Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1707: Alien intruder

Fengyun never imagined that an ordinary treatment would cause such a big change.

But to ask about his specific views on this incident, it must be to make the incident more violent.

Of course, Feng Yun would have such thoughts, and it must be that changes will bring him benefits.

that's the truth.

Shortly after Feng Yun started to run his own exercises, he felt a wave of fluctuations under his hips and rushed towards him.

Its speed was so fast that it was too late for him to react, and when he was about to intercept it, it had already broken into his body.

This shocked Feng Yun. Without thinking about it, he mobilized the power of the totem in his body to chase and intercept it, in order to take it down in the shortest time.

Not to mention that the wave of fluctuations came from this huge skeleton of unknown origin, but simply from the outside world, he had to be more careful.

He was promoted to the transformation level, and his strength reached a relatively high level, but he never thought that there was nothing that could hurt him.

All existences of unknown origin, not to say that they entered his body, just want to get close to him, he will absolutely not allow it.

Somewhat unexpectedly, he caught the intruder from the outside without expending much effort.

After it entered his body, the speed quickly slowed down, far from being able to compare with when it broke into his body.

However, when Feng Yun was about to analyze the foreign intruder, he wanted to figure out what existence it was, but an accident happened.

The intruder melted suddenly and without warning, and then a torrent came out of thin air, and then swept around.

First of all, the totem power he used to trap the intruder from the outside was overwhelmed, and he could not even hold on for a tenth of a second.

"It's over."

Feng Yun’s head buzzed and plunged into a blank. The torrent was too big. If it were allowed to tear in his body, it would definitely make a mess of his body, and even explode his body. It's all possible.

Out of the instinct to survive, Fengyun mobilized the totem power that was still under his control and began to protect some vital parts of the body, such as the internal organs.

But it was his brain that was fully protected by him.

If there is a problem elsewhere, there may be a possibility of remedy. Once the brain has a problem, then everything is over.

However, where the torrent passed, something happened that Feng Yun never thought of.

In his expectation, it should cause harm to his body, but the actual situation is not like this at all.

When it first appeared, although it gave Fengyun a feeling that it was about to destroy everything, when it really spread in his body, it did not cause any harm to their bodies.

Not only that, it actually brought great benefits to his body.

Wherever it passes, his body, whether it is the internal organs or the skeletal muscles, has to be strengthened, and the strengthening range is quite large.

This is exactly where Feng Yun was shocked.

You must know that at his level, even if he has the ability to strengthen the body like Tun, it is not an overnight thing to increase his physical strength. You need to take time, at least in his impression, Tun has not yet The way to increase his physical strength so much in such a short time.

Realizing that he was a false alarm, Fengyun's violent heartbeat gradually became calm, and he immediately initiated a physical examination.

Although the mysterious outside intruder had strengthened his body, Feng Yun still did not dare to take it lightly, because he knew that some changes that seemed good at first might not necessarily be really good.

The most obvious example is returning to the light. Some people who are seriously ill suddenly become better. It seems that their condition has improved, but in reality they are almost at the end of their lives.

Feng Yun was worried that this situation would also happen to him, after all, the contrast between front and back was too great.

"There is no problem with internal organs, no bones, no muscles..."

Following one inspection after another, Feng Yun was finally completely relieved that his body was really not harmed.

Feng Yun is still relatively confident about the results of the examination. It is necessary to know that he has been committed to improving the control of the body, which requires him to have a sufficient understanding of the body.

This advantage is manifested at this time, allowing him to have a physical examination in a relatively short period of time, and everything is comprehensive, and he will not miss a single detail.

Knowing that not only was the body okay, but also strengthened, Feng Yun was very happy, and at the same time began to recall the situation of the foreign intruder.

It penetrated into his body from his hips, more precisely from the position of his tail vertebrae, and then was captured by him with the force of nature, melted, and turned into a torrent of terror.

Feng Yun decided to focus on the process of the torrent that it turned into spreading in his body.

In a short time, Fengyun discovered why it looked so ferocious, but it didn't have much impact on their bodies, which was the reason for the serious discrepancy with its aura.

The torrent of it turned into is very special, which is manifested in the super absorption of his body. Once it touches his body, it is absorbed a lot.

This situation is a bit like the sound-absorbing wall he knows. No matter how loud the sound is, as long as it is absorbed, it is naturally impossible to cause major damage.

The end result is that it has not caused much turbulence in his body, it has been absorbed by his body, and it has become the nourishment that strengthens all parts of his body.

In the process of checking his body, Feng Yun also found a state that made him happy, that is, his injury was completely healed.

Although his injuries were not serious, as he said to Wukong and King Kong, it was mainly the backlash caused by the high-intensity attacks, but it was able to heal all of a sudden, which is still good news for him.

Feng Yun didn't open it, but according to his previous thoughts, he urged his own exercises to allow the power of totem to run on the network, but this time it was not healing, he was looking forward to the appearance of outside intruders.

He remembered very clearly that the last time an intruder from outside would appear was after he urged his own practice. This meant that the appearance of an intruder from outside might have some connection with his urged practice.

He hopes that the scene not long ago can be repeated so that his body will be strengthened again.

He has a strong obsession with the strengthening of his body and longs for his body to become stronger and stronger.

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