Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1026: The dragon enters the sea

"Is this really my own brain?"

Through the divided minds, Fengyun saw where he was in the first time the totem power rushed out of the pipeline.

Although he already knew where he came, he still couldn't help but have a strong suspicion, because the situation he saw was so different from what he expected.

Before he crossed, he had inadvertently touched the structure of the brain.

Although he was not too careful at the time, relying on the evolution of his mind, he could clearly remember the things he had seen in the past, even if he hadn't noticed it at the time, as long as he was swept by his eyes, You can basically recall it.

The clouds in the sky are rolling, raindrops pouring down like broken pearls, and below is the endless water surface, but the water surface is not empty, there are some black islands, large or small, irregular Distributed above the water.

Those islands look strange, at least very different from ordinary islands. There are almost no sharp protrusions on their surface, but rather a deep ravine.

But when he wanted to see them clearly, the tumbling waves rushed towards them like a high wall, either completely submerging them or being blocked by the splashing water mist.

Although the entire space is a scene of violent storms, it is not like what Fengyun usually sees. The sky is dim and the visibility is very low. On the contrary, the space presented in front of Fengyun is very bright.

The clouds in the sky are golden, and the raindrops pouring down from the clouds are also golden. They all shine out, and there is no feeling of drowsiness at all.

Not only that, the vast level below is also golden, although its color is not as heavy as clouds and raindrops, but it also reveals a faint golden brilliance.

Feng Yun soon discovered the source of the golden clouds in the sky. They were transformed from the golden light and mist rising from the channels connected to his brain to the sky.

Those golden haze, that is, the indigestible part of the ugly fruit pulp, is transformed into an effect by swallowing it. It does not seem to be a lot, but when they escape from the pipe, their volume expands rapidly. In addition, , Its color is rapidly deepening, and its concentration is also increasing. It seems unconventional, but it just happened.

Feng Yun quickly withdrew his attention from the golden clouds and golden raindrops in the sky, and focused more attention on the large and small islands that were exposed to the surface of the water. His feeling told them that they should not be simple.

Soon after, his feelings were confirmed. Those so-called islands are not real islands, but part of his brain. As for why there are so many gullies on them, it is entirely because the surface of the human brain is originally Full of folds.

In order to prove that his speculation was correct, Feng Yun allowed the power of totem to wrap his divided mind, protected it, and plunged into the golden water.

When it is underwater, there is no golden light reflected by the water surface, which is equivalent to removing the interference. Through the divided mind, Fengyun can "see" more clearly.

By walking down the water, Fengyun gradually established an underwater panorama, comparing it with the brain structure he had seen before, almost exactly the same.

At this point, Feng Yun finally confirmed that he was submerged under the golden water surface, and only some of the behemoths exposed on the water surface were really his brain.

With the results, Feng Yun couldn't help but feel a strange emotion. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to see what his brain looks like.

In the following time, Fengyun conducted a more detailed observation in the brain space, and found that the brain, which was almost completely submerged to the bottom, seemed to be very adaptable to the current environment. It shrank one by one, as if breathing, with intervals. The time is very average and it looks amazing.

While the brain is shrinking and shrinking, Fengyun also discovered that it will absorb the golden water that soaks it, and at the same time, some things will be discharged from its interior. Not many, but the color is very dark, making it very eye-catching.

After being expelled from the brain, they seemed to be heavier, and they all sank to the bottom, even if the water surged, they never left the bottom.

Fengyun approached and found that they were something similar to sludge, sticky and sticky. As for whether they tasted or not, he had no way of knowing, because he was observing the mind and there was no sense of smell, but even so, he was still instinctive. I think they will never taste good.

Feng Yun had already guessed what those black sludge-like things were. They were impurities in his brain, and he was no stranger to impurities.

Exhausting impurities from the body is already commonplace for Fengyun. Whether it is because of some adventures or the practice of self-created exercises, impurities will be excreted from the body. The difference is only the amount.

Without exception, the taste of the impurities expelled from his body is not very good. Fengyun believes that the impurities expelled from his brain should not be any different.

"Looking" at the impurities that had been deposited on the surface of the water and underground, Feng Yun decided to do something. He felt that letting them stay, especially keeping close contact with the brain, might be detrimental to him, even though they were originally from the brain. Discharged.

"Then clear it from your mind."

Feng Yun did it as he thought of it, anyway, the totem power sent into the body had not been used yet.

Under the control of the mind, the power of the totem began to change, and it quickly turned into a giant flood dragon, and in the next instant, it swam in the water.

At this time, Fengyun finally knows what is called the Flood Dragon entering the sea. Although the totem power transformed into the Flood Dragon is not a real Flood Dragon, it does possess a very important characteristic of the Flood Dragon, that is, hydrophilicity.

In the water, Fengyun has a very strong feeling. Not only does the water not become its resistance, on the contrary, it still helps it everywhere, becomes its booster, as if as long as it wants to go somewhere, in fact, he wants to go. Wherever there is no need to do anything at all, the water will deliver it by itself.

After playing in the golden water for a period of time, the wind and cloud finally calmed down, and the flood dragon that controlled the power of the totem to dive into the depths of the water.

In the blink of an eye, the wind and cloud approached the depths of the water bottom, and then the dragon's tail swayed abruptly, the waves rolled, the undercurrent surged, and the impurities deposited on the bottom of the water also churned with the current.

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