well, I didn't feel the power of destruction from this circle, so at least it won't hurt us." The man in black also smiled.

"Okay, the time is up, you go first." The piece of paper said that the person who had been cast off the curse was not allowed to be present at the scene.

"Okay. Call me if you have anything." The man in black robe checked the magic circle again and left the room.

Wu Fei silently watched the other party close the door and leave, and the sense of disobedience in his heart rose again - he always instinctively felt that the man in black robe in front of him was Shen Xing, but he didn't look like Shen Xing.

It was Shen Xing because of the deep feeling that the other party inadvertently showed, and it was still Shen Xing.

It's not like Shen Xing, because the other party's words, actions, demeanor, etc. are indeed not like Shen Xing's usual appearance - but more like... when he deliberately disguised himself as a person with such a personality.

Simply put, this black-robed man is more like what Shen Xing looked like when he put on a mask.

The clock was ticking—this clock was also found by Wu Fei from the warehouse, and it just came in handy.

"Dah." Zero o'clock.

Wu Fei unfolded the magic scroll as planned, and the abundant magic power rushed towards the central magic circle.

The rune of the magic circle gradually raised a golden white light, and the light became brighter and brighter until it filled the entire room.

Wu Fei felt that he was completely enveloped by the white light. The feeling was a bit similar to when a crystal ball teleported him, but it was much stronger than that.

He couldn't feel the passage of time at all in the white light.

When the white light dissipated, when he opened his eyes again—

He found himself in a completely unfamiliar room.

However, the decoration of the room is similar to that of the castle, which is a little retro western style, but it is much simpler than the castle and not as luxurious as the castle.

He seemed to be lying on a bed, and not far from him sat a red-haired young woman with some freckles. She held a newspaper in her hand and seemed to be reading it.

The young woman seemed to notice that he was awake, stood up, walked towards him, and sat down on the chair beside his bed.

"How dare you? Don't do any pretense at all? You know what? If Aunt Lisa hadn't picked you up from the back street, you'd be in a special prison now."

"Pretend?" Wu Fei asked subconsciously.

"Yes," said the red-haired woman as a matter of course, with a bit of reproach in her tone, "at least change your clothes to cover up the magic fluctuations on your body."

It may be that Wu Fei's dazed expression was too obvious, and the woman couldn't help but raise her voice a little.

"You know you're a witch, right?"

"Then do you know that witches are being hunted and killed everywhere now?"

"If you are caught by those people in the Special Division, you will only have a dead end!"

Maybe because she was anxious when she came over, the woman didn't put down the newspaper in her hand.

As a result, Wu Fei was able to glimpse the big time on the front page of the newspaper - June 6, 3047 in the general calendar.

But he remembered that he saw a newspaper in his study that he didn't know how long it had been in, and the time written on it was the year 3050 of the general calendar...

The time in the level has always been of little significance to them, so he didn't pay attention at the time.

but now…

Wu Fei looked up at the woman: "Excuse me, is this today's newspaper?"