Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1027: salvage

The impurities churned from the depths of the water as the dragon's tail stirred.

The original pale golden water was crystal clear, but now it was mixed with so many black impurities, which made people very uncomfortable to look at, but Fengyun did not mean to stop the totem power of the dragon.

It wasn't until the impurities in a large area had left the bottom of the water with him as the center that Fengyun stopped the dragon, but it didn't stop completely, just stopped stirring the water.

Immediately afterwards, he had a new move. Waves of blue light came out from the body of the dragon, but the light was condensed and not scattered, like a fluttered silk and satin scattered behind it. Come.

The change of the blue light is not over yet. After it spreads out, it will soon have a new change, bulge and become a net.

Feng Yun looked at the blue light net and felt that it was almost complete, so he made the dragon move again, dragging the net to swim in the water, wherever he passed, the stirred up impurities were all swept away by the net, and the water changed again. It's crystal clear.

However, with the passage of time, the speed of the Jiaolong gradually slowed down. It turned out that the mesh of the optical net was blocked by impurities, and the water could not leak through the mesh, and the resistance increased greatly.

This is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that after the net does not have water, the regurgitation formed by the water hitting the net surface will push away the impurities that want to get close to it, which greatly reduces the efficiency of collecting impurities in the water.

Feng Yun was obviously aware of this, the Jiaolong stopped, and then the blue light net connected to its tail began to shrink.

Soon, the light net shrank into a ball, and it was covered with a black sludge.

Feng Yun thought for a while, a gust of cold air leaked from Jiaolong's body, and instantly transmitted to the sludge, freezing it into a hockey puck while breathing, and wrapped it with a thin layer of ice on its surface.

Fengyun cut off the connection between the optical network and it, and it slowly sank to the bottom of the water, but it was restrained by ice shells, and the impurities inside did not diffuse out.

In the ensuing time, the situation followed suit, creating one by one impurity hockey pucks under the water.

When Fengyun removed all the impurities from the bottom, the number of ice hockey pucks had reached 21.

At this time, the brain is still shrinking regularly, but the impurities discharged from it are already very small. If you don't look very carefully, you can't even see it at all.

Feng Yun controlled the dragon to swim towards the nearest impurity hockey puck, and when it was still some distance away, it shot a blue light from the tail of the dragon, right in the center of it, impartial.

When the dragon moved, the impurity hockey puck also moved, as if the blue light had penetrated deeply into it like a nail.

The dragon did not stop, dragging the impurity hockey puck towards the other one. When the distance was almost the same, the blue light connected to the first impurity hockey puck would suddenly increase in brightness. At the same time, a new light stretched backward. Suo directly nailed the second impurity puck.

Jiaolong still didn't mean to stop, dragging two impurity hockey pucks and swimming to the next impurity hockey puck.

Fengyun's handling of the impurity hockey pucks is almost the same. In the end, it seems to have a string of beads on its tail. The beads are the impurity hockey pucks.

The dragon started to swim towards the surface of the water, broke through the water, and flew into the sky with the long string of impurity hockey pucks, hovering in the air for several weeks, and then drilled in along the passage that was connected to the brain when it came.

Although the situation of the brain is somewhat different from Fengyun's expectations, it is generally pretty good, and he does not need to intervene.

It took Fengyun several times longer to get out of the brain network, but it wasn't that he got lost in the brain network. He kept walking along the way in. There was no such thing as being lost.

Fengyun took a long time, completely to solve his personal problems. The impurity hockey puck dragged by the dragon, which was transformed by the power of the totem, was too big, and the narrower passageway couldn't pass it.

At this time, Fengyun has one more job. If he wants to take away all the impurity hockey pucks, he must first open the narrower part of the passage.

It was not that Fengyun had never thought that he would encounter such troubles. After all, he had just entered through the passage. In fact, he had already made up his mind to expand some relatively narrow places in the passage.

Unlike the last time, Feng Yun is not in a hurry this time, he can take his time, but even so, his work efficiency is still not low, but that is called Dao Yi.

The sword technique has reached his current level and is already quite powerful. Even if he only instills very little totem power in his attack, his destructive power will be greatly improved.

It is used to expand the channel, although it is not overkill, but high efficiency is certain.


Feng Yun suddenly opened his mouth, as if he had eaten something dirty, and then something really sprayed out of his mouth, a black smoke.

If you look closely at the smoke from Feng Yun's mouth, you will find that it does not have any contact with Feng Yun's mouth. Its surface is covered with a layer of blue light.

This black as thick ink impurity is exactly the impurity carried by Fengyun from the space where the brain is located, but when they are really excreted from the body, Fengyun has changed hands many times in the process, that is, he, replaced as the first Two people, they really can't do it.

There are a lot of things that come out of the space where the brain is located. Fengyun has been vomiting out for almost two minutes and it is not over yet. This is because it can increase the flow, otherwise the time will only drag longer.

If this is the case, Fengyun himself would probably not be able to bear it, because the impurities are the same as predicted, and they have a very unpleasant smell, even worse than the smell of impurities discharged from other tribes of the body.

He expelled the impurities from his body in one breath, Feng Yun was completely relaxed and his eyes opened.

Sweeping his eyes around, pressing his palms on the branches of the branches on which he was sitting, the wind and clouds took off into the air, quickly approaching a tree with extremely many ugly fruits, and then a stable place I sat down on the branch, picked off some ugly fruit and ate it.

Swallowing this special ability does not require excessive interference from external forces after it is activated. Once adjusted, it can continue to operate by itself.

As for the undigestible part of the ugly fruit pulp remaining in the stomach, there are not too many, at least it will no longer affect Fengyun's continued eating.

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