Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1708: Open up new channels

"no yet?"

Feng Yun has run his own exercises several times, but he has never found any fluctuations that can increase his physical strength into his body, which makes him very disappointed.

However, he also knew that there were some things that could not be forced, so he decided to temporarily stop the exercises.

Of course, this does not mean that he completely gave up, but the current situation is rather special, and he cannot devote all his time and energy to this matter.

Feng Yun opened his eyes, he wanted to see if there were any new changes in the situation.

But just as he lifted his eyelids, he found that a big face broke into his field of vision, very close to him, and he could even clearly feel the breath exhaling from the nose of the main face of the face.

Feng Yun's eyesight was very good, and he instantly recognized that the owner of the face was King Kong.

He wasn't used to being so close, so he tilted the end back slightly and asked, "King Kong, what's the matter?"

King Kong seemed to realize that he was too close to Fengyun, and moved his head back a bit, before saying, "Master, it's okay. I just feel some changes in your body. I'm worried... worried about you..."

"It seems that the movement made by the wave breaking into the body was discovered by King Kong."

Feng Yun immediately guessed what King Kong was talking about, but he didn't mean to explain it in detail. He just waved his hand and interrupted his words: "Don't worry. I'm not good."

"But why do you have such a change, Master?"

King Kong didn't seem to plan to just let it go.

Feng Yun is quite familiar with King Kong, knowing that it is not malicious in such a thorough questioning, but is not at ease with him, so he said: "This is a special method I took during the healing process, which will help the recovery of the injury."

"Master, your injuries must be healed?"

King Kong listened to Fengyun's words, his eyes lit up, and he continued to ask.

"Okay, okay, everything is done."

Feng Yun nodded, and then he seemed to find something, and asked: "King Kong, where is Wukong? Where is Wukong?"

When inquiring, there was a worried expression on his face, obviously he was worried about Wukong's situation.

When he just opened his eyes, because King Kong appeared in front of him, his attention was naturally focused on it, and its size was very large, blocking his vision, he Subconsciously thought Wukong was behind it.

It wasn't until King Kong's body appeared to move and he found that there was no Wukong's figure behind it, which attracted his attention.

He is in such a bad situation now that he is not nervous.

King Kong obviously saw Feng Yun's mind and immediately explained: "Master, don't be nervous. Wukong has nothing to do. It is just looking for a way to leave."


Fengyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Wukong had a problem, he would be hit too hard, but he was still ready to ask Wukong's whereabouts clearly: "Where did Wukong find his way? You mean? Show me a look."

If you don't see it with your own eyes, Feng Yun's heart will not be able to let go after all.

"This one……"

But to Fengyun's surprise, King Kong seemed unwilling.

His expression immediately became severe, and he asked in a deep voice, "King Kong, tell me, are you hiding something from me?"

"I do not have."

King Kong immediately defended.

"No, why don't you tell me where Goku is?"

Feng Yun stared closely at King Kong's eyes.

After all, King Kong could not withstand Fengyun's gaze and told him the truth, and it did not panic to Fengyun. Wukong really needed to find a way, but it took a special way.

It did not try to leave through the passage when it came, but to open a new passage.

Under King Kong's guidance, Feng Yun saw the new passage that Wukong had dug out. It was not very far away from him, more precisely on the top of the rock above the tail of the skeleton.

With Fengyun's vision, the traces of the rock being broken can be clearly seen.

Perhaps in order not to attract the attention of the monsters around the skeleton, the passage that Wukong dug on the top of the rock was very small, not much bigger than a soup bowl, that is, it was relatively short and could not get in at all.

Feng Yun didn't rush over and watched carefully, because he soon realized that Wukong did this, probably without the monsters under the skeleton.

Changed the way of communication and asked King Kong in detail through his mind, and Fengyun also got confirmation from it.

Before Wukong went to dig the exit channel, he discussed with King Kong and decided that King Kong would attract the attention of the monster under the skeleton. He lowered his figure and pressed against the skeleton of the skeleton, using the volume of the skeleton as a cover, and then slipped to the skeleton The tail.

Choose a suitable opportunity, jump into the air, make a hole in the top of the rock, and drill in to see if it is possible to dig a channel to help them get out of the current predicament.

Feng Yun knew that Wu Kong was kind, and naturally would not destroy it. It's just that he feels unreliable in his heart, I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed.

It's just that he didn't want to hit King Kong's enthusiasm and didn't tell his true thoughts. On the contrary, in order to cover Wukong, he quickly stood up and walked towards the head of the skeleton.

Since it was to cover Wukong, Feng Yun would not deliberately hide his whereabouts, on the contrary, he deliberately let the monsters under the skeleton discover him.

Those monsters also reacted quickly and began to follow Fengyun towards the head of the skeleton.

In order to better attract the monster's attention, Feng Yun also took down the bow he was carrying, opened the bow and set an arrow, and shot it downward.

Feng Yun's archery level is very high. Although the monster below is not bad in strength, it is still difficult to avoid the arrow he shot, and he shot one straight.

Although the final result was that he only severely injured the monster he shot and did not completely kill it, he still angered the monsters.

They took a move that Fengyun had never seen before.

They first stacked themselves on top of each other, forming the appearance of a small hill, and finally a few extra-strong monsters climbed to the top.

These monsters first lowered their bodies, then jumped up, and rushed towards Fengyun.

They are fast and powerful, tearing the air, and uttering harsh screams, giving the feeling of the wind and clouds, they are like cannonballs shot out of the barrel.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed in Feng Yun's eyes, and he quickly handed the bow to his left hand, raised his right hand, and grabbed the hilt of the knife, followed by a few bright rays of light, like lightning that fell from the sky, and struck the monsters.

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