Pretty Her

Chapter 68

Xiao Zhuan was full of joy waiting to see the move.

The playfulness of men is particularly strong not only in political affairs, but also in women.

Years of experience have made him particularly picky about love, and hardly anyone can see him. You can't catch your eyes, let alone your heart.

Lord Xiao, who believes in power, believes that the world is number one, and to be his sweetheart, he should be the best woman in the world.

Xiao Yan waited for several days without waiting for Yun Yan's further offensive. She was not like those women who had no control over her. She did not rush to show him beauty, but lived in the house with peace of mind.

It didn't take long for Xiao Fu to know that there was a beautiful lady in the house. The beautiful lady not only had a beautiful face, but also a compassionate heart.

Yun Yan was delicate and weak, but he was not pretentious. Anyone who has contacted her and said a sentence or two, no one does not like her. She was very concerned about the people around her, and remembered everything in her heart. She was tender and tender, and someone was close to her, but when she smiled, she felt like a spring breeze.

Even the old Mrs. Xiao family mentioned to Mr. Xiao: "The girl from the family, whose name is who? Whose child are you? Bring her over and let me see."

The sun is shining, the summer heat is written in the wind, and a blow is thrown on the body, blowing down a sweat. Xiao Yue came out of the old lady's house, and the pace was slow.

The servant was holding an ice-porcelain basin behind him. The ice cubes just frozen from the bottom of the well were hissing white gas, and another servant flicked with a fan, blowing cold air to Xiao Yue's side, and solved his Sultry, can't solve the hotness in his heart.

No need to mention it by the old lady, he was still in his heart, so he had no choice but to say. Where did he ask other people about his affairs?

Xiao Yan frowned, half a moment, beckoned the housekeeper, and casually asked, "Did she do anything in the house these days?"

"She?" The steward responded quickly, and immediately understood who Xiao Yan was asking, respectfully replied: "The master is asking the girl, the girl is not doing anything, the girl who is serving her is talking back and forth every day. There is no size, there is nothing special about it. "

Xiao Zheng didn't believe, "Are you asking me about it?"

The steward's tone was firm: "No." Suddenly I remembered something and stopped talking.

Seeing his hesitation, Xiao Min was not displeased, but was relieved, and immediately asked: "Is she a private trustee to explore my preferences?"

The housekeeper shook his head: "That's not true. It's just that the girl Grandma has quietly asked if the master is Xiao Xiao Xiao. After learning the identity of the master, the girl Grandma was very panicked, didn't fall asleep all night, turned around, and got up the next morning , I took a pair of gold jade bracelets to the girl, saying that it was a good idea to ask the girl to give the jade bracelet to the owner. "

Xiao Yan raised a smile with satisfaction, and he knew that she couldn't hold back, and after only a few days of hard work, she was thinking of affair with things.

He continued to pace forward, took a few steps, chewed the housekeeper's words again, and spread his hand to ask, "Where is the jade bracelet?"

The steward froze, and bowed his head and replied: "Jinyu bracelet was not passed to the villain."

Xiao Zheng frowned lightly, "You have such a courage to dare to obscure yourself."

The steward knelt hurriedly: "The host is not angry, not because the villain greedy the bracelet, but after the girl Grandma finished the bracelet, she regretted it and chased it back."

Xiao Yan heard his words and frowned, as if the mountains overlapped and couldn't melt away, he asked displeasedly, "Why chase it back?"

If it is a gift, how can it be sent half way back?

Housekeeper: "I heard that Grandma's girl just finished handing her bracelet and turned around to meet a girl who was crying. The parents of this girl's family were seriously ill and had already spent half a year's moonlight in the house. Upon hearing that, the girl chased the jade bracelet back and gave it to the girl.

Xiao Min was weird, "She's kind."

The steward laughed: "Indeed, the girl Ama sighed to the people around her afterwards, saying that although the kindness of the adult is important, it is more important than life, and she will report to the adult in the future."

Xiao Yan snorted softly. "Although she is kind, she dares to say such words, and she is not afraid to offend me."

The housekeeper was dumbfounded.

The owner was flattered by others, and all followed his heart. Which of the women who came over in the past did not place the owner on the apex of the heart, so that he could try to give the owner a look.

The owner was always cold-hearted and lonely. As the eldest son of Xiao Jiayi, he was held all the way from childhood and stayed in the court. He was able to do it again, and the power was in his hands.

The right to have talent and appearance, everything is top, how can the host not be proud?

The old lady often sighed, saying that her master was too proud, so she didn't marry his wife at this age. Everyone else had children, but Xiao Fu didn't even have a hostess.

The steward knelt on for a while, Xiao Xun took a few steps in place, and finally kicked forward, "Get up."

The housekeeper was relieved.

A large group of people moved forward, Xiao Yan walked in the forefront, the people behind him did not dare to speak, and let him sway around the garden. Xiao Yan walked, walked to the side of the stone bridge, crossed the bridge, and there was the West Chamber.

This is where the grandma stays.

The steward is most adept at making observations and speaking out in a timely manner: "I'll go through it first, so that the girl will be able to entertain the host with courtesy."

Xiao Yan didn't speak.

The steward walked a few steps forward, and suddenly heard Xiao Yue's voice behind him: "Stop, come back."

The housekeeper was so confused that he had come to the door, why did he suddenly change his mind.

Xiao Yan lost his hand on his back.

Almost caught her.

If he took the initiative to visit her, wouldn't he have hit her?

Still not as good. You have to wait for her to come up with a move, and then he takes it again. He knew the methods of these women, exhausted all kinds of methods, in order to catch the man, and when the man turned his soul over, he showed his original appearance, asking Jinshan to Yinshan for power, and even worse, for his life.

He is not an ordinary man with little knowledge. He's Xiao Yan, he will never be fooled.

Xiao Min thought so, returning the same way, passing in front of the Dinghua Gate, I heard someone joking around the mouth of the well, the woman's voice was so sweet and pleasant, the laughter was in the ear, and the ear was itchy.

He quietly leaned forward half of his body and saw a graceful princess lying on the side of the well, draped lightly on her thin, white wrists, lowered, and looped halfway around his waist. Soft and foldable, charming and bright.

She is watching how people make ice.

The little sister-in-law and the girl-in-law who worked hard were very patient, and when she saw her interest, she was about to hand the kettle to her.

She took out the cool well water from the water bowl she had just picked up, and Xiaoyao had set up a large pot next to it. She filled the kettle and screwed the lid, and she was about to throw it into the big pot. The girl was afraid that the boiling water would splash. She took the kettle and told her to step back.

Probably fresh, she covered her mouth and grinned, moving to the back, half of her body still lying on the side of the well.

The water tank in that kettle boiled, she helped hand the basket out, put the kettle into a bamboo basket, and then hung it into the well. The ice cubes in San Futian were made.

She picked out a small piece of ice with surprise, covered her face, and shivered with a colder smile.

She took the ice cube and frolicked: "This is really fun."

Xiao Yan stood by the wall, his feet never moved half a step.

His eyes stayed on her face. Peering at her beautiful eyebrows, her pretty Qiong nose, and her red sakura lips.

The beauty is so, Jiaoyueyingyingying.

At first glance, the second eye fell again, with the second eye and the third eye, looking at it one after another, without knowing it, they had forgotten the world.

He remembered what he had said to others in his spare time.

Others asked him, what does Master Xiao have to ask for his wife?

He replied, "The beauty that never fades."

Others asked: "Shao Hua is easy to die. Unless there is immortality, there will be no such women in the world."

He sighed vulgarly and replied: "There are two types of beauty. One is empty appearance, and the inside is dull. This beauty will disappear in at most ten years. The second is solidified by soul, born from the bone The beauty and beauty of her beauty are beautiful in every move, and such beauty will never fade away. "

She has a stunning posture, a charming soul, and a stance that makes one resist.

At this time, Xiao Kun was secretly crying, cursing the opponent who had sent him away, but he was so fierce.

Just don't know what purpose the master behind her has this time.

Is it right or life?

The girl watched a figure on the wall and shouted, "Who is there!"

Xiao Yan frowned.

I wanted to turn around and leave, and suddenly heard her calling, Rou was able to drip water: "Is it a boy?"

She knew his identity, but still called his son. The word "Gongzi" fell into Xiao Yan's ears. It sounded like a romantic man in the drama, stripped of his status, leaving only a man's identity.

He hesitated for a moment, slowly walked out from behind the wall, and waved his hand gently to signal that the man should leave.

They were left at the patio.

She was about to get up, the wind lifted her cape, the long veil rose to the ground, floated to the wellhead, and swirled down. She hurried forward, and reached for her puppet.

He strode forward, grabbing the cloak with one hand, and supporting her with one hand, his voice calm and clear: "Don't play around the well, be careful to fall down."

She looked down and took the cape in his hand, and whispered: "It's strange to see them making ice, so I came to the well."

They still kept the close distance just now, and she didn't rush to push him away. Instead, she lowered her head blindly, her long eyelashes flickered, her fingers twisted uneasily with a veil.

He stood in front of her, smelling the aroma of her, and the dew-scented aroma was on her, as if there was a soul in the moment, and it was dazzling in the wind. She said softly, "My son, thank you for keeping me."

Xiao Yan stared at her intently, embarrassing her deliberately: "Are you going to say anything other than the word thank? You know, I'm not rare in thanking you."

She buried deeper, and he saw her cheeks flushed, and the tips of her pink little ears turned red, as if blocked by his words, and I didn't know how to answer them.

He didn't make a siege for her, he just looked at it.

For a long time, she said lightly: "I have no pennies, I can only say a few good words with one mouth, an adult has a high weight, is a star-like figure, and I really shouldn't say a few empty words. "

She changed her title and, like everyone else, called him Lord. Xiao Xun was unhappy and moved half a step forward.

There is a gap between the two. Behind her was a well, afraid of falling, and reached into his arms subconsciously around his cardigan.

Her small soft hands rested on his chest, getting tighter and tighter, never looking up and looking at him.

Xiao Yan: "Look up."

She raised her face meekly, but glanced elsewhere, her mouth whispering, "Whether men and women are unacceptable, can adults move away?"

He was tickled by her words.

She was supposed to seduce him, but she hadn't made any progress for a few days, and now he was anxious for the master behind her in front of him to talk about incompetence.

Although it is good to seize the situation, he must pay attention to his size, and if he does not change the way, the duck with his mouth will be cooked and fly away.

Xiao Yan stared deeply at her. Since she is not in a hurry, he does not need to worry, anyway, he has patience.

Xiao Zheng stepped back and let the way out.

She let out a small sigh of relief, her expression no longer nervous.

He pointed to the front and took a step forward, and she snapped and immediately followed.

In the summer, they walked through the shaded forest. Xiao Yan asked indifferently, "Can you still live in the house?"

She nodded, and a smile appeared on her face: "Everyone treats me very well, my lord's residence is luxurious and a good place to live."

Xiao Yan answered lightly. What came to mind, and said: "It's better to call the son, save the restraint."

She frowned, "Happy, son."

Seeing that she was about to step out of the shade, Xiao Xuan couldn't help sighing in her heart. Unfortunately, she hadn't done much such a great opportunity to be alone.

This is to be replaced by other women, and he has long sincerely offered him a hug. Either lame or dizzy, he has come up with a hundred good ways for her to get close to him.

Just as he sighed, his robe was pulled.

Xiao Yan was happy. With indifference on his face, Shen Sheng asked, "What's wrong?"

Yun Yan: "I heard the aunt say, it's true that the concubine in the adult's house wants to hire nuns to stay, and the incense is a hundred dollars a month."

Xiao Yan lived, "Why do you ask this?"

She smiled, clearing her eyes, "I want to try if I can."

Xiao Xun didn't believe it and responded perfunctoryly.

On the second day, the housekeeper spoke back and said about Yun Yun. He only knew that after she got his nonsense yesterday, she immediately went to worship at Master's Hall, and now she has brought her practice.

She really wants to be a nun.

Xiao Yan looked iron-blue.

Is he really wrong?

how can that be.

Even if it was n’t sent to the other side, an ordinary woman saw him.

Xiao Xun rarely went to the hall again. This place is sultry and sultry, without any slight anger, where can I live a sweet and tender beauty.

As soon as he arrived, someone came out to meet him.

The comer wore a navy round-necked square placket, a large robe, a pair of lotus feet, and a swaying figure. All the embellishments faded away, and the innocent and charming charm turned out, demonizing without knowing it.

Xiao Yan froze for a moment.

She smiled sweetly and called him softly: "My son, but who is a lady in the house to pray for blessings?"

There is an old lady in his house, where is the lady. He glanced at her: "No."

She led him forward. "What's the matter with that boy coming here?"

Since entering the hall, Xiao Yan hasn't stretched her brow. At this moment, when she heard her question, she sighed and said, "This is my hall.

She nodded and proceeded: "That's true."

Xiao Min stopped and finally couldn't help breaking the casserole and asking, "Why do you have to be a nun?"

She looked up at him, and her beautiful red lips evoked Han Chunmei's smile: "Because there are hundred incense money."

The author has something to say: Xiao Yan: You wake up, I'm more valuable, please seduce me wisely, ok?

Stepmother Chan: You must be awake, cub.