Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2034: Surging thoughts

"Yeah, great."

Feng Yun was confirming that his body had indeed undergone transformation and that he could no longer be contaminated by the outside world. He was overjoyed. If it weren't for his control, he might have jumped.

After a while, Fengyun's mood slowly calmed down.

At this time, he also remembered what he had to do, which was to let the alchemy furnace have the function of self-heating. No, to be more precise, it was to infer the self-heating magic circle. Without the magic circle, let the alchemy furnace heat itself.

Originally, things were advancing according to the steps he envisioned, but the changes that occurred in him disrupted his plan.

In the steps he envisaged, activating the exercises is to obtain more information and inspiration for deducing the self-heating magic circle, and then create the magic circle.

As a result, when the exercise was running, the newly-emerged little golden dragon in his body jumped out and participated in the exercise, which caused a series of changes that made him unable to follow the original steps.

But overall, he was very satisfied with Xiao Jinlong's performance. It might delay the time for him to perform the self-heating circle, but the changes it caused to his body were enough to make up for it.

I don’t know if it’s because of the good spirits of people on happy occasions. Fengyun discovered that his thinking became very active at this time. All kinds of thoughts about the self-heating circle continued to pop up in his mind. For a while, he was overwhelmed. Sense of.

He immediately jumped up and rushed to the boulder that he polished smoothly. He reached out his right hand and stretched out his index finger. A faint light shined on his fingertips, and then he swiped his index finger against the stone surface. Moved.

His fingers were clearly still several feet away from the surface of the boulder, but as his index finger began to move, there were scratches on the surface of the stone, a full half an inch deep.

If someone is around, you will be very surprised to see this scene, because not only are there scratches on the stone surface, but these scratches look very special. They do not look like artificial carvings at all. Instead, they appear to exist in the stone. Above the surface is part of the boulder itself.

As Fengyun’s fingers kept flicking, the surface of the boulder was quickly filled with graphics. These graphics seem a bit messy, but after a long time, they will be attracted by them unconsciously. It seems that there is a secret in them, waiting for people to discover.

About an hour later, the polished side of the boulder was completely covered by graphics, but Fengyun didn't have any intention to stop. He immediately walked to another boulder and raised his hand to make a rub against it. Actions.

The surface of the stone became smooth immediately, and the smoothness was not worse than the first boulder, even better.

Next, Feng Yun did the same thing to it, swiping his index finger in the air, and engraved one after another on it.

It's just that compared to the speed at which the graphics were imprinted on the first boulder, this time he was slower, and he even paused in his thinking.

Even so, when the second boulder is covered with graphics, it takes only twice as much time to engrave the first boulder.

During this period, Mu Qiuxia and Mulanzhi came together once, but they did not bother him, and left soon, seeming to worry that their existence would disturb him.

In fact, they did the right thing this time. Fengyun has been indulging in depicting all kinds of graphics, and hasn't stopped for a long time.

When he really stopped, not only did all the boulders face him, the inward side was filled with graphics, and the other three sides of the boulders were also completely covered by graphics.

At the end, he stopped in front of the last boulder, where there was the only empty space, about the size of a table.

He stared at it, raised his index finger high, but stayed in the air and did not move for a long time. He didn't know whether he encountered a bottleneck and couldn't continue to describe it, or something was brewing.

Time passed by, and during this period, Mu Qiuxia and Mulanzhi came to visit him for the second time.

When they saw him holding a posture and staying still for a long time, they couldn't help showing worry in their eyes.

When something happened to Fengyun, Mulanzhi told Mu Qiuxia the first time. Mu Qiuxia was surprised. She asked in detail what happened, and found the middle-aged person to confirm that Mulanzhi and what she said were all it is true.

After understanding the detailed process, Mu Qiuxia is more happy than worried.

Although Mulanzhi and the middle-aged man were in danger, they obviously benefited more.

Through her examination of them, she found that their bodies have become much purer. As for them, they felt that their bodies were hollowed out under the golden light from the wind and clouds, not that their bodies were really hollowed out. , That is the illusion that the impurities in their bodies have been removed in large quantities.

In fact, their bodies have not been hurt, on the contrary, they are still in an excellent state, the state is better than they have ever been before.

At first, Mulanzhi and the middle-aged man were not convinced, it was the changes that had taken place in them that left them too deep impression.

They didn't finally believe that Mu Qiuxia's judgment was completely correct until they performed the exercises given to them by Professor Fengyun again.

As soon as they performed the exercise, a large amount of natural power rushed to them, and the speed was several times faster than usual. In the blink of an eye, a large amount of natural power gathered around them.

If it has been easy to attract the forces of nature and has made them very happy, then what happens next is enough to surprise them.

The force of nature that came to them immediately poured into their bodies and was immediately absorbed by their bodies, and was completely absorbed. For a while, the force of nature was like water, and they became dry sponges. As long as it touches, the water is absorbed by the dry sponge.

This was not the case in the past. After they performed the exercises taught to them by Fengyun, although they could help them absorb the force of nature, the speed was limited and they could only absorb a little bit. Compared with the present, it was almost A world of difference.

If they can maintain their current state, they will be able to increase their strength at least ten times faster than before, and the increase in strength will increase so much at once. Not to mention that they haven’t thought about it, or dreamed of it, or just did it. It happened to them, they would not believe it even if they were killed, it was too exaggerated.

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