Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 1780: eat

"Master, do you really let us eat all these?"

Wukong and King Kong looked at the honey pouches stacked in front of them like hills, and couldn't help asking, as if worried that they had heard them wrong.

No wonder they have such a question.

On weekdays, Fengyun is very precious to these honey pouches. Although he will not be too stingy to not give them food, they are rarely eaten every time. It is impossible to let go of the belly and eat casually.

But the taste of honeydew is so good that it makes them obsessed with it. After eating it once, they will never forget it.

In order to be able to eat honeydew, they tried to find a way, but every time they let them go back disappointed, Fengyun either made an excuse not to give them, or pointed out a little.

They like it but cannot be fully satisfied. Their desire for honeydew becomes stronger and stronger. Now Fengyun suddenly took out so much honeydew and let them eat it casually, but they were a little unbelievable.

"Yes, you can eat whatever you want, even if you eat them all, I won't stop you."

Feng Yun endured the pain, pretending to be generous.

"If the space in the Qiankun bag is large enough, I won't give you food."

Feng Yun added something in his heart, then turned his head away, as if he wanted to be out of sight and out of mind.

Of course, Feng Yun didn't satisfy Wukong and King Kong's thirst for honeydew, not because he was really stingy with them, but because he wanted to leave these honeydews to those who need them more.

He wants to bring them back to the Huojiao tribe and distribute them to the people to help them improve their strength as soon as possible.

Their strength is still relatively weak, they eat them, it will have a very good effect on them, but Wukong and King Kong eat them, only to satisfy their appetites, basically it will not improve their strength.

The most important thing is that their appetites are very large. If they let their belly go and eat hard, it is very likely that they will have eaten them all before returning to the Huojiao tribe.

But the values ​​are all comparative, and honeydew is no exception.

Before seeing the effect of the tentacles, they did occupy a very important position in his mind, but he was afraid to shop around. Compared with the tentacles, their status suddenly dropped a lot.

Therefore, when it appeared that he had to choose between the two, he did not hesitate to choose the tentacles. In order to put the tentacles into the universe bag, he directly took out many honey pouches.

Don’t look at Feng Yun’s choice of tentacles. This doesn’t mean that Feng Yun will lose the honey pouches taken out of the Qiankun bag and it doesn’t hurt at all. On the contrary, he will choose to bring them all if he has any means. Go.

It is a pity that he has no choice, so he can only eat them as much as possible.

If he is not in a special place now, in the cannibal barbarian territory, he will find a place to hide them, and then take them away when there is time.

The taste of honeydew is really good. It's no wonder that Wukong and King Kong are obsessed with them. Feng Yun also likes to eat them carefully. And he is an out-and-out foodie. It is even more difficult for him to discard them.

"Eat it, eat it all."

Feng Yun has made up his mind, and even if it lasts, he will eat all the honeydew.

However, he had clearly asked Wukong and King Kong to eat as much as possible, but he found that they were still standing there, which made him very confused: "Why don't they eat? Are they not interested in honeydew?"

Feng Yun looked at Wukong and King Kong, and immediately knew that he had guessed wrong. They should be very interested in honeydew. He could see that the desire revealed in their eyes was very strong.

"If you like it, why not eat it?"

The performance of Wukong and King Kong made Fengyun quite puzzled, but he soon understood what the problem was. It was because he paid so much attention to Honeydew that they doubted his words.

Feng Yun did not emphasize that he really let them let go of their belly to eat honeydew, but went straight to the hill made up of stacked honey pouches, grabbed one of them, poke a hole with his fingers, and then put his mouth. He reached the small hole and sucked vigorously.


Feng Yun's throat made a clear sound, even spreading far away in the silent underground space, and Wukong and King Kong naturally heard it.

They couldn't help it anymore. After looking at each other, they all rushed towards the hill of honey pouches, even if they would be punished by the situation afterwards, they also held back.

In the following time, the sound of swallowing sounded in the entire underground space, almost without stopping.

However, the situation has changed over time.

Feng Yun was the first to let go of their belly and eat honeydew. Soon Wukong and King Kong couldn't stand the temptation and joined the army of food grabs, but in the end, it was Feng Yun that was still eating.

It's not that Wukong and King Kong don't want to eat anymore, but they can't eat anymore.

Although they like honeydew very much and have a big appetite, they can’t eat it after all. In addition, honeydew is far from being comparable to ordinary foods. It has extremely rich nutrients, even if they have a strong digestive ability, it is difficult After a short period of time, all the honeydew consumed is digested and absorbed, and it is inevitable that it will not be able to eat.

Feng Yun was able to hold on to the end because he possessed an ability that neither Wukong nor King Kong possessed-swallow, which could digest and absorb the energy that was eaten into the stomach at a super fast speed.

The ability to swallow is directly related to Fengyun's strength, especially physical fitness. The stronger his strength and the better his physical fitness, the better it will perform.

It just so happens that Fengyun's physical fitness has been greatly improved not long ago, which greatly enhances his ability to swallow. Even if he swallows honeydew at a fairly fast speed, it can still digest them all in time. Up.

Swallowing a lot of honeydew, to be honest, Fengyun was very painful at the beginning of the meal, but after the meal was started, especially after the honeydew in his stomach was digested by Tun, he found that what he did was actually very necessary.

If he didn't eat a lot of honeydew this time, he would miss an opportunity, a great opportunity to further improve his physical fitness.

This is not to say that the effect of honeydew is already strong enough to greatly improve his physical fitness. Eating them is good for his body, but I want to greatly improve his body, especially In this current state, it is impossible to do so.

The reason why Honeydew was able to help Fengyun improve his physical fitness this time was entirely because the tentacles had not fully utilized the potential for improving his physical fitness, and lacked a large amount of high-quality nourishment, which they just provided.

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