Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2032: Duality

Feng Yun has been removing impurities from his body. This is not to say that there are really so many impurities in his body, too many to remove them, but that while he is removing impurities from his body, the outside world has been polluting him. .

Whether it is eating or drinking, or absorbing the natural forces of the outside world, or even just breathing, some impurities will actually be generated in his body, and these need to be removed by him.

But the problem is that eating and drinking, breathing, and absorbing the power of nature are all indispensable, which means that new impurities will always appear in his body.

Therefore, to a certain extent, even if Fengyun created his own exercises that could greatly increase the speed of removing impurities from his body, it would only make him have fewer impurities in his body than other totem fighters, but it would never be possible for him. There is no impurities in his body.

For this reason, Feng Yun is very troubled, because as his level gets higher and higher, he becomes more aware of the harm of impurities in the body, which will not only slow down the speed of strength improvement, but also increase the difficulty of promotion and breakthrough.

If you can keep your body in a state of high purity, totem warriors want to break through, at least before they are promoted to the transformation level, there will be no bottlenecks. Once they have accumulated, they will naturally break through.

This is actually one of the reasons why the tribe’s totems evolve each time it brings a large wave of tribes to the ranks. In the process of evolution, the totems will help people remove many impurities from their bodies.

Therefore, if the body is really no longer polluted by the outside world, it will have a strong attraction to Fengyun.

He subconsciously began to increase the speed of the exercises. In addition to wanting to complete the transformation as soon as possible, he also wanted to see what Xiao Jinlong would perform.

The speed of the exercise has increased, and the speed of the little golden dragon's swimming also increases, and its brightness also increases. If someone has good eyesight enough to penetrate the golden light that envelops the wind and clouds, he will find that his body is beginning. Become transparent.

The flesh, bones and internal organs, and even the inside of the bones have become transparent, and during this process, smoke of various colors will rise from all over Fengyun’s body from time to time, but many times, do not wait for them. Escaped from Feng Yun's body, and disappeared without a trace under the golden light emitted by the little golden dragon.

At the same time, Feng Yun's body is becoming more and more pure everywhere, the whole person is like carved from crystal, crystal clear, no trace of impurities can be seen.

At the same time as the body changes, Fengyun can not only feel the changes in the body, but also the changes in the mood. It also becomes transparent, as if it is being cleansed. Over and over again, some distracting thoughts and negative emotions are being Clear, disappear completely.

Gradually, Fengyun was in a state of no thinking, thinking of nothing, no thoughts in his mind, and then a kind of joy rose from the bottom of his heart, and he smiled.

His smile this time is different from his previous smile. It is a smile that only babies can have. It is so innocent that everyone who sees it will be infected by it unknowingly.

It's a pity that Fengyun is still in the golden light package at this time. It is very difficult to see his smile, at least Mulanzhi and the middle-aged man can't do it.

However, as Feng Yun changed his body, they were all affected.

As the golden light radiated from Fengyun's body became stronger and stronger, they felt that the speed of their purification was accelerating, and their bodies became more and more brisk, like something they could not perceive but were actually and imprisoned. The shackles that hold them physically and mentally are disappearing.

This feeling made them very obsessed, and even gave birth to an urge to never end, but there are two sides to everything.

The golden light radiated by the wind and cloud became stronger, and it did bring them benefits, but after the intensity of the golden light reached and exceeded a certain critical point, it gave them another feeling.

A sense of crisis suddenly struck their hearts, as if some danger was coming to them.

At first they were very surprised. They really couldn't figure out where the danger came from. You must know that this was in the ancestral land, which had been cleaned up from time to time. The more powerful brutal beasts were killed, even if there were fish that slipped through the net. With their current strength, they can easily cope with it.

If the danger didn't come from the wild beasts, they really couldn't think of anything else that could threaten them.

But the sense of crisis is so real, and it doesn't seem to be fake, which makes them pay attention to it.

The sense of crisis has had a great impact on them, so that they all interrupted the operation of the exercises, and opened their eyes to find the source of the crisis.

They don't want to die unclearly.

As soon as they opened their eyes, they found that their eyes had no effect. Their vision was flooded with strong golden light. They could not see anything except golden light.

The golden light was so strong that they could not help but have a fear of whether their eyes had been blinded.

Almost subconsciously, they all turned their heads to the place where their backs were facing the wind and clouds. They finally got better, and then they all breathed a sigh of relief. Their eyes were fine. They were not blinded or hurt. They had their eyesight There are obvious enhancements.

After confirming that their eyes were sound, they immediately remembered that the purpose of opening their eyes was to look for the threat they felt.

They found it quickly, but the real threatening body greatly exceeded their expectations. It turned out to be the golden light from Fengyun, and they benefited a lot from the golden light.

They did not associate the danger they felt with them at all, but the facts speak louder than words, and it is indeed the golden light from the wind and clouds that poses a threat to them.

They found that their bodies were smoking under the strong golden light, which made them feel like they were being lit.

At the same time, they do feel that something is decreasing in their bodies, that is to say, the smoke coming out of their bodies is indeed part of their bodies, at least by some parts of their bodies. Transformed.

Over time, although they weren't really alighted, they felt that their bodies were hollowed out, as if continuing like this, they could only have an empty shell in the end.

Just think about it and they can't help shuddering.

"Escape, run away, the farther you can escape, the better."

Mulanzhi and the middle-aged man instinctively wanted to escape from Fengyun, but they immediately realized that they couldn't do it at all. They seemed to have lost control of their bodies.

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