Pretty Her

Chapter 45

A document on the table, the file just sealed, the red seal stamped on it, Fu Shuai handed the document over, and tapped his finger, "You are going to have an identity, just to envy the city to lack a person, and from now on, you will restore your family. Last name, he will be deployed to lead the army in Xian City in January. "

Zhang Shenzhi stood saluting, his grim face, like a machine with no emotion, and the words bouncing outwards in his mouth, sounded stern: "Everything is obeyed by the commander."

He clipped the papers, packed up all the letters on the table, and was about to go out. Fu Shuai shouted at him, "Be careful, don't hurry, let's talk a few words."

They went outside, in the green grass, and the soldiers of Dashuaifu patrolled across the path. When they saw people, they took off their hats and saluted, Fudashuai nodded, and Zhang Shenzhi next to the standard military salute was slightly different.

Fu Shuai kicked the stone beside him, and laughed: "Be careful, you are the best soldier I have ever seen. What do you learn like? After you have been out there for so many years, you still keep the habits there."

Zhang Shenzhi spoke slowly, his voice was not low or high, like a piano dispatched to just the right limit, calm and pleasant, the only problem was that it was too cold and did not inject any emotion.

"When I went there, I was young and easily affected. I couldn't change it."

Fu Shuai turned to look at him, his eyes quipped: "Everyone may be affected. Only you Zhang Shenzhi will never shake the slightest."

Ordinary people are praised by Fu Shuai, not to mention their inner pleasure, at least their faces will be flattered, but Zhang Shenzhi is always an expression. He was engrossed, his face was tough, his eyes were slightly drooping, his single eyelid, high nose bridge, and cold eyebrows were inexplicably gloomy.

Like a bottomless well, the sun can't get in. Even if the water is drained, there will be a continuous stream of springs underneath, covered by layers, and will never reach the end.

Fu Shuai took his eyes back, feeling deep inside, "Be careful, you have worked hard a few years ago, you ca n’t recover your identity after being tired. Although you ca n’t tell the truth about the things you do, I will always remember, and the people will always remember. You are a big Heroes, heroes should not be so lonely. "

When it comes to Zhang Shenzhi's military achievements, Fu Shuai is very guilty. On credit, Zhang Shenzhi should get a hundred times what he is now.

Zhang Shenzhi himself didn't feel regret. He lowered his eyebrows and glanced over his hands. There was blood from countless people: "I did what I should do, and I can't be called a hero. "

Fu Shuai patted his shoulder, shifted the topic, and talked about the easy things: "The Chief of Staff Zhao asked me to introduce him, his family is almost the same age as you, young people, communicate more, friends everywhere, relax appropriately."

Zhang Shenzhi's tone was as indifferent as ever: "The country is in dire straits, and there is no home."

Fu Shuai smiled, knowing that he would hit a nail, but he still wanted to try it. Among the people he cultivated, only Zhang Shenzhi was the most impeccable. No matter from his personal ability or personal life, Zhang Shenzhi was strict with himself and never had any flaw.

This young man really dedicates himself to the country both physically and mentally. He was so focused that he looked ruthless and cold.

"I remember your hometown is Xian City?"

Zhang Shenzhi: "Yes, I'm from Xiancheng."

Fu Shuai laughed: "Xiancheng is a good place to make good mountains and rivers. You do n’t have to rush back when you go back. After finding Baoqing, please persuade him that you are his friend. If you are, he is willing. Listen to two sentences. "

Zhang Shenzhi returned to his residence with the documents and letter. The lieutenant came over and offered the things, and smiled: "Sir, found, fell under the dinner table, and has already asked the master to reconnect the broken chain."

Zhang Shenzhi took the pocket watch chain. The only thing he carried when he left home at the age of sixteen was suddenly broken once a year ago and again two days ago. He opened the pocket watch, and in the round pit, there was a small photo inlaid, afraid of being found, his face was cut, and only three blurred outlines remained.

He looked at the photo with a little cyanosis. After a short while, I finally put it back in my pocket and returned to the room to deal with the matter about to leave Nanjing.

Xian City is very lively recently. This lively energy comes from the strong reshuffle of the forces in the city. The Zhang family is the only one. No opponent in the city dares to oppose it.

In terms of military and political affairs, a new overseer is preparing to be dispatched. It is said that it is directly under the Fu family. The momentum is not small, it is tightly covered and airtight. Someone wanted to probe the news, but couldn't get started.

"They didn't say a word and didn't know if they were going to take office. They knew nothing but knowing that they were young guys."

"Did you not put on a battle, those sent in the past, with great fanfare, this time, it seems a bit too low-key."

"Maybe people want to make a private visit, but Leng Buding just came out."

The people in the chamber of commerce talked enthusiastically. Today is the day of the regular meeting. Bai Yuluo hasn't arrived yet.

Fu Baoqing was sitting in the corner of the sofa with his neck extended and ears raised, listening to the discussion of the new Overseer. He was a little bit puzzled, thinking of the letter he sent, and couldn't regret it.

When people's emotions collapse, they will inevitably make something wrong. For example, the "help" letter he wrote to Shen Zhi now wants to come, and he can't wait to chop his own hand.

In the event that Shinji really comes, it must be his father who sent Shinji to arrest him.

Fu Baoqing's brows were locked tightly, his mouth was raised high, and his face was full of remorse. Someone else saw it, and came over to ask, "Father, look at your face, it doesn't look very good."

Li Dahuan slammed the man's hand, and Fu Fuqing said, "When have you seen him look better this month?"

Fu Baoqing hummed and moved in.

Li Da looked around and saw everyone walking away, asking softly, "Rejected by Madam Young?"

Fu Baoqing quickly covered his mouth, "Dying!"

Li laughed and opened his hand, "What are you afraid of? You think you've lost your heart all day, can't anyone see?"

Fu Baoqing's heart was depressed, and his mouth was not angry: "Where have I lost my soul?" He wiped the tip of his nose, skimming Yu Guang, and asked, "Why, do you all know?"

Li Dahe laughed, "Mrs. Young is so good. Which man can't meet you when you see him. You turn around behind Mrs. Young's **** all day, and you can see it personally, just because you are stupid, thinking that you dress perfectly. "

Fu Baoqing glared at him, "Dare to keep seeing my joke?"

Li Da: "No, I just won the money and I am happy." He took out the check and shook it, smiling very happy: "I bet you can do it, those who have not seen the world, you are the usual way Bluff, you can do it, I'm smart, you can't do it. It won't win the pocketbook! "

Fu Baoqing rolled his eyes, folded his arms with his shoulders, turned around arrogantly, and turned his back to Li Da, and let him talk, but he didn't talk anyway.

Li said spittingly, "... Mrs. Young, I don't know how long you have to keep it. Don't give up."

When Fu Baoqing heard this, he looked back at him with a smile on his face: "Do you think I can do it?"

Li Da: "It doesn't matter if it doesn't work, you can't continue to gamble without giving up."

Fu Baoqing was stomped with anger, pushed him away and ran out. He bumped into people and looked up. It was Bai Yuluo.

He hasn't seen her for months. After that night, she went to Peiping for urgent matters and did not take him. He usually follows her when something unexpected happens.

This time, I was probably afraid that he saw her sad, so he didn't call him intentionally. When she arrived in Peiping, he received her phone call, only to know that she had left Xiancheng.

The night after he answered the phone, he hid in the bed again and wept, fearing that she would never approach him again.

Fu Baoqing has spent the rest of his life regrets this month. He trembled, afraid to call Bai Yuluo, afraid of annoying her, looking forward to her return, and afraid that after her return, he was finally judged, and could no longer stand next to her, look at her, and do her work as before.

Everyone who is rejected by my sweetheart goes back and forth a thousand times, and in the end will always have a thought: if it didn't break, it would be fine.

He stared nervously at her, forgetting to say hello, didn't dare to feel half resentful in his eyes, wanted to laugh, but was afraid of being too abrupt, and struggling to recall the normal look that she should have before her, but suddenly found that before he was Every moment she came forward was full of joy and smile.

His love is really too strong.

Fu Baoqing stood there and secretly vowed that if she would give him another chance, he would definitely change the way he loved her. He would patiently ponder and see what she likes. Then she would continue to flow a little bit.

He can give her whatever she wants. Even if he hides his likes, he can do it, as long as she doesn't alienate him.

In a few seconds, Fu Baoqing's heart was fighting with heaven and man. He seemed to be tormenting in **** for hundreds of years, until Bai Yuluo reached out his hand and shouted with a smile: "Baoqing, what are you stupidly doing, Come here. "

He carefully identified that the smile in her eyes was the same as before. In her tone, there was no alienation or embarrassment in his imagination.

The rest of the life after the disaster. Fu Baoqing posted in excitement, with the same hands and feet, like a very old daughter-in-law, and even spoke softly: "I haven't seen you for a long time, is everything OK?"

"Of course it is good." She nodded, took out a gift from the handbag, a Western packaging, a long box, opened it, and saw a pen. "I saw this when I was on the street, and said there was only one in the world, and then I can't find anything else. Just because you like to write things, this one is for you. "

She brought her servant with a few big bags in her hand, all of which were gifts for others. After talking to him, turn around and talk to others. Everyone received the gifts, and they were very happy, cheerful, and festive.

Fu Baoqing, holding a fountain pen, stayed away from the crowd, stood by the corner of the wall, and wiped his eyes. Li shouted to him, "Hold green, what's wrong with you!"

Fu Baoqing lowered his head. "It's nothing. There is sand in his eyes."

Li Da: "I'll blow it for you."

Fu Baoqing pushed him away, Li Da didn't stand still, and almost fell off a dog to eat shit.

Everyone laughed. Bai Yuluo was sitting in the middle of the crowd. She changed her hairstyle. Her original curly hair has now straightened and she has lost her enchantment. Innocent and harmless, a bi-colored cheongsam, if not for the thin smoke in her hands, looks like a female student who has just graduated from a girls' school.

A trip to Peiping followed the customs and changed the clothes. It's good to be young, just a little change, you can change to another identity.

It happened that someone sent a post, the grand ball, borrowed the place of joy in the world, and the power of the city will go.

"It seems that the new Overseer will also go." Li Da suddenly burst out, looking at Bai Yuluo: "Mrs. Young, you just came back and didn't know. The seat on which you are sitting has been replaced."

Bai Yuluo folded her legs, her posture was elegant, "Are you clear about the situation?"

Li Da: "The only thing that can be determined is that he called Nanjing, as if he were from the Fu family."

Bai Yuluo glanced at Fu Baoqing and asked, "Hold up, are you going to the ball tonight?"

Fu Baoqing was guilty of counseling. He was very happy to hear that there was a ball at night. Bai Yuluo's fixed dance partner has always been only one of them. She likes his dance steps and praises him for his good dancing. The two cooperate very well.

He should not hesitate to respond.


"No more, my head hurts a bit, and I want to go back to rest early at night." Fu Baoqing yanked his cuffs, in case the new overseer was cautious, he was going, and met, wouldn't he throw himself into the net?

The ball at night was fashionable and fresh, with the western style added, and everyone wore a mask.

The vehicles of the Governor's Mansion were left outside, and the soldiers were neatly arranged in a row. At a glance, everyone understood that the mysterious Warlord would officially debut tonight. He will announce his arrival to the entire city of Xian.

Zhang Shenzhi was very dissatisfied. The lieutenant bowed his head and apologized: "Several bosses in the city wanted to clean the Overseer. They used to do this before, so I ..."

Lieutenant Li was the last one to stay. It was rumored outside, and it was said that Zhang Shenzhi did not see the true face of Lushan, but in fact Zhang Shenzhi arrived in Xiancheng last night. His new deputy publicly preached before he came, so people mistakenly thought that Zhang Shen had come to Xiancheng early. Only But low-key lurking.

The mysterious illusions created created everyone's heart.

Zhang Shenzhi nominated Sun Assistant, who he brought from Nanjing. "In the future, everything will be taken care of by Sun Assistant. You don't have to worry about it."

Lieutenant Li froze. The division of forces in Xian City has always been uneven. Like his predecessor, there was no background, and when he came to Xiancheng, no one took it seriously.

This new Overseer is different. It is a real iron general, very hard, unlike those former flower racks, people came from serious military power piles, and belonged to Nanjing. When he came, the city of Xian will change.

For so many years, Lieutenant Li was overwhelmed by the forces of Xiancheng. He finally got a hard-hearted master and was thinking of taking the opportunity to raise his eyebrows and exhale. Where would he let go.

"Overseer, you don't know if you're new to Xiancheng. The doorways of Xiancheng are more complicated than elsewhere." Lieutenant Li said, and smiled at Lieutenant Sun: "Although Lieutenant Sun looked like a thorough person, no matter Well-rounded, many things are unavoidably unclear, not as good as me, an old city of envy ... "

At half the point, Lieutenant Yu Guang glanced at Zhang Shenzhi's cold look, without a trace of temperature, looking like a dead man, Lieutenant Li shuddered and dared not say any more.

He ventured over the files of the new Warlord quietly.

Except for the merits of unidentified sources, there is a blank.

Not even the name.

Lieutenant Li did not dare to go out, and quietly returned.

Zhang Shenzhi stood up, neatly dressed in military uniforms, and stepped out, leaving a little sentence: "I am also a city of Xian City, you do not need to point me to the door."

As soon as Zhang Shen was gone, Lieutenant Li breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly pulled aside Lieutenant Sun, asking, "What is the name of the Overseer? There must be a title."

Deputy Officer Sun: "I don't know the previous name, the current name is Zhang."

Lieutenant Li's eyes widened, Zhang?

The lights are bright and the music sounds. There are bustling styles everywhere.

Zhang Shenzhi looked coldly at everything in front of her eyes, and her half-section covered her eyebrows. As soon as he came out of the Overseer's Mansion, he was invited here, too late to change his clothes, and his military uniform was particularly dazzling.

Everyone around looked at Zhang Shenzhi from time to time, talking about it, and wanted to step forward to ask what, but did not dare to approach.

The blood of the soldiers and the coldness of the killer are reflected in Zhang Shen's body. The experience of the past six years has been painful and tormenting. People like him who are walking on the edge have become accustomed to the darkness. They suddenly saw the light and couldn't restrain the alertness of killing. A person who writes full of people should not be near.

There were many young people present, wearing suits, bow ties, dancing, wandering around with people, full of vitality.

Zhang Shenzhi is also a young man. He has a handsome and beautiful face, but the body and soul covered under his clothes have long been covered with sores, just like a century old man.

He's here today. At that time, it was not called "Happy on Earth."

Zhang Shenzhi remembered the past, and was slightly surprised. He walked to the corner and for a moment didn't pay attention and collided with people.

Is a beautiful girl. The mask blocked half of her face, the bicolor cheongsam embroidered the landscape, the black hair was long, the horns were obliquely held back, revealing a clean forehead.


The girl smiled. "You have to be careful here, hit someone casually, and get into trouble, you have to make a fortune." She just finished talking, seeing that he was wearing a military uniform, then covered his mouth and A smile, "It looks like I'm thinking too much."

It was just when the music was dancing, the people around them were paired, and the party ’s best show, impromptu dance, as long as the designated music sounded together, regardless of age, gender, or both, a duo.

As for the dance partner, whoever stops it, that's who. Even if you accidentally catch an old enemy, you have to jump over and talk about it. Xiancheng loves this set. It has been seven or eight years and has not changed this playfulness.

The dance is done horizontally and vertically. It doesn't matter.

Countless hands came to this side.

Zhang Shenzhi hesitated for a second, then took the girl's hand, "Together."

They danced slowly. The long steps, long ambiguous, hands close to hands, hands close to the waist, dangling, dangling around, she was almost stepped on, her eyes quickly, her hands fast, and slammed her tightly.

She laughed, her eyes crooked, filled with broken stars and streamers, "Huan, why don't you panic at all."

Zhang Shenzhi held her hand and went quietly to a place with few people, trying to be separated from people so as not to be crowded. "I used to skip this dance, it was noisy, it was like a fight. "

She saw that he didn't like to make trouble, and gestured with his eyes to point him in the direction. "But it's not too skillful to see your dance steps."

The girl's voice was very soft, and Zhang Shenzhi said a few words to others: "Just skip it once, when you are 14 or 15 years old."

She was very confident and said that it fell in her ears, but it was not disgusting. Instead, she had a natural sense of comfort. It was commonplace, "That must be a girl who is as beautiful as me, or skip it once, How can you remember the dance steps so clearly. "

They had moved to the corner, and he let go of her hand, his words relentless: "Dancing with the little girl at home, someone must remember the dance steps."

Just when the music ended, the two took off their masks.

Zhang Shen one of them.

He looked at the girl in front of him, something flashed in his mind.

He tried to keep his emotions as steady as possible, and didn't dare to confirm the first time, thin lips gently said: "You are familiar."

The girl laughed. "You too. I feel like I've seen you somewhere."

Someone came by and shouted, "Overseer." Then she saw the girl beside Zhang Shen, with a more respectful tone, and shouted, "Mrs. Young."

Zhang Shenzhi's eyelids jumped and asked, "Which young lady is this?"

The man replied, "Chengxi Zhang's."

The girl smiled and raised her lips, and her eyes were bright: "It turned out to be the Warlord. For the first time, hello, I'm Bai Yuluo."

The night breeze is cool and the streets are brightly colored.

The night of Xian City is different from other places, and it has to be one or two points. The rickshaw on the road drank and drank passengers, and the wind blowing from the pier was salty and salty.

Warlord's vehicle and soldiers were stationed not far away.

Zhang Shenzhi took the coat and passed it, "The wind is strong, do you want to put it on?"

Bai Yuluo shook her head with a smile and looked into the distance. "I'm too hot, so I don't feel cold."

Zhang Shenzhi froze for a few seconds, her coat clasped in her hands, and finally fell on her shoulders. He fastened her first button strongly, "I invited Miss Bai to take a night tour, not to allow Miss Bai to blow cold wind and freeze."

Bai Yuluo allowed him to fasten his coat button, pretending that he didn't know anything, and the play was realistic: "Overseer is so good, so many people invited me."

Zhang Shenzhi's eyebrows lowered, Heyou's eyes stared blankly at the edge of Bai Yuluo's split cheongsam, throwing out a headlessly: "How long have you been there?"

Bai Yulu stared at him: "What do you ask, what do you keep for years?"

Zhang Shenzhi: "I asked you to stay widowhood for a few years."

Bai Yuluo smiled, did not look away, raised her chin, and her voice was a bit punchy: "Hugging a big cock, I was married at the age of fourteen, this year, you count."

He held back and looked at her, his eyes red, "Don't you say you're all dead, what else are you marrying?"

Bai Yuluo said loudly, "I'm happy."

Zhang Shenzhi raised her head, matching her eyes exactly, she gasped slightly, tears in her eyes, did not fall, staring at him fiercely.

He reached out his hand subconsciously and was opened by her.

She looked at him without blinking, as if to see him through and see through. The words spoken were like a knife, and she wished to stab people into thousands of words: "The governor asked me what I did, did I know my indifferent Righteous husband? "

He didn't say it, she didn't point it out, just dragged it like that, Zhang Shen looked at her, and spit out three words: "I don't know."

She sniffed, took out a handkerchief, and squinted her eyes. The hand that smoked was slightly trembling, and she nodded a few times without lighting it.

Zhang Shenzhi took a step forward, blocked the wind blowing away, built a wall for her with her body, lowered her head and stroked a match to lightly smoke her.

She took a sharp sip, and all the white smoke sprayed on his face.

Zhang Shenzhi was fascinated by the smoke, didn't escape, and continued to stand. He was much taller than her, half-stunned, and squinted his eyes.

Bai Yuluo took a sip and sprayed a fine smoke on his face. After smoking a cigarette, she dropped her cigarette butt, pushed him away, and stepped on the high heel.

Zhang Shenzhi followed, not too far away, just the distance he could touch.

In the dark night, her figure was swaying, like a beautiful rose, she was graceful and graceful, and she was no longer the little girl who was entangled with people and asked for candy, and then wept.

She walked, unbuttoned her clothes, took off her coat, and the coat fell to the ground. Zhang Shen picked it up in a short step, and put it on again. Take the jacket over and throw it directly into the sea.

Zhang Shenzhi frowned, looked away at the beach for three seconds, and then continued to catch up.

She seemed to avoid him intentionally. When he came up, she started to run. He also followed and ran into a piece. The two fell to the ground, panting, and Zhang Shenzhi said, "Miss Bai, you are young and beautiful "Why be widows, dead people will never come back, nor can they come back."

Bai Yuluo leaned in his arms and raised his face and smiled: "Where does the Overseer say this, I have never expected anyone to return, and death is dead. I understand this more than anyone else."

Her eyes were too sharp, and Zhang Shen was suddenly out of breath.

Rao was not as ill as he was today when the enemy suffered the most severe torture. He was so cold that his blood was able to withstand it before he could withstand inhuman torture.

His hands were around her shoulders, and he buckled in a little bit. He was so vacant that he didn't know what he was going to do. He always has a clear purpose and will never lose his way. Time does not allow him to hesitate. The difference of half a second may bring disasters.

But now, looking at her, he suddenly didn't know what he was going to do and what he wanted to do.

"Miss Bai."

She raised a sneer and laughed: "Don't be so polite, you've taken me into your arms. What's your name, Miss Bai, and your name is Yuluo? No one has called me like that for a long time."

He eventually failed to call, and politely called her again: "Miss Bai."

She started struggling, **** him, and he remained motionless. The pocket watch chain in her jacket pocket fell out. She picked it up, spread it out, smiled a few times, and wobbled up, holding the watch chain in her hand, asking : "Overseer, who are the photos inside, your family?"

Zhang Shenzhi looked up and habitually denied: "No."

She nodded. "Okay."

After that, she threw the pocket watch chain into the sea.

Zhang Shenzhi froze, then turned over the railing and jumped into the sea to fish.

In the car.

The back compartment was wet, and Deputy Officer Sun drove the car. He did not dare to look back or ask, the atmosphere was a little nervous.

Zhang Shenzhi drew his head, dripping water all over his body, and carrying the pocket watch chain picked up in time in his hand, he said nothing.

Bai Yuluo pointed the way ahead. "Go there."

Zhang Shenzhi gave a glimpse of the surrounding street scene. Not the way to Zhang Gongguan, he asked, "Where?"

Bai Yuluo: "You care where I go, you are not my husband, I go wherever I love."

The car stopped on the side of the road, just in front of Fu Baoqing's little bungalow.

Bai Yuluo got out of the car, Zhang Shenzhi shook the window, and Heyou's eyes stared deeply: "Miss Bai, reunite someday."

She ignored him and turned away.

Zhang Shenzhi did not let Deputy Officer Sun continue to move forward. He leaned against the window to look at her, she knocked on the door, and there was a light in the room, who came out to pick her up.

The street light blocked the line of sight and couldn't see clearly, all he knew was a clear man.

Zhang Shenzhi looked for a while, until she entered the room, he still stared at the door.

At this time, Vice Admiral Sun asked: "Overseer, do you want me to look it up? This lady, and her boyfriend?"

Before Zhang Shen, Deputy Sun also worked for other officers. It's not uncommon to see love at first sight like tonight, and he thought Zhang Shenzhi was one of them.

Zhang Shenzhi did not respond, and coldly ordered him: "Drive."

Inside the house.

Fu Baoqing was sleepy. As he said, he didn't go to the ball, returned home, and fell asleep early in the morning. Thinking of getting up early tomorrow, I could see her earlier. Seeing her in the dream, she opened her eyes again, and it was her dreaming.

Fu Baoqing took Bai Yuluo's handbag diligently, his fingers touched the back of her hand, and it was very cold. He hurried to the kitchen and rushed a cup of hot milk, holding it to her.

Bai Yuluo was lying down on the sofa, not picking up his milk.

Fu Baoqing didn't dare to use her body temperature to warm her up. She tried to touch the back of her hand with the temperature of the milk glass, rolling all the way from the tip of her finger to her wrist.

She was a little thirsty, licked the corner of her mouth, and just opened her mouth. Fu Baoqing immediately fed a straw to her lips. "Drink slowly, and be careful of your mouth."

He didn't ask her why she came here at this time, she had stains on her body, the traces of rolling on the ground just now, and her left hair was loose and looked a little messy.

Fu Baoqing didn't ask anything, he just smiled and said, "If you sleep with me, go back to sleep. If you go back to sleep, I will change my clothes and send you."

She looked at him. His handsome face was full of vitality and joy, a piece of white paper and Ren Jun painting.

She stretched out her hand lazily and nodded her finger between his foreheads. "It's too late to go back."

He laughed intoxicatedly, fearing that he was eager to scare the bad guys, and didn't dare to laugh too much.

"Then I'll make you a bed."

The author has something to say: Qingqing: Brother der, thank you Ha.