Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1635: Committing a risk

"Come out, come out quickly."

Feng Yun wanted to kill the ice-crushed creature in the river before the expeditionary force arrived, but it was unwilling to fulfill its wish.

He stared at the river for a long time, but he didn't notice it.

He even used the eyes of the snake god, and still didn't collect it.

Although the eyes of the snake **** gave Feng Yun super vision, the water depth of this suddenly widened river surface also increased a lot, and even gave him an unfathomable feeling, even if he moved the eyes of the snake **** Beyond the limit, still not able to see the bottom of the river.

In addition, the thermal imaging capabilities given to him by the eyes of the zombie have no use in the current situation.

With the existence of river water, it is so deep enough to shield the heat.

In fact, even if the river water is not deep, the thermal imaging capabilities given by the eyes of the snake **** will be greatly reduced, because the creatures living in the water are very different from the creatures living on the land.

Most of the organisms living in the water change temperature, and will change with the temperature of the river. There may be a temperature difference, but generally it will not be large. In this case, you want to compare them with the surroundings through thermal imaging. It will become very difficult to distinguish between different environments, or even impossible at all.

Although there is no shortage of temperature-changing types of creatures on land, in general there are far less than aquatic creatures.

Unable to find the target directly, Feng Yun chose to wait. He felt that it would not be satisfied with just breaking a piece of ice, it should have other actions.

He decided to wait for it and wait for it to take the initiative.

At that time, he will seize the opportunity and kill it with one blow.

But the target's patience seemed very good. Feng Yun had been waiting for a while, but he never saw it appear.

"Don't wait."

Feng Yun decided to give up, not because his patience has been exhausted, but because his patience is still very sufficient, but the reality does not allow him to wait any longer.

He was separated from the main force in the name of inquiring about the situation, but due to conditions, he could not leave the main force too far.

The expeditionary soldiers move faster. If he stands still, they will arrive in front of him soon.

According to Fengyun's estimation, the expeditionary army is coming soon. Although he hasn't seen them because of the river turning, he can still be sure that they should not be too far away from him.

In other words, if he drags on, the expeditionary soldiers will join him.

If the creatures breaking the ice in the river attack at this time, even if Fengyun is confident in his own strength, he cannot guarantee that soldiers in the expeditionary army will not suffer casualties.

There were not many soldiers in the Expeditionary Army, and after deducting the casualties that occurred when entering the cannibals, it was even less. What's more, when he got along with them day and night, he had a good relationship with them, and naturally he was less willing to see them appear There were casualties.

"It seems that I can only take some risks."

Feng Yun used his brains, and soon realized that it was impossible to let the target show up without risking any risk.

"come back."

The wind and cloud direction almost beckoned the blue dragon on the top of the dark river channel.

The blue flood dragon flew to him immediately, and quickly came to him.

Feng Yun made a slight leap and stood on the back of the blue flood dragon.

The blue water dragon flew up, holding the wind and cloud away from the ground, and flew into the river.

After flying not far, the blue flood dragon descended on the river, then stuck out his neck, opened his mouth, and took a piece of ice from the river. Although the ice made by it was crushed by unknown existence at the bottom of the river, the fragments did not melt.

Although some time passed, there were broken ice floating on the surface of the river.

However, the piece of crushed ice that the blue dragon gave Fengyun is still different from ordinary crushed ice. It is relatively large, about the size of a table, and it also contains dark river creatures. There are more than one. Although most of them are not complete, there should be no major problems with eating.

Feng Yun took the ice, broke it, took out the dark river creatures inside and ate it.


As soon as he took a breath, Feng Yun couldn't help making a sound, his voice filled with admiration and a slight surprise.

He didn't expect that the taste of the dark river creatures after freezing would be even better than normal temperature, and it was much better.

After swallowing, a chill came from his mouth to his stomach, and then after the chill hovered in his body for a few weeks, it suddenly rushed upwards, reached his Tianling Gai in an instant, and rushed out directly.

At that moment, he even had an illusion that his soul had escaped from the body following the chill.

Of course it was an illusion, but the result was that his soul was still in his body, but the feeling it gave him was great.

He feels refreshed, and this person seems to have lost a few pounds.

When the chill flew away from his Tianling Gai, it seemed to take away the impurities in his body, not only physically, but also mentally. It was too enjoyable.

Feng Yun couldn't wait to take a bite from the dark river creature in his opponent, a big mouth, and then chewed, but after only chewing a few times, he couldn't wait to swallow.

Obviously, he wanted to repeat his previous feelings as soon as possible and enjoy it again.

His wish was realized, but he was not too satisfied.

Although the same state appeared on him again, it was not as perfect as the first time. Perhaps it was because of the dullness of his feelings, in short, it was not as exciting as the first time.

However, Fengyun didn't get too entangled with this.

He just wanted to eat dark river creatures. After freezing, giving him a different flavor was completely additional, it was an unexpected surprise, and naturally, he didn't need to be so demanding.

Feng Yun quickly ate the dark river creatures in the broken ice.

The blue flood dragon supported him to search on the river.

Although most of the ice fragments flowed downstream due to the current, some still remained, and these became the targets of the storm, especially the ice fragments still remaining in the dark river. Did not let it go.

Just when Fengyun caught a large piece of crushed ice that had frozen many dark river creatures, and ate it swiftly, a shadow suddenly appeared under him, and he rushed up from the river at a very fast speed to Fengyun. Slammed into it.

The surface of the river exploded before it even touched the wind and clouds, and the river water was directly turned into water vapor. You can imagine how terrifying the destructive power of this blow was.

Feng Yun was not hit. He was like an unknown prophet. The moment the shadow on the bottom of the river hit him, he left the place.

This was not over yet, his hand did not know when he grabbed the hilt of the knife, unsheathed it, and hacked it out with his backhand, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

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