Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1172: Lost and recovered

"Benefactor, the brute is here."

Just as Fengyun slowly approached the pillar of fire, feeling the heat wave emitted from it, and hesitating what to do next, he suddenly turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, changing from facing the pillar of fire to facing his back. Pillar of fire.

Almost at the same time he turned around, a voice came into Miao Piao's ears.

He subconsciously looked in the direction where the sound was coming from, and then he found Miao Piao's figure. He was carrying on his shoulders, carrying him on his back, and slung around his waist. They were all wild beasts and belonged to them. Different kinds.

"Why so fast?"

A look of surprise appeared on Feng Yun's face, and he asked: "Why are you back so fast?"

It's no wonder Fengyun would be surprised. It is true that Miao Piao spent too little time. Although he did not deliberately calculate the time, it would never exceed twenty minutes.

Totem exhibition fighters act faster than ordinary people and have better abilities than ordinary people, but even better than ordinary people, doing things takes time.

Feng Yun remembered clearly that the place he and Miao Piao chose to rest seemed to be very unpopular with wild beasts. After such a long time, no trace of wild beasts was found around it.

In other words, if Miao Piao wanted to hunt a savage beast, he had to go a long distance, so it would take a lot of time to come and go, and at least twenty minutes was definitely not enough.

Not to mention, hunting brutal beasts itself is a relatively time-consuming task, not only need to find brutal beasts, but also need to take action and subdue them.

And also need to capture different kinds of wild beasts, it is not so easy to do.

"It was the brutal beast who took the initiative to send it to the door. Before I went to find it, the brutal beast ran by himself."

With that, Miao Piao himself sensed that something was wrong, and said, "Why do these brute beasts run over by themselves? Is there something wrong?"

A heavy worry appeared on his face, and the whole person seemed a little uneasy.

"I am not sure as well."

Feng Yun shook his head, but he still gave a guess: "Could it be related to the changes happening here?"

"It shouldn't be. It's isolated from the outside. Even if what happens here, how do they know?"

Miao Piao expressed doubts about Fengyun's speculation.

"That's what I said."

Feng Yun did not continue to insist on what he said, but quickly turned the topic in another direction, saying, "You back up until you reach the wall. Then you killed a wild beast."


Miao Piao didn't raise any objections to Feng Yun's situation, so he did so, and ran out without letting go of the brutal beast.

His speed was very fast, and within a short while, Miao Piao came to the wall and removed all the brutal beasts from him, and then he chose a relatively small brutal beast.


Miao Piao raised the brutal beast with one hand, and raised a knife with the other hand, signalling to Fengyun, obviously wanting to get further instructions.

Feng Yun obviously saw Miao Piao's move, but he did not immediately respond. Instead, he stepped back for a certain distance and moved a certain distance away from the Huo Zhu before making a cutting action, indicating that Miao Piao could start.

Miao Piao was very simple, and the moment he got Fengyun's recovery, it pierced the knife deeply into the heart of the brute beast until it reached the hilt.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled the knife out of the brutal beast's body, because it was because of the critical injury. As soon as the knife was pulled away from the brutal beast's body, a blood arrow shot out from its body and flew far away. .

In the end, the blood did not fall to the ground at all and flew towards the pillar of fire.

Since the blood cannot be drawn from the body of the brute beast at one time, the blood shot out of the brute beast selected by Miao Piao is problematic, bursting out one by one.

There was a problem. The blood kept flowing out, but it had not been properly handled. As a result, a long blood band appeared behind it.

Feng Yun did not express any objection to this, and it was affirmation of what Miao Piao and others had done.

It's not that Fengyun is unwilling to perform better, but that there is a need to pay more attention to some targets, that is, the pillar of fire. He doesn't know what changes will happen when blood touches it.

Feng Yun can remember very clearly. Not long ago, the blood he got out of it came into contact with the dotted red light, but it was very scary.

However, Feng Yun never thought about the possibility of a second contact between the blood of the savage beast and the pillar of fire, because after paying attention to it for such a long time, there has been no new change, and without change, it would be difficult for him to gain anything.


Just when Feng Yun thought that the blood released by Miao Piao killing the wild beast would come into contact with the pillar of fire, it suddenly turned around and flew over the small holes distributed on the ground, and in a very short time, it got into an inconspicuous In the hole.

Seeing this situation, Feng Yun couldn't help but stunned for a moment, but then he showed joy, because he knew what it meant.

The red light that appeared in the small hole where the treasure had grown that he thought had disappeared may not all disappear.

If this is the case, Fengyun would definitely be very happy to see it, because he obviously valued treasures more than the pillar of fire that looked a little bluffing.

"There is light? Great."

When he discovered that the blood was flying toward those small holes, Feng Yun's eyes did not move away from it, but he was rewarded for doing so.

The blood had just entered a small hole, and there was a reaction in that small hole. Light was transmitted through it. It was not obvious at first, but soon the flame in the small hole became bigger, just In the blink of an eye, the small hole was filled with flames.

This was not over yet, and it was blocked from overflowing from the small hole for disposal. It turned out to be like water, beginning to flow around, but the places where it went the most frequently were the densely packed small holes.

Flames are like water. When they encounter some low-lying places, they will flow over, and the effect is very obvious. Wherever they go, flames will emerge from small holes and burn blazingly.

Feng Yun's face involuntarily showed a smile. He never thought that things could still develop like this, but he did not relax because he knew very well that it was only the first step that those small holes were lit up again.

If you want to get the treasure from Miao Piao’s mouth, you have to wait for a while, and before that, he also makes his own choice, because he doesn’t know what changes will happen next, so he must agree to make some settings. And it needs to be done seriously, and there must be no negligence.

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