Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 265: Good hurt, let's go

The breeze is light on the Buddha, the sun is shining, and the air is fresh. Through the lush branches and leaves of the towering old trees, the pale golden light sprinkles the small halo on the forest path.

"The feeling of walking down the ground is really good and practical." Mi Xiaoxiao happily circled the place, greedily breathing the unique fresh air that only belongs to the forest.

Suddenly, the whole person felt refreshed, and all the messy thoughts and worries all disappeared in an instant.

"Be careful, don't sprain it again, I won't heal you at that time." Tame lifted the backpack in his hand, glanced at Mi Xiaoxiao, and said casually.

"... Crow's mouth." Mi Xiaoxiao stopped and gave a man a fierce look.

"I'm telling the truth. Your foot injury has just healed. Don't hurt me by accident and waste my time."

Tamo shook the bag made of animal skins on his shoulders, then stared at Mi Xiaoxiao, talking to her with an expression that looked extremely serious.

"Yes, I'll be more careful, so don't worry about it." Duplicity and duplicity. Is it so difficult to tell the truth once in a while?

Obviously, I was worried about her foot injury, but as soon as I reached my lips, I became worried that she would become a burden to him. The difference was not even slight.

"Who said I'm worried?!" Ta Mo moved his ears, and then quickly retorted Mi Xiaoxiao's words, but two suspicious blushes appeared on his face.

"Well, don't worry, okay, let's talk about it, where are we going first?" Mi Xiaoxiao glanced at Ta Mo boredly, and then played with her long hair.

"Follow this path and keep going, let's talk about it when the time comes!" Ta Mo casually went forward, and then said calmly.

"..., okay." Mi Xiaoxiao's eyes twitched slightly, don't doubt, Tamo, this guy, really just pointed casually, and, most importantly, she couldn't refute it.

Because she herself didn't understand the current situation, she was washed to such a place by the river, and now she wants to go back, the ghost knows the route.

After they returned from the Shimi tribe that night, Mi Xiaoxiao told Ta Mo what she had heard, and then Ta Mo fell into deep thought.

Later, neither of them mentioned this matter, but the Shimi tribe just came to find trouble every other time.

And the key point every time is that the emperor still wants to bring her back to the Shimi tribe, but it's okay, Ta Mo can solve it easily every time.

Although the people who came were more diligent and came and ran every three to five, but Mi Xiaoxiao still never saw the legendary leader of the emperor who wanted her to be his female.

This is also a bit strange. Every time his men came over, they kept saying that she wanted her to follow them back to the tribe as the leader of the tribe, but after a long time, she hadn't seen a person in her face.

Can't you say this is weird? She even had some doubts, is their leader not the drunkard's intention not to drink, the real purpose is not her but Tamo?

But for this assumption, she didn't get the answer in the end. The more annoying times, she became accustomed to it. Anyway, Ta Mo was blocking her, what was she afraid of!

As the days passed, her foot injury was almost healed. After being washed out by the river for so long, Mi Xiaoxiao thought, she should go to Jin Xuan and the others anyway.

I have been missing for so long without knowing it, I don't know how they are, whether they are trying to find her whereabouts, or... have accepted that she is dead, and then forgot her.