Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 256: it's a good bottle of wine

After getting on the train, Haibara Ai looked around.

Shiraishi knew that she was probably looking for Conan: "They went back early."

"Is that so." There was obvious disappointment in Hai Yuanai's eyes.

If Conan is still there, maybe a little more things will happen on the road.

That way, it will become as difficult for them to leave Osaka as it was before.

…Pity. Not when it should be, and messing around when it shouldn't.

In the book of revenge in Haibara Ai's heart, another addition was added to Conan.

This time, the way back was really smooth and nothing happened.

Arriving at Rice Flower Town, Haibara Ai waved goodbye to Shiraishi.

When Baishi returned home, after removing the reward, he wanted to make up for a sleep, but he packed up and lay down on the bed, but he couldn't fall asleep at all.

...That's right, although the mask has been running around outside, the main body is always sleeping.

Thinking about it this way, it seems like there are a few more hours in a day.

In the future, when you want to read novels and play games at night, if the mask time has not been used up, you can use the mask to read first, sleep on the main body, and manage your time properly.

Shiraishi thought about it for a while, and flipped through the English book next to it. This was very effective, and he fell asleep quickly.

The next morning, Shiraishi was woken up by a tinkling sound.

He raised his head from the quilt, and the sound represented that there was a mission on Gin's side.

The organization-specific mobile phone is usually placed in the system backpack by Shiraishi.

When other people send news, there will be a light prompt.

The gin is different, the message he sent will also have its own sound effect when reminding.

Shiraishi turned on the screen and saw that the Q version assistant was circling anxiously on the screen, so he could not wait to check it for him.

Seeing that Shiraishi was awake, she exhaled a small bubble in a relaxed way, walked back behind the screen with her nightcap in her arms, and resumed her sleep.

Shiraishi took out his mobile phone and saw an unread email in his mailbox. It was sent by Jinjiu and asked him to pick up someone tomorrow.

As for when, where to pick up who... As usual, ask Bourbon for details.

In fact, this was originally the task of Amuro Toru.

However, Toru Amuro had something to do, so this supposedly not-so-difficult task was handed over to Shiraishi.

Shiraishi dialed the phone and explained the situation.

Amuro Toru seemed stunned for a moment: "Gin let you go?"

"Yeah." Although the pause on the opposite side was very subtle, Shiraishi still felt it. He felt that there was a problem. Could it be that this task is difficult?

Amuro Toru's tone quickly returned to normal, and he explained the situation naturally.

This time it's just a pick-up mission.

Tequila wants to trade a top-secret material with others, not the people of the organization. Although the probability is not high, it is also possible that the person will call the police or backtrack.

Shiraishi's mission this time is somewhat similar to Gin's first roller coaster mission. It is to observe the surroundings to confirm whether the environment is safe before and during the transaction. Once it finds something wrong, he will remind Tequila to retreat.

If the police really rushed in to arrest someone, Baishi would have to help his accomplices run away, and at worst, he would have to bring out the information.

"I've put Tequila's photo in the office. Come over tomorrow and write down his face, don't take the photo out."

Anshitou piled up the documents in his hand, and said casually, "Don't go too early tomorrow. If there is an ambush by the police, it is easy to be noticed if you go early, and it will also disturb the transaction partner."

He said it very clearly, and there was only one question left to be confirmed. Shiraishi asked him meanly: "If the transaction partner calls the police, should I silence him?"

"Whatever." Toru Amuro wanted to say no, but held back:

"Many of our transaction partners know nothing about the organization and only think that they are selling intelligence to commercial competitors. You don't need to pay too much attention to him, and you should focus on intelligence and covering tequila."

Shiraishi agreed and hung up the phone.

He searched for the name of tequila in his head, and got a bit of an impression. This old man seems to have appeared very early, and then was killed early.

He turned on the light screen and looked at it again. There was no rescue mission, so Shiraishi decided to take the organization's mission as an ordinary mission.

But one thing is not ordinary.

The relevant information of the mission, such as the face of Tequila, is not to be remembered as soon as possible, so as not to meet tomorrow without knowing each other, it will take another long time to find it according to the characteristics.

But although Amuro Toru didn't specify the time to remember his face, he implanted two "tomorrow" in his words, as if he wanted him to go to the office to check the information the next day.

Can't go to the office today?

Did the police go to a routine office?

Can't be so arrogant.

Shiraishi became curious.

Anyway, I have nothing to do today, and Toru Amuro's detective office is very close to his house. After Shiraishi had breakfast, he simply turned on his mask, switched to cat form, and strolled over to see what was going on.

Although Jinjiu didn't say what kind of material to trade, Amuro Toru still found out - it was a list of big-shot programmers.

Organizations need these people.

Once the list is obtained, the organization will go to people one by one, intimidating and enticing them to make the programs the organization needs.

—The above is what Shiraishi heard when he was hiding on the window sill of the detective overhearing Amuro Toru's phone call.

Talents are talents wherever they are placed. After hearing about it, the police decided to prevent the black-clothed organization from getting the list.

While there are other ways for organizations to obtain data, intercepting a list is more convenient than protecting a long list of people the organization is targeting.

In short, Amuro Toru has been busy with this recently.

Gin didn't tell him who he was trading with, nor did he say the specific trading method. These are all decided by Tequila, and Tequila will communicate directly with the person who responds.

The police can only try to prevent the data from being handed over based on known information.

What they know so far is that the transaction takes place at the Rice Flower Hotel.

Although the name is a hotel, it is actually a business site.

After the public security investigation, it was found that there will be a press conference for the new work of Mantiantang Company in the near future. The exact time is tomorrow, the day when tequila starts trading.

There are many ways to trade in such public places.

According to Tequila's past habits, Amuro thinks that he may use the depository to trade.

— On the day of the press conference, many people would leave their luggage at the counter before entering the venue.

At that time, Tequila only needs to deposit the box containing the money in the storage office, and the transaction object will deposit the list in the storage office. The two secretly exchange number plates, and then get them out, and the transaction will be successful.

Therefore, although a lot of preparations have been made elsewhere, the public security still focuses on the storage area.

They sent an undercover agent disguised as a storage employee to attach an ignition device to the box when Tequila came to pick it up.

In this way, at the moment of opening, the device will generate a small-scale explosion, which will not kill people, but can cause the data to catch fire and burn.