Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1032: Self-doubt

Feng Yun found that he might have thought the problem too complicated.

In fact, if King Rock Chong wants to obtain a large amount of the indigestible part of the ugly fruit, he does not need to come to the ground to eat the fruit of the ugly fruit tree that he now grows in this forest, nor does he need to find other growing ones. The ugly fruit tree forest can do it as long as it stays underground.

The reason is very simple, the underground has what it needs.

Through a series of tests, Fengyun has discovered that the most effective part of the ugly fruit is difficult to digest. Whether it is eaten in the stomach or left in the outside world, it can exist for a long time.

The most obvious example of this is that Feng Yun just put the ugly fruit pulp in his mouth and chewed repeatedly, and he got the same ingredients that he left after eating it.

In other words, this part of the composition has always existed in the ugly fruit.

If it goes further, is it possible to say that if the ugly fruit is not eaten and falls to the ground, this part of them will remain?

Judging from the information obtained by Fengyun, the answer should be yes.

As long as the answer is yes, then the presence of a large number of the same ingredients in the rock worm king's stomach as the ugly fruit pulp is completely justified.

From the growth of the ugly fruit trees, it is obvious that they are not the first fruit. Before Fengyun discovered them, they might have fruited many times.

If these fruits are not eaten, their fate should eventually fall to the ground. After a period of time, most of them rot and disappear, but the most effective part of them will be preserved.

As the years go by, this part has accumulated in the soil, more and more, and the number far exceeds all the ugly fruits produced by the ugly fruit trees on the ground in a year.

As for how King Rock Chong found the remaining part of the Ugly Fruit, in Fengyun's view, this problem was not a problem at all.

The rock worm king spent most of his life underground, including foraging. In addition, it was originally stronger than ordinary rock worms, and later ate the magical snake spirit fruit, which is even more remarkable. Finally, Fengyun believes that it should not be difficult for it to find the remaining part of the ugly fruit.

The reason Feng Yun didn't think of this at the beginning was that his thinking fell into a blind spot, and he didn't think of this possibility.

Of course, the truth of the matter is not the case, and Feng Yun needs to verify it himself, and he did so.

After roughly observing some, Fengyun walked under the tallest fruit tree in the forest where he was located, and he drew out the bone knives to prepare for excavation.

If his speculation is correct, there should still be the part of the ugly fruit left in the ground. Even if the Rock Insect King’s foraging ability is super strong, he should not eat all of them completely, and will eventually remain. The next ones, as long as he looks carefully, he can still find something.

He chose the tallest fruit tree among all the ugly fruit trees as the target, in order to increase the chance of success in the search.

Being tall means it has existed for a long time, and more results mean that more of its fruits will eventually fall to the ground. Naturally, there are more ugly fruits that can survive, and it will be easier for Fengyun to find them.

Of course, Fengyun's choice may be wrong.

If King Rock Chong is looking for food, he finds that there are too many ugly fruit under the ugly fruit tree selected by Fengyun, he may keep looking for it, but the number of ugly fruit remaining may be the least.

Feng Yun is still willing to choose this way, because this time he is not just looking for the part that Ugly Fruit left behind, he also wants to find an equally important existence.


Accompanied by the sound of bone knives rubbing against the soil, a pit soon appeared where Feng Yun stood, and it was getting bigger and deeper.

Before long, the depth of the pit had already exceeded Feng Yun's height, and he could not be seen if he was not close to the big pit, but he still had no intention to stop digging.

The real reason why Feng Yun didn't stop digging was of course that he didn't find what he wanted to find, whether it was the remaining part of the ugly fruit or another thing he wanted to find.

However, Fengyun was not hit, and he still seemed excited.

He had long discovered that the remaining part of the Ugly Fruit was not only very tough, but also heavy, even heavier than an iron block of the same size.

The density is high, and after a long time, it may sink deep underground, so after digging a deep, Feng Yun still has hope in his heart. Maybe the target he is looking for is deeper underground.

In addition, he would think so, and there is another reason to support him, he did not find the trace of the rock worm king drilling underground.

Although the Rock Bug King can restore the old view of the hole left by it if it is willing, but the soil has been disturbed by it after all, and it will be different from the original appearance. Just pay attention to it. Found out.

At the same time, when the King Rock Insect is foraging underground, if it is close to the ground, it should be impossible for Fengyun to find it.

However, as the depth of the large pit dug out continued to increase, Feng Yun began to become less confident, because he did not find any shadow of the part of the ugly fruit left in the ground, which was wrong.

Although the remaining part of the ugly fruit is very heavy, it may sink deeper underground, it is true, but it is a long process, and there should always be some that haven't sunk deep underground.

Not to mention, the ugly fruit trees bear fruit every year, and the remaining part of the fruit that has fallen to the ground in recent years will never be deep underground.

If Fengyun could barely explain the remaining part of the ugly fruit that was not discovered by Fengyun, there was no discovery of the other thing he wanted to discover, it would be impossible to justify.

Another thing Fengyun was looking for was the ugly fruit core. Some of the ugly fruit pulp could be preserved, so their core should also be preserved.

The core is different from the remaining part of the ugly fruit pulp. Its weight is still relatively light, at least not much heavier than the core of ordinary people.

In other words, they are unlikely to sink deep underground. They should be found in relatively shallow strata, but Fengyun found nothing, which made him start to feel uneasy: "Could it be your own inference Is it wrong?"

Gradually, Fengyun's digging movement became slower and slower, and after a while, it stopped completely.

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