Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1171: Concern

"Benefactor, what's the matter?"

As Feng Yun stared at Huo Zhu, a familiar voice full of concern suddenly sounded in his ears, Miao Piao.

But before Feng Yun could respond, Miao Piao was stunned, staring at the pillar of fire that almost touched the top of the cave, his eyes wide and round.

Feng Yun took his gaze back from the pillar of fire, looked at Miao Piao, showing a hint of curiosity, and asked, "How did you come? Did you notice something outside?"

"Um... uh... benefactor, what did you say? I didn't hear it too clearly."

Feng Yun's question awakened Miao Piao, but maybe it was because he was too surprised, and he couldn't hear what Feng Yun was saying.

"I said how do you..."

Feng Yun Jiang repeated what he had just said.

"Benefactor, you don't know it. The lake outside suddenly seemed to explode, and the water column was so high that it was scary. I thought something happened to you, benefactor. I'm sorry, benefactor, I shouldn't violate..."

Originally, Miao Piao seemed very excited, but he soon seemed to realize something. The more he spoke, the lower his voice. At the same time, his head also lowered, not daring to make contact with Fengyun's eyes.

He had already remembered what Feng Yun had said to him, and he could never enter the cave space without getting his order, and he also agreed to him.

"Miao Piao, you don't have to be like this. This time it's a special situation. You came in because you were worried about my safety. It was because of your urgency. I don't blame you."

"Thank you, benefactor."

With Fengyun's promise, Miao Piao finally relaxed, but he couldn't restrain his curiosity immediately, and asked, "Benefactor, what's the matter with this pillar of fire? You made it? It's so tall and crude. "

"That's it. It's caused by..."

Feng Yun felt that there was nothing to hide, so he told Miao Piao about the actual situation.

"What? The small holes that used to have treasures are moving? So, isn't it possible that the treasures will reappear again?"

Miao Piao listened to Fengyun and threw it into the explanation. Before he could finish speaking, Miao Piao yelled, flushing on his face, and he looked very excited.

In the end, his eyes were fixed on Fengyun, and his eyes were full of strong expectations, giving people a sense of irresistibility.

"Will the treasure reappear, I don't know. I just think it's possible. I think..."

"Great, great..."

Before Feng Yun finished speaking, Miao Piao kept yelling, and Feng Yun had to stop and wait for him to return to calm.

During this process, Fengyun would look at the huge pillar of fire from time to time with the light of his eyes, mainly because he was worried that it would disappear in a short time, just like the red light that appeared in those small holes before.

Even though he hasn't figured out what the fire pillar is in front of him until now, it is because of this that he pays special attention to it.

If it is really useless, that's fine, but once it is effective, it turns out that it disappears because of improper handling, and he will regret it.

Fortunately, the situation that Fengyun was worried about did not appear. The pillar of fire had been burning blazingly, and there was no obvious change in its size or brightness.

But what worries Fengyun is that he doesn't know what the fire pillar is.

Just as the situation was distressed, Miao Piao said again: "Benefactor, tell me. What do I need to do? As long as I can do it, I must do it for the benefactor."

"Do not……"

Feng Yun originally wanted to say no, but he suddenly changed his mind and said: "If I can, I really want you to do something for me."

"Benefactor, tell me. What's the matter? I will try my best."

Hearing Fengyun's words, Miao Piao became happy instead.

"It's nothing big. Go and catch a few wild beasts. I want to see if there are any new changes."

"I'm going now."

Miao Piao acted very simply, and immediately ran to the connection point between the cave space and the outside world, but when he was about to jump up, he suddenly stopped, turned around, looked towards Fengyun, and asked : "Benefactor, do you have any requirements for brutal beasts?"

"No. Just a little faster."

"Benefactor, don't worry. I will send the brute beast as soon as possible."

Before the words fell, Miao Piao rose up, and in the next instant, the figure disappeared completely, and he had already left the cave space.

Leaving the cave space, Miao Piao did not dare to delay the slightest, took the bow and arrow, and ran out at a very fast speed, obviously preparing to honor his promise and hunting wild beasts for the wind and cloud.

Feng Yun, who remained in the cave space, glanced at the place where Miao Piao disappeared, revealing a faint expectation.

As he and Miao Piao said, he really wanted to know what would happen next. If there is a change, of course it may be good, and it may also be bad.

Fengyun naturally hopes that the final changes will be good, but if it is bad, he is not unacceptable.

Feng Yun had already expected the changes in those small holes that had grown into treasures, but the results were very bad. The changes were not what he expected at all. They disappeared completely during the time he left.

But even so, Fengyun still hopes that changes can happen. With changes, he can make targeted measures, and it is also possible to make the disappeared treasures reappear in the world, and then share a piece of the pie.

It's just that this time is different from the last time. Last time, because he was not on the scene, he didn't even know how the red light from the small holes disappeared, let alone what changes happened in the process of their disappearance.

This time he must stay on the scene, no matter whether the next changes are good or bad, he can at least see clearly.

This is also a crucial reason why he no longer insists on not letting Miao Piao help him.

If after he left, the pillar of fire disappeared without a trace, just like those disappearing red lights, he would not be able to accept it.

After Miao drifted away, Feng Yun stared at Huo Zhu for a long time, but still found nothing unusual, which made his brows gradually frowned.

He wasn't going to consume it all this way.

After thinking about it, Feng Yun has made a decision and wants to take the initiative to narrow the distance between him and the pillar of fire. He is also a decisive person, and he has figured it out in a short time.

Feng Yun walked towards Huo Zhu step by step, but he appeared very cautious, taking a step at a time, and put his hand behind his head, grabbed the handle of the knife, and reacted immediately if he found that the situation was not right.

When Fengyun's fingers touched the hilt of the knife, his heart became a lot more stable. At the same time, he also gained confidence, believing that many problems can be solved with his knife.

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