Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 712: initial

Of course, these are things to follow. The most important thing now is to gradually open stores in various tribes. Of course, one store is not enough. If you want to open it, open a chain.

She can’t understand the sentence that she can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, so she never thought of going to the sky in one step, but she had to open the first store first, and temporarily set it at Shi Mihao, not far from their tribe. NS.

The Blue Sea Tribe has never been there, and I don't know how far it is, so Mi Xiaoxiao, the Blue Sea Tribe, has no intention of touching it for the time being.

So early the next morning, Scar took a few people to the Shimi tribe to survey the terrain, and Voga also followed. Anyway, Mi Xiaoxiao stayed here very safely, so many people guarded, absolutely not There will be a little danger.

Therefore, Voga, the personal guard who he kept under his command, was free for a while.

"Are you going to test the water with the Shimi tribe?" Shi Nuo silently blew the soup in his hand and handed it to Mi Xiaoxiao's mouth, and an injured woman only needs to open her mouth and drink it.

"Clever!" Mi Xiaoxiao snapped a finger, and the lazy voice came from her mouth that had a special flavor, thinking that the scar they should also come back, so he subconsciously looked towards the entrance of the cave.

Today, because they were discussing the opening of a store, Li Shuo did not hunt, including Li Suo, the most diligent runner. They all stayed in the cave honestly, but stayed in the corner of the cave. Near breath.

Only when Mi Xiaoxiao looked over, the cold aura that converged and became a little gentle, as for the others, he didn't care much.

Not worthy of him to care.

At this moment, Scar, who went out to investigate the situation, hurriedly walked into the cave, along with Tru, Voka, and two other people.

"Boss!" Scar stepped forward, arching his hand towards Li Shuo, his tone a little eager.

Originally, they planned to go hunting with the large army in the morning. They did not expect that they were caught by the leader before they even set off, saying that there was an urgent task that they wanted to hand over.

Unexpectedly, this question said that they need to go to the Shimi tribe to investigate the situation, and it must be fast, the time is urgent, and there must be no delay, and it is necessary to return to report the situation as soon as possible.

Well, after listening to Scar, he understood immediately, there is no urgent task, but the leader wanted to please his wife, so he asked them to run errands in the Shimi tribe, and they often received these. It's hard work.

"How's the situation? How wide is it?" Li Shuo said casually, his pale green eyes filled with smiles.

"The terrain is flat, but there is a lot of grass. Since that land was allocated to our tribe, their Shimi tribe should have never taken care of it, so that weeds are overgrown.

It's okay to be wide. About three of our caves are so wide. I don't know what the leader wants to do? "Sword Scar was puzzled. When the emperor cut the land, he was puzzled. Although the Shimi tribe was not far away from their tribe, it was not close.

It's just such a tiny bit of land, and a certain distance away, it's useless to use it.

Unexpectedly, today he was asked to survey the terrain, saying that it was the wife's meaning.

"Are three so wide? That's quite enough." Mi Xiaoxiao nodded seriously, looking like I was very satisfied.

"In this way, Scar, this leader will give you another arduous task. Only you can do this task. Don't refuse." Li Shuo played with his fingers, with a slightly picky tone, seemingly very happy.