Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2033: Metamorphosis

"not good!"

Mulanzhi and the middle-aged man realized that they had lost control of their bodies, and immediately felt a strong fear.

If they couldn't get from Fengyun's side, they would really die.

No one is not afraid of death, and they are no exception. What's more, if they died in the current situation, it would be too wrong.

They have invariably strengthened their control over the body and want to regain control over the body. I don't know if fear has stimulated them and stimulated their potential. They really have a tendency to regain control of the body.


They couldn't help but be overjoyed and ready to make persistent efforts to take back control of their bodies in one fell swoop, but an accident happened.

The golden light from the wind and cloud has become more intense, and the penetrating power has also greatly increased.

Under the more intense golden light, their control over their bodies is like snow encountering water, and it is hot water. In a very short time, they disappear without a trace. The final situation is even better than when they started to control their bodies. It's worse.

They were not reconciled, and continued to try, even if they used their whole body solution, but there was no effect at all, they completely lost control of the body.

"Does it mean that today is my own death date?"

Mulanzhi and the middle-aged man are desperate, but their strong desire to survive makes them unwilling to sit still and want to do something to try to save their lives.

In comparison, among them, Mulanzhi performed better. She first thought of the breakthrough, that was Fengyun. Since it was the golden light from Fengyun who threatened her, she asked him to take the golden light. Can she be rescued?

"Yun, help, I..."

Almost subconsciously, Mulanzhi yelled and asked Fengyun for help, but she had to give up immediately because she didn't hear any sound coming from her mouth. In fact, she was doing it. When she shouted, her lips and tongue hadn't moved at all.

Self-help cannot work, nor does it work to ask Fengyun for help, this time Mulanzhi is really desperate.

In her opinion, if she wants to be truly immortal this time, she can only expect a miracle.

Maybe her luck was good enough that when she no longer had any hope, the miracle actually happened.

The brightness of the golden light emitted from Fengyun's body began to weaken, and in a short period of time, it weakened a lot.

As the golden light from Fengyun became weaker and weaker, both Mulanzhi and the middle-aged person felt that their control of the body had returned and continued to increase.

There was ecstasy in their eyes. They couldn't wait to completely gain control of their bodies and ran away from Fengyun.

They worry that the weakening of the golden light from Feng Yun's body is temporary, and maybe it will become stronger again, and then they will not be able to have the current luck again.

They must hurry up and run.

It’s just that their control of the body has not been taken back. The control of the body is far less smooth than usual, so that in the process of escaping, they fell more than once and looked very embarrassed, but there was still no way to stop them. pace.

They fled to a place far away from Fengyun in one breath, and hid behind the huge boulder. The golden light from Fengyun can no longer shine on their bodies, and their hanging hearts are considered to be let go.

They looked at each other and found that each other had a gray-headed appearance, which was caused by multiple falls when they ran away.

They didn't even care about it, it would be good to be able to pick up a life.

They all saw the color of horror in each other's eyes, and there was a hint of curiosity, and they all understood what the other was afraid of and what they were curious about.

What they fear is that the golden light emitted from Feng Yun's body will be fatal. What they are curious about is what happened to Feng Yun's body and why it emits such a strong golden light.

As time went on, they became more and more curious about what happened to Fengyun, but they were afraid to come closer.

In the end, they reached a consensus that they should not be able to get close to Fengyun, at least not for a short time, and then they would go to Mu Qiuxia, tell him all of their experiences, and see what she planned to do.

Just like that, they rushed to the direction of Shuang Lengquan together, looking for Mu Qiuxia.

At about this time, the golden light radiating from Feng Yun's body completely disappeared. He stopped the exercise, and the little golden dragon fell into silence, lying motionless, as if he was asleep.

Feng Yun began to check his body, and soon discovered that his body purity had reached an unprecedented height. Even he searched his whole body and found no impurities.

In addition, he also found that his body has really changed, and it is quite large. The whole body becomes crystal clear inside and out. When he concentrates his perception to a certain place, it even gives him a complete Transparent feeling.

These were things he had never seen before.

"Does your body really have undergone transformation?"

Feng Yun couldn't help but remember the feeling he had in the process of running the exercises, which made his heart beat faster.

If he passes the transformation, he can really no longer be polluted by the outside world, which will undoubtedly be good news for him, and it will greatly reduce the difficulty for him to promote to a new level.

Although the conditions he has are much better than the average totem warrior, he can still feel that it will be quite difficult to advance to a new level.

He is bound to get promoted to a new level. Naturally, he hopes that the difficulty of promotion is as small as possible. The changes that are happening in his body are naturally what he wants to see, but it also makes him a little bit worried about his gains and losses, worrying that he is in vain.

He decided to test whether the changes in him were what he expected.

Opening his mouth, he took a big breath, then closed his eyes.

External pollution is everywhere, even just inhaling air will cause pollution to his body. Now he only needs to look at the changes in his body after he inhales, and it is clear at a glance.

Before long, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and it spread, and soon covered his entire face. It was not over yet, and he finally laughed: "Haha..." Full of joy.

His body has really changed, and the air he inhaled can no longer pollute his body.

After that, he conducted more verifications, eating and drinking water, and absorbing the power of nature, none of which produced impurities in his body.

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