Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2130: Insecticide

"Damn it, how could there be such a thing in Gong Lu hammer's blood vessels? Isn't his extreme ischemia not only because of blood flowing out of the wound, but also because of these blood-sucking bugs?"

Feng Yun clearly saw the situation in Gong Lu's blood vessels through his perception, and various thoughts flashed through his mind. But he also knew that now was not the time to pursue the truth, the most urgent thing was to kill these blood-sucking worms that were sucking the blood of the male Lu's hammer.

Feng Yun stretched out his index finger, a faint light appeared on his fingertips, and then he prodded Gong Lu Hammer's body.

Almost at the moment when the light appeared on Fengyun’s fingertips, he stood beside him and provided blood to Gong Lu’s hammer. In order to prevent accidents, the expressions of the six people who had not gone away immediately changed. Their pupils shrank a lot and their bodies Stiff, a strong fear appeared in his heart, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

The light that appeared on Fengyun’s fingertips was the appearance of his sword intent, and the reason why the six tribesmen who provided blood for the Gonglu hammer were terrified was not only because the sword intent itself possessed extremely powerful destructive power. It's because Feng Yun's heart moved murderously.

The sword intent is connected with Feng Yun's mind. If he has a killing intent in his heart, it will be revealed, and it is in an enlarged form.

Those six people were so close to Fengyun, even if Fengyun didn't intend to target him, they were still inevitably affected.

After Feng Yun's fingertips hit Gong Lu hammer's body, he accurately hit the blood-sucking worm in his blood vessel, almost exactly the same.

In this regard, Fengyun himself felt that it was right.

Maybe it would be very difficult for someone else to do this, unless his eyes can directly penetrate the body of Gong Lu hammer, but for Feng Yun, there is no difficulty.

Although his eyes could not directly penetrate Gong Lu hammer's body, the perception that he sent into Gong Lu hammer's body to check him was not bad at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the presence of perception, Gong Luchui's body no longer has any secrets to him.

With perception to guide him, if he can't hit those blood-sucking worms, it will be abnormal.

After hitting the blood-sucking worm, the destructive power possessed by Fengyun's sword intent was immediately revealed. Almost as soon as it touched the blood-sucking worm's body, they were already killed, not even the slightest resistance.

After confirming the death of the blood-sucking insects through perception, Feng Yun did not relax, because for him, he still had very important things to do.

There are two things he has to do next. The first is to take out the blood-sucking worms from the body of Gong Lu hammer. In addition to their existence, he is also worried about these blood-sucking worms. Poisonous; the second is to confirm whether there are other blood-sucking worms in Gong Lu's body.

Compared with the former, Feng Yun paid more attention to the latter, because he remembered clearly that before the blood-sucking worms started to **** blood, he hadn't noticed their existence.

You should know that before that, he had checked the body of Gong Lu hammer. Although he did not deliberately target the blood-sucking worms, in order to have a relatively accurate understanding of the body of Gong Lu hammer, he was already very careful when he checked. Yes, and more than once.

However, he did not find any traces of the blood-sucking worms, which is enough to show that before the blood-sucking worms started to **** blood, they have a strong ability to hide their whereabouts.

Fengyun increased the perfusion of his perceptual power. In a very short time, his perceptual power sent into Gong Lu hammer's body increased at least ten times.

With more perception, the monitoring effect immediately improved significantly. Everything in Gong Lu hammer's blood vessels seemed to be drawn to Feng Yun's eyes at once, and the clarity was not improved by a single star.

Feng Yun still did not stop instilling perception into Gong Lu hammer's body.

Not only must he ensure that the monitoring effect is improved, but he must also ensure that the whole body of Gong Lu hammer is checked in the shortest possible time.

He was worried that those blood-sucking worms would hide in some key parts of Gonglu Hammer, such as the heart and brain. Once they formed an embolism in these places, they would kill him in a short time.

Even in the world before he traveled, medicine was already quite advanced, but once a patient with cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction appeared, the mortality rate would still be extremely high.

In addition, the blood-sucking worms entered the vital part of Gonglu Hammer, even if he could kill them with the intent of a knife, how to take them out would be a very dangerous thing.

Before crossing, according to his understanding, the brain and heart surgery is not only very difficult, but also very risky. It is still in the case of a complete medical system, and he is only one person now, even if he has Some special advantages are not enough to make up for the gap.

Therefore, the safest situation is to kill all the blood-sucking worms before they enter the vital parts of the Gonglu hammer.

Facts have proved that Fengyun's approach is very correct.

He not only found the existence of other blood-sucking insects in Gong Lu Hammer's body, but also found that they were really approaching his brain and heart, and the speed was quite fast.

When he discovered the blood-sucking worms through perception, they were moving fast in the blood vessels of the male hammer, like fish swimming in the water.

Fortunately, the destructive power of all his sword intents is strong enough, once discovered, he can kill them in a very short time.

During this process, Feng Yun did not forget to take out the blood-sucking worms killed in Gong Lu's hammer.

He first discovered the blood-sucking blood-sucking worm on Gong Lu's body, and cut a cut, which was done with a knife.

This led to a situation. In the eyes of Gong Lu hammer's tribe, it was as if Gong Lu hammer's skin had been cracked out of thin air, and a hole appeared that went deep into his body.

There was no bleeding from the wound of Gonglu Hammer, and the blood vessels were blocked by Fengyun with totem power, but even so, it still looked a little scary, because after sucking the blood, the blood-sucking worm had enlarged a lot, and the wound was small. It can't be taken out.


When the blood-sucking worm was taken out of the hole he made on him under the force of Fengyun's totem, someone from Gongluhammer's tribe couldn't help but exclaimed.

The blood-sucking worm is not only thick, but also quite long, nearly half a foot in length, which has a great visual impact.

Feng Yun itself was not affected in any way, a totem power was emitted, transformed into a slender golden dragon, and grabbed a bowl on the table.

Feng Yun put the blood-sucking worms taken out from Gong Lu's hammer into the bowl, and there was even close to a bowl.

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