Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1081: Accompany

"Let's go now."

With Fengyun's eyesight, he naturally saw Miao Piao's embarrassment, but deliberately pretended not to see it.

"Go. Go right away. I will show you the way."

Miao Piao was thinking about how to get out of his embarrassment. Hearing Feng Yun's words, he hit his arms and immediately turned and drove forward.

Feng Yun didn't speak, stepped forward, and followed Miao Piao, only less than ten feet away from him, and no matter what changes happened to Miao Piao's speed, this distance had hardly changed.


The time was not too long, and Feng Yun heard a gasp, which was made by Miao Piao.

In order to hurry, he not only used his full strength, but also urged the power of the totem, but there are limits to human beings, and the same is true for the totem warriors who are converted from human beings.

Once he exerts his full strength, it will not take long for him to become tired, and Miao Piao is obviously in this state.

Even so, Miao Piao still didn't stop himself, but ran forward. It was just that he was too hard, and he was worried, and soon he suffered from exhaustion, his body began to be unstable and he became unstable. Stagger.

Suddenly, his foot was empty, and the whole person rushed forward. If he could not make effective adjustments, he might chew on mud.

Miao Piao obviously didn't want this situation to happen, struggling to control his body, but he had used too much before, and his physical strength had been seriously overdrawn, and his control of the body was greatly reduced, and he could not achieve the effect he wanted.

If there is no accident, he may not be able to chew on mud, but the chance of falling to the ground is very high.

In the end Miao Piao didn't fall. It wasn't that he suddenly regained control of his body, but someone came to help. It was Fengyun. He grabbed two steps forward and grabbed his arm to help him stabilize before he lost his balance. Live the figure.

"Thanks...thank you."

Miao Piao looked back at Fengyun, showing a grateful smile.

"Miao Piao, don't blame me for telling you. I can understand your mood. You want to rush back to the police as soon as possible so that everyone can prepare in advance to avoid being attacked by the enemy, but you can't help but cherish your body. You If you are exhausted, who can pass the information back?"

Fengyun watched Miao's blushing blushing face, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Miao Piao is really trying too hard, otherwise, let's not say that he is already an advanced totem warrior. Even if he has just awakened to become an official totem warrior, he will not be like this in such a short period of time.

"Benefactor, you are right, I did not do well enough, but if I cannot pass the information back in time, be prepared, and wait until the enemy launches a sneak attack, the loss will be too great."

With that said, Miao Piao was struggling to move forward.

Feng Yun did not let go, grabbed Miao Piao's arm, and waited until he turned his head to look towards him, and said, "You will show me the way. I will take you away."

"This one……"

Miao Piao hesitated for a while, seeming to realize that his physical condition was ruined by his intemperance, so he agreed: "Then thank you, the benefactor."

Immediately afterwards, he raised his arm, pointed to the front, and said, "Benefactor, you keep walking forward, first to the forest."


Feng Yun responded and raised Miao Piao’s arms and sprinted forward. He didn’t show his flying ability. First, he didn’t want to reveal his true strength. Second, he felt that there was plenty of time and he didn’t need that. Anxious.

In order to take care of Miao Piao, Feng Yun didn't raise his speed to a high level all of a sudden after starting. He was afraid that he would not be able to keep up. He took his arm, just to save him a little effort instead of using no effort at all.

But just after running for a certain distance, Feng Yun realized that Miao Piao could no longer move his legs, and he was almost dragging him forward.

"This physical strength is too bad, right?"

Feng Yun saw all this in his eyes, and immediately had an urge to shake his head.

Miao Piao used to be in a hurry and used too much force to make his physical condition worse, but after all, he is a high-level totem warrior, and his condition is so bad that it can't be justified.

Later, Feng Yun knew that Miao Piao's state would suddenly become so bad, not only because of excessive physical exertion, but also because he was too anxious.

In addition, the Floating Tribe where Miao Piao lives is in a special environment, which makes them not good at traveling long distances on land.

Feng Yun thought for a moment, and released Miao Piao's arm that he was holding. It was time to grab his belt and lift it up. At the same time, he let Miao Piao support his shoulders and put him in a kind of feet. The state of being off the ground.

There is no need to accommodate Miao Piao, Feng Yun's speed has become faster. As for the need to bear Miao Piao's weight, it is nothing to him. With his strength, not to mention only one increase in Miao Piao, just three more. Five, or even ten or eight, would not have a big impact on him.

Now Miao Piao became more relaxed, and he only needed to show Feng Yun the route every once in a while.

At the same time, his physical strength has also been restored, his state has improved, and when he is in a good state, he can be distracted to focus on other things, and he soon discovered a problem.

"Benefactor, you don't need to carry this burden, just kill him."

The burden in his mouth is actually the surviving chaser. When Feng Yun followed Miao Piao and ran forward, he did not abandon him, but grabbed his arm and led him all the way forward.

In fact, Miao Piao's proposal is also justified.

I don't know if that chaser was injured too badly. He has basically lost the ability to move. If there is no situation, he will not say that it is difficult to move, or whether he will fight.

Taking a person who is incapable of action on the road together will definitely require additional physical effort. Abandoning him is indeed beneficial to Fengyun.

Miao Piao's proposal immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the pursuers and gave him a fierce look.

Although he doesn't know how Feng Yun will deal with him in the end, at least he is safe now, but once Feng Yun accepts Miao Piao's proposal, his life will be in danger immediately.

"Keep him for the time being. Let him tell everyone the situation personally, saving us both of words. In addition, we can use it to force the enemy to retreat."

Miao Piao stopped talking when Feng Yun said that.

About half an hour later, Fengyun and his party came to a large dense reed. Miao Piao signaled that Fengyun would be put down, and immediately plunged into the reeds. Fengyun did not hesitate and immediately followed.

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