Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1636: Crocodile


Almost at the same time that Feng Yun's blade light was submerged in the mist, a sharp cry came out from it, and after entering Feng Yun's ears, he couldn't help but frown.

The call from the water mist is not loud, but people who hear it will be very uncomfortable. In addition to its very unpleasant sound, it seems to have a lot of damage to people’s eardrums. .

When Fengyun heard it, he felt a tingling pain in his ears, and pierced with something sharp, which even caused his worry for a while, worrying that his ears were hurt.

He didn't have time to confirm whether his eardrums were really hurt. Instead, he turned around for the first time, looked at the mist of water vaporized, and fixed his eyes on it, as if to See it through.

The water mist didn't last for a long time. After a while, it disappeared, but there was one more thing in the place where it once shrouded, and more accurately, one more monster.

Its appearance is quite similar to the crocodile seen in the documentary before Fengyun Crossing, but it is not as thick as the crocodile, and it is more slender, but it is not less dangerous than the crocodile.

In fact, in the world before Fengyun crossed, even the so-called prehistoric giant crocodiles were absolutely unable to compare with the monster that Fengyun saw now.

Its length is more than ten feet, and it is a huge monster, even if it doesn't move, it will give people a very great sense of oppression.

When Feng Yun looked at it, it was also looking at Feng Yun. A pair of snake-like vertical pupils revealed strong murderous intent and hatred. Obviously, it was very hostile to Feng Yun.

If it is given a chance, anyone who has seen its eyes will definitely not suspect that it will attack Fengyun, and if possible, it will completely tear him to pieces.

Feng Yun's performance towards the monster was not strange, because he would have hatred in his heart by changing him and it, and the reason was very simple. The knife he slashed out caused damage to the monster.

The first time Feng Yun saw it, he saw a wound on its cheek and almost hurt one of its eyes. The red blood was still flowing, and the nearby water was stained red.

Feng Yun could naturally see that the head damage of the monster was entirely due to him, and even he could confirm that the monster was not in a hurry to attack him because of its stab.

That knife was not only as simple as slashing the monster, but also made the monster aware of the danger of the situation.

In order for Feng Yun to achieve good results in his counterattack, he decisively activated the sword intent when he counterattacked. Feng Yun himself knew exactly how terrifying the sword intent was.

Because of this, Feng Yun also attaches great importance to the monster that appeared in the dark river. After all, it is difficult to kill it when he urges the sword intent, but it can be injured, which is enough to prove it. It's difficult.

However, it is incorrect to say that Fengyun is afraid of monsters. It can only be said that he attaches great importance to it.

Feng Yun did not rush to launch an attack, because he could feel the threat radiating from it, and based on his experience, it should have the ability to hurt him.

This makes Fengyun not dare to act rashly, even if he can kill it, but in the current situation, as long as he is injured, he will lose.

Don't look at him now hiding in the underground river, he doesn't have to worry about the expeditionary army being discovered by the cannibals, because he can't confirm that he and the expeditionary soldiers can walk along the river.

Counted from his entry into the underground tunnel. Fengyun personally discovered that the river course had changed several times. Although the general trend did not change significantly, there was still some deviation from the flow direction he initially determined.

He cannot guarantee that the change of the river course will not happen. From the current situation, the continued change of the river course is definitely a high probability event.

Once the deviation of the subsequent river course is greater than it is now, Fengyun will have to consider letting the expeditionary soldiers leave the dark river space and return to the ground. After all, their ultimate goal is to enter the human territory.

Even if there is no major deviation in the course of the river, the expeditionary force can be allowed to advance along the river, which does not mean that they will not encounter danger.

Since he has encountered a monster this time, who can guarantee that he will never encounter it again in the future.

Of course, Feng Yun didn't make persistent efforts and killed the monsters one by one. There were also reasons, and it was very simple, he was not sure that he could do it.

Once it has not been completely killed by him, it will probably leave a very big problem, because the dark river is very conducive to its hiding and whereabouts.

Even if it realizes his horror and does not directly attack him, it does not mean that it cannot choose expeditionary soldiers. If it does choose them to attack, casualties are almost inevitable, but this is what it does. Unwilling to see.

Therefore, if Fengyun wants to make a move, he must confirm that he can complete a one-shot kill, so his eyes have been staring at the monster, looking for a good opportunity to start.

It's just that the monster did a very good job, and Fengyun has been struggling to find the best time to shoot.

In order to find a better mobile phone meeting, Feng Yun is willing to wait. He has enough patience to wait, but the reality allows him to do so.

He stared at the monster for a short while, Feng Yun heard a faint sound of footsteps behind his body, and almost did not need to guess, knowing that the expeditionary force was about to arrive.

Feng Yun's brows couldn't help but frowned slightly, their arrival, under the current circumstances, not only would not help him in any way, but on the contrary, it would even hurt him.

However, before the expeditionary force showed up, the danger had suddenly approached Fengyun.

Almost as soon as Fengyun frowned, the monster confronting him keenly sensed that he was distracted, and immediately launched a burst attack on him.

I saw the monster violently twitched its tail on the surface of the water, and blasted a large hole on the surface of the water, but this method of it gave it a strong driving force, big enough to make it very fast. Shot out at a speed.

Even the blink of an eye was useless, the monster appeared less than half a foot away in front of Fengyun, and at its speed, there was no difference between this distance and nonexistence.

Perhaps seeing this, the monster opened its mouth and wanted to bite, no, it was about to eat Fengyun in one bite.

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