Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 103: How did Xiaoxiao know?

"Xiaoxiao, it's not that we don't want to release the cubs, we are just protecting our own cubs."

Ai Ke said this, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Why? Is it still unsafe in the tribe?"

Although it is to protect your baby, there is no need to protect it so strictly, right?

"Xiaoxiao, in the past our cubs were also released from the tribe and let them fight in the tribe.

But our tribe is the weakest around here, so sometimes some large prey rush in to catch the cubs. "

She had witnessed it once when a huge prey rushed into the tribe, and several small, young cubs were slapped to death by it.

"There is no solution in the tribe?" Isn't Otter as a leader, there is no solution?

"Our tribe has a small number of people, and even if we put it together, we may not be able to kill a particularly large prey.

What's more, if we attack those giant beasts, we will definitely be injured. By then, more than one or two cubs may die. "

Ai Ke looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, it wasn't that they didn't want to do it, but they really didn't have much manpower and could do nothing.

It's just that Xiaoxiao is so smart, I hope she can think of something!

"Well, then, do those giant beasts mostly come to the Taer tribe during the season when food is lacking?"

Mi Xiaoxiao was curious, if these giant beasts that Ai Ke said hadn't come to the Taer tribe because of lack of food, what would be the reason.

"How does Xiaoxiao know? It's true" Ai Ke looked at Mi Xiaoxiao in surprise, wasn't Xiaoxiao rescued by Jin Xuan?

These giant beasts that come to the tribe to make trouble are usually out in the season when food is hard to find.

"Then you can rest assured to release the cubs! The reason why those giant beasts attack the tribe is because there is no food.

It's autumn now, a lot of fruits and wild vegetables are mature, there is more food, and there will be no less prey.

So they will not deliberately run into the tribe to make trouble. "Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Aike seriously.

"It turned out to be so, then I'll tell everyone when I go back." Aike nodded happily, Xiaoxiao is really smart.

Ai Ke didn't even know it, for Mi Xiaoxiao's words, she had rarely thought through her brain.

In modern times, if Mi Xiaoxiao is a big star, then Ai Ke is undoubtedly the number one fan.

"Let's go! Today we have other tasks." Taking advantage of not going out today, Mi Xiaoxiao plans to gather everyone to sew animal skins.

It's autumn now, the weather will slowly turn cooler, and the rain will only be more or less.

If she were to wear only such a drop of clothes in such cold weather, it would be a joke in a joke.

Therefore, Mi Xiaoxiao thought, gather everyone and sew more warm clothes while the weather is still warm.

In this way, even if winter comes, you can still fear the severe cold.

"What task?" Ai Ke looked at Mi Xiaoxiao curiously. What does Xiaoxiao have to teach everyone to do today?

"At that time you will know, but remember to ask everyone to bring some animal skins and bone needles for making animal skin skirts."

Mi Xiaoxiao asked Ai Ke that someone else came out and didn't bring these two things, so he had to go back and get it in trouble.

Such a time-consuming and laborious approach, Mi Xiaoxiao, as a person on the road of lazy goods, raised his hands against.

"Okay, then Xiaoxiao, I will gather everyone, by the way, let everyone bring out their cubs."

The cubs have been living in stone caves, and the survival rate is very low. If they are brought out, the place will be much more spacious if you teach them to hunt.