Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1709: sinister

Those monsters rushing towards Fengyun obviously knew the terrible skills of his swords, and they quickly dodged when they saw him swinging his sword towards them.

It's just that they use too much power in pursuit of speed, which greatly increases the difficulty for them to change the trajectory of their actions.

As a result, even though they tried their best to avoid, none of them could avoid the blade light emitted by the wind and cloud, and they were all slashed one by one.


Feng Yun only heard the sound of the wind in his ears, and the silhouettes passed by him one by one, the monsters who had been hit by him and lost control of their bodies.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Feng Yun's mouth, and he continued to walk towards the head of the skeleton.

Now he doesn't just want to attract the monster's attention, he also wants to search the head of the skeleton.

Although he doesn't know how long the owner of the skeleton under his feet has been dead, but with all the circumstances he has seen, he dare not look down on it.

Of course, what he wants most is to get some benefits from the skeleton, and he thinks that the most likely place to get these benefits should be the head of the skeleton.

In addition to being the most important part of the entire body, the head is also a relatively closed space, where anything is most likely to be preserved.

What Feng Yun didn't expect was that he killed the monsters who wanted to sneak attack him with thunder, but he didn't deter the remaining monsters.

The monster he killed just fell from his mouth to the ground, and soon a new monster rushed towards him.

Fengyun killed them again.

But soon the third group of monsters rushed towards him again.

Feng Yun's brows couldn't help but frowned slightly, and he faintly felt that something was wrong. As for what was wrong, he couldn't tell.

Fourth call, fifth call...

As Fengyun continued to approach the head of the skeleton, the monsters continued to attack, and the interval became shorter and shorter.

It's not over yet, some monsters even got into the rock, moved from the rock to the top of Fengyun's head, then drilled out, condescending, and pounced on him.

Feng Yun frowned and tightened.

He was able to cope with the attacks of these monsters.

Since they dare not really touch the skeleton from beginning to end, it is difficult for their attacks to exert their full power. In addition, the situation occupies relatively favorable terrain. It is not so difficult to deal with their attacks. .

At the same time, he can afford it.

The wave that entered him during the healing process of meditation not only completely healed his injury and strengthened his physique, but also put his body in a very good state, which seemed to have endless strength, at least In the face of those monster attacks, he didn't feel much pressure.

Because of this, when dealing with the monsters' attacks, he still has the energy to think, mainly to find out why the monsters behave in such an uncommon sense.

The behavior of the monsters is not normal in Fengyun's eyes.

Those monsters would attack him. There was nothing originally, but there was one thing he couldn't understand, why the closer he got to the head of the skeleton, the more violent they attacked him?

It does not rule out that the monsters found that their attacks on him were ineffective, angered them, and if they didn't kill it, they would not give up.

But Fengyun feels that things are not so simple.

He has evidence for this. One of them is that King Kong, who was asked to stay in place, has not been attacked once since the beginning.

"Does the head of the skeleton really hide any secrets?"

After thinking about it, Fengyun slowly began to feel that the problem was likely to appear on the head of the skeleton.

"What is it?"

Feng Yun's eyes on the head of the skeleton became fierce.

Subconsciously, his pace quickened.

However, the scene that happened next made Fengyun a little shaken.

When he really started to approach the head of the skeleton, the attacks from the monsters began to weaken, and the drop was very obvious.

Especially when he reached the joint between the head of the skeleton and the body, the monsters' attacks on him were almost extinct.

Fengyun stopped.

Obviously he could stand on top of the skeleton's head immediately, but he didn't know why, he hesitated.

After a while, Feng Yun chose to retreat, and began to retreat slowly.

Feng Yun is a person who believes in intuition very much, because his instinct is so high that his head is scary, and he hardly misses it.

This time his instincts alerted him again.

Although he couldn't see for the time being, what was terrible about the head of the skeleton, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with being careful.

An event that happened immediately strengthened its confidence.

When he started to retreat, the attack that the monsters had already stopped started again, and it was very violent at first.

"This is to force me to the head of the skeleton. As expected, there is a problem."

Feng Yun quickly guessed what the monsters really meant.

As for the previous monsters, as he approached the head of the skeleton, the more violent they attacked him. They did not stop him from approaching the head of the skeleton at all. On the contrary, they wanted to strengthen him to approach the skeleton in this way. The determination of the head.

Their actions can easily arouse Fengyun's suspicion, and then draw the conclusion that the monsters do not want him to be close to the head of the skeleton, which will instead strengthen his decision to approach the head of the skeleton.

He has a hostile relationship with the monsters. What they don't want him to do, he wants to do it. This is a normal reaction.

Feng Yun became more aware of the insidiousness of these monsters, and his shots became more and more fierce. All monsters higher than and close to him, without exception, were all killed by him.

But over time, Feng Yun became more and more curious about the head of the skeleton.

"What is the danger of the head of the skeleton, it is worth the monsters to spend so much thought to trick themselves into the past?"

Feng Yun's eyes began to stop more and more on the head of the skeleton.

He wants to figure it out.

For the sake of caution, he will not really stand on the head of the skeleton, but it will be extremely difficult to know what is wrong without touching the head of the skeleton.

He didn't even think about letting King Kong or Wukong replace him, he didn't want them to be a problem.

"How to prove it?"

Feng Yun felt very distressed, until something flew past his eyes, a monster killed by him.

Almost without even thinking about it, Feng Yun stretched out his hand and made a grasping action against the monster. A blue light flew out of his palm and turned into a blue flood dragon. When he probed his claws, he caught it. .

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