Pretty Her

Chapter 73

After a few seconds of silence, Xiao Yan whispered: "Look for someone to look at her, but don't be too deliberate, wait for my grandmother to congratulate my grandmother on her life, and then pass by at night."

The steward should look down and look up, seeing that there was no expression of anger and doubt on Xiao Yan's face. If he read correctly, it seems that adults have a smile in their eyes?

The housekeeper froze.

This is not something that has happened in the past. Adults have high weights, and there are many people in Chaotang who want to deal with him. In the earlier years, more people were cleared up by adults, and now there are only a few powerful opponents. With the power of adults today, it will be sooner or later to eradicate the few opponents.

Those with bad intentions tried all sorts of methods. The adult always saw the tricks when he met him. He was cruel, never soft-hearted, and would rather kill three thousand by mistake than miss one.

Judging from today's situation, adults should be skeptical of Master Imam.

But why is the adult suddenly happy? Even the indignation that was heard when he heard the assassination was suppressed, and the whole man was full of joy.

The housekeeper was puzzled, and suddenly heard Xiao Yan turning back and instructing: "Remember to send food and food, don't starve her."

Where do you want to ask about sin?

Could it be true that Master Imam could not know the prophet?

Adults are not so stupid.

Xiao Yue went forward, his heavy footwork gradually briskly, his mind turned a thousand times, his smile grew stronger and he seemed to have something great.

How could he not doubt.

It's just that he has more delightful thoughts than doubts.

He was not in a hurry to seek the test, let the idea in his heart slowly ferment. He returned to the banquet, and someone saw him with a happy face, thinking that he was in a good mood because the old lady's birthday party was lively today. Even if the woman talked to him, it was rare that he did not give people a bad look.

The faint smile like a moon is sticking to Xiao Yan's mouth, and he can't wipe it off until the night, when he can't bear his temper any more, he enters the West Garden.

Her new house. The best garden in Xiao's house is suitable for her daughter to live in. The flowers and plants are so beautiful that you can see all the strange animals. Even in the palace, there is no such good place.

Xiao Yan stopped under the arched flower door, took a deep breath, first gathered the faint smile on his face, and then patted his face, pretending to be serious. Taking two steps, I felt that there was something wrong, cleared my throat, and lowered my voice as much as possible.

Yun Yan sat under the shade of a flower, with a blue cage lamp at her feet, and a bright white Haoyue on her head. She wore a plain-looking homely dress, windy and misty, beaded and unadorned, beautiful and refined, like the cold. The fairy of the palace is just that the fairy is holding a rabbit in her hand and the cat is holding in her hand.

The cat was snow-white all over, with green eyes showing outside, stroked by her, lazily dazed. Suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, immediately flickered, as if afraid of others to harm its owner.

The cat screamed sharply and startled her. She turned her head and saw that he was coming this way, and Xiaoying Ying stepped forward to greet him: "My son, why are you here, shouldn't you be entertaining guests at this time?"

Xiao Yan said with a low eye: "It was a bit tired after a day of trouble, and I walked to you."

He reached out to caress the cat in her arms, and the cat immediately reached out to grab.

He gave her a cat, but he didn't recognize him.

He withdrew his hand with a humming sound, but fortunately, he pulled away quickly, without being caught, and stared back at the cat with a bulging eye.

Yun Yan quickly put down the cat, held his hand, and looked carefully, "But what hurt?"

He should have said no.

"If you look closely, I don't know, it hurts on the back of my hand."

He stretched out his hands with peace of mind, and allowed her to look at the wound for herself. She lowered her head and examined carefully, and her soft, tender fingers brushed slowly from the back of his hand.

She got close, he could smell her fragrant and hot breath with a slight bow of her head, her soft red lips were moist and beautiful, and she just wanted to bite.

Xiao Yan shook his throat.

He couldn't help but get close, just when she suddenly looked up, the two lips passed lightly, only a moment of effort, his dry lips seemed to have desire-Huo Yuanyuan, this desire-fire burned to the bottom of his heart, burned He couldn't help himself.

She stepped back in shock.

Xiao stunned, then looked firm, and took her over.

He embraced her waist, Chu waist was small and brutal, and she was forced to lean against his chest.

Xiao Yan: "I know you are a masterpiece sent by someone else."

Yun Yan froze, her eyes burst into tears, the water was shining, and she said softly, "I am not."

Xiao Yan's actions were tight, and his tone was as calm as ever: "If you didn't do it carefully, why would you know in advance what the thieves had entered the house and let the housekeeper take someone to catch them?"

Yun Yan opened her mouth and was about to speak, but Xiao Yan didn't allow her to interrupt herself, holding her waist in one hand, reaching her lips in one hand, and making a boo gesture to indicate that she didn't have to argue.

He told her every word in his heart: "I didn't mean to blame you. On the contrary, I was very happy."

Her lips were blocked by him, so she had to speak with her eyes, with thick eyelashes like a fan, and bright and clear black eyes showing innocence.

In his eyes, he was even more happy, and his speaking speed became faster: "I know, you are a woman of graciousness. You see me and treat you well, so you wavered, right? You can't bear to let me be assassinated That ’s why I hurried to find a housekeeper. I have long understood your good intentions. ”

She frowned lightly and couldn't wait to say anything.

He refused.

He continued to say, "Since you have betrayed your master for me, I will not disappoint you, rest assured, as long as I am Xiao Xiao one day, no one dares to move you, from now on, you It's really the Xiao family. "

After he said it, he glanced at her face, thinking he would see her grateful expression, but didn't want to, she didn't feel half happy, but frowned deeper and deeper.

Does she still want to follow her old master!

Xiao Yan was frustrated: "Why, don't you want to be a member of the Xiao family?"

She pushed his hand away, and she finally spoke: "I ..."

Xiao Zheng increased his bargaining chips: "I will not only write off what you have purposely approached me in the past, but also repay your life-saving grace. You can do whatever you want."

There was an imperceptible sly smile in her eyes. He thought he was dazzled, but in any case, as long as she knew what he meant.

Everything else is not important.

Yun Zheng looked up at him again.

She came to him, already planning. Sooner or later, she will return to the palace. Her battlefield is not in Xiao Palace.

These days she waited in Xiao Fu, not only to gain his trust. She saw him step by step lost, everything was in her expectation, but this was not enough, she wanted more than that.

In the previous life, Yun Cheng sent assassinations to Xiao Yan. Although he did not succeed in assassinations, he successfully stirred up the feast. Mrs. Xiao was frightened of illness and died shortly after. The assassin's assassin committed suicide by poisoning himself, and Xiao Xun failed to reveal the true murderer behind him.

When Yun Cheng and Yun Rong discussed the matter, she hid behind Yun Rong's dormitory. She waited until today to stop the matter. She stopped the catastrophe for him, and he had to return her.

Yun Zheng whispered softly: "Since the son has seen everything, I will not hide it. Do you want to know who did it today?"

Xiao Yan froze.

He felt that she shouldn't ask this suddenly, she should be moved by his words, crying and turning everything over, and he would not hold it anyway.

Millions of thousands of fine works, not bad for her.

Xiao Zheng comforted herself, maybe she was anxious to show loyalty to him, so she said such a terrible thing. He asked casually, "Who did it?"

Who else will be her master.


Yun Yan: "It was made by the Yun family."

Xiao Yi froze for a few seconds, then returned to God, his expression alienated, disapproving: "Who is my Tao, it turned out to be his house." He paused, with a bit of sourness in his tone: "Your master Who is the master of the Yun family? "

He thought, she had better not say Yuncheng. Yun Cheng Fengmao is majestic, handsome, and well versed in the art of royal maids. I heard that female masterpieces like her will be tuned and taught by the master before she leaves the school. Maybe Yuncheng did something to her.

He stared dullly at her lips, for fear she would spit out the cloud into two words.

But she turned sharply: "My son misunderstood. Although I intentionally approached you, I wasn't instructed by others. To be close to my son was completely my own will. I don't need to take orders, and I don't have a master behind me."

He breathed a long breath.


She: "But I really have a close relationship with the Yun family."

Xiao Min just put down his heart again, he asked in a sigh of silence: "What's the relationship?"

Yun Yan calmly touched his hand, and her weak, fleshy body leaned against him: "I'm Yun Cheng's sister."

He was immersed in her rare intimacy, and was both physically and mentally drunk, because her subtle approaching movement was blank in her mind, and the sound of things around her slowed down. He waited for a long time before he could return to his senses.

Belated surprise: "What!"

Yun Yan said lowly, "My real name is Yun Yan, the seventh girl in the Yun family."

For a moment, Xiao Xun lingered for a while, and he asked her: "As a Yun family girl, why would you help your brother's old enemy? Have you ever met me before? Did you love me at first sight, so you risked that? Is the big risk approaching me and protecting me from the poison of your brother? "

She ignored the arrogance in his words, and said without hesitation: "Because I hate my brother and elder sister, and my son is my brother's enemy. If I can cooperate with my son, I can do more with less."

Xiao Yandi said nothing.

His gaze remained on her face. She no longer pretended to be weak and innocent in front of him, and she exposed her selfishness. He hated the scheming woman most, but for some reason, he didn't feel the slightest disgust after he heard her say this.

It is true that she is a Yun family girl, but she saved him, which shows that her heart is still towards him. He thought that if she left him in the past, she probably was worried that he would become angry when he knew her identity as a Yun girl.

Xiao Zheng has always been calm and self-confident. He can calmly cope with the events of Tianda, even today.

He thought he would not be angry until he asked, "How do you want to cooperate with me?"

Yun Zheng: "I'm in the harem. You're in the front, and you should meet inside and outside."

Xiao Yi lived and said immediately: "You don't have to do everything yourself. If someone wants to respond in the harem, I can just find a girl to enter the palace."

Yun Yan: "I don't want you to find a girl in the palace."


"Because I am the princess."

Xiao Zheng's body was stiff, and something exploded in his ears, as if a thousand layers of waves were slamming into him, engulfing him into the boundless frenzy, and his resistance was followed by a violent thunder.

He grabbed her thin shoulders, clasped his hands tightly, his eyes were red, and he asked, "What did you say, who is the princess?"

Yun Zheng: "The palace I entered two years ago is the treasure of the emperor today."

He could barely breathe, staring at her fiercely, her beautiful vermilion lips were as beautiful as petals, but fierce as a blade, a piece of one, all talking heart-breaking words.

She wanted to go further and said that when she saw him, she stopped immediately, and put her hands on his wrist softly, like tenderness: "My son, I was compelled to conceal my identity."

Xiao Yan's teeth were trembling with anger, but he still tried to suppress his anger as much as possible, so he would simply let go of her and turn his back.

She was about to come forward, he scolded, "No one is allowed to come."

She stood behind him, stretched out her hand to pull at his horns, and said softly, "My son."

Xiao Yan: "Don't call my son!"

There was a bit of frustration in her voice: "Are the son really unwilling to cooperate with me? Actually, I don't want much, I just hope that the son can help me go back to the palace. For other things, I'll do it myself, not Need trouble son. "

Xiao Yan felt a pain in his heart, like he was poked in with a scissors, stuck in his heart, and shredded a little bit from the inside to the outside.

He can't stay any longer.

If he stays on, he will really die.

But she let him go.

He waved her hand and she climbed again.

She pretended not to know anything, and asked him, "My son, are you okay?"

Xiao Yan didn't speak.

She had to let him go.

A long while.

He heard her footsteps sound, a sad departure.

Xiao Yan was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, and turned around to see her back, Nana, weak and helpless. The moonlight shone, making her look like a flying fairy, as if she would leave the world in the next second.

Suddenly he collapsed for a moment, without anger, and the rest was not resentful or hateful. He threw a murmur, "You can rest assured that I will help you return to the palace."

She thanked him, "My son, I will repay you in the future."

Xiao Yan didn't answer, and left quickly.

As soon as he left the West Garden, he sent someone to check it overnight.

He stayed up all night, his intestines regretted.

It's him who cares. I thought it was a fine work, but I didn't want to be the emperor's woman.

She approached him not for others, but for her own promising future. Now he returned to God and found that every step she did was very good. She dug a pit and waited for him to jump down.

First approaching him, using her hero to save the goodness of beauty, and later in order to maintain her own innocence, she said she would be a nun. Yeah, as a nun, her man is an emperor, how could she commit to others.

No wonder he cried and ran away with a small hand. She thought about seducing him everywhere, she just wanted to protect her innocence from beginning to end.

Xiao Yan soaked into the ice bath again.

Soak in three more, wait until the spy returns to the house to talk.

Then he knew what she was doing. The much-loved Yun family's little daughter was forcibly summoned into the palace by her elder sister after her father's death, and she has since become an unloved little concubine. From time to time, she was kicked out of the palace by her eldest queen, and while outside the palace, she could only live in the White Deer Temple.

Probably when he went to Bailu Temple to pray, she saw him, so she thought about approaching him.

She had chips in her hands, knowing that her elder brother was going to harm him, so she waited until today, fortunately, to work with him.

Xiao Yan plunged his head into the ice water, and his ears and noses were filled with water. He didn't breathe, soaking in the water so dullly. Until he was about to suffocate, he slowly looked up from the water.

He leaned back by the bath and leaned back, his chest undulating.

He told himself that things in the world are always unpredictable.

He is Xiao Yan, a dream lover of thousands of women. He has his pride, and he will not take his sincere affection for a deep-hearted woman.

If she wants to cooperate, she will cooperate. As for the others, he would not give her.

On the second day, Xiao Xi wrote a letter, asking the emperor to invite the concubine of the White Deer Temple back to the palace on the grounds that the Qin Heavenly Prison peeped at the sky.

In addition to living in a small treasure forest, the White Deer Temple also lived with several concubines of the emperor. In his memorial, he did not state that he would take Yunyu alone to return to the palace, but used the Spring and Autumn style.

Xiao Zheng was in a superior position in the North Korea, and went to Bailu Temple without harming himself. After seeing Zou Shu, the emperor almost didn't think about it and he answered.

On the second day of June, the emperor visited the White Deer Temple.

Outside the temple, there were people kneeling on the ground, and Jinlong Yuyu was carried from the 36 people to the door of the temple. The eunuch's sharp voice stretched the tail: "Kneeling--"

Everyone lay down on their stomachs.

The emperor came down from the throne, with a handsome and handsome face, a thin white body, wearing a red-yellow dragon robe, gold thread embroidered on the chest, the sun and the moon shining, the sun shining, shining.

The young emperor wore a Tongtian crown and emerged from the crowd. A pair of Wupi Liuhe boots slowly slowed down.

The emperor stopped near the wall, his temperament was simple and elegant, and his voice flowed like a clear spring. He pointed to the woman kneeling on the ground and asked, "Are you also your concubine?"