Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2154: Let go of restrictions

Feng Yun discovered that after he let go of the restriction on Qing Qi, they not only merged with his totem power, but also entered the cells that make up his body, completely merged into the cells, and became part of them. .

After fusion of Qing Qi, Feng Yun could clearly feel that each of his cells had been greatly strengthened, and this strengthening was continuous, even he did not know how much his cells would be strengthened.

As more and more fresh air was incorporated into his cells, he still had a feeling that their nature seemed to have begun to change.

The reason why he hasn't shown it yet is that he hasn't completed the accumulation from quantitative change to qualitative change, which means that his cells haven't absorbed enough fresh air.

He has a hunch that if his cells can complete a qualitative change, even if he does not break through the current level and advance to a new level, he will not be inferior to the two strong men he has seen from the human race and the cannibal barbarian. How many of them.

In other words, if he can make the cells of the whole body undergo qualitative changes and can advance to a new level, he won't have to worry about anyone.

Of course, the premise is that there is no strong person who can reach a higher level than him. After all, according to his experience, the higher the level, the more obvious the difference in strength.

If someone can get one level higher after he is promoted, the advantage of cytoplasmic change may not be able to bridge the gap between the two.

However, he believes that even if there are people who have advanced to such a high level, it must be extremely rare. He has only seen two people with a higher level than he is now.

Fengyun began to increase the absorption of fresh air.

At the beginning, Feng Yun was still more cautious, even if he found that Qing Qi could provide him with great benefits, it still limited the amount of Qing Qi entering his body.

He was still worried that the fresh air would hurt him, even if they seemed to bring him benefits at first glance.

This situation may occur. According to his understanding, eating the meat of some wild beasts will give people a tonic effect, but it actually causes harm to the body.

However, after checking his body over and over again, he didn't find any problems on his body, his heart finally let go, completely letting go of the restriction on the fresh air entering the body.

Later, he even began to work hard to absorb more fresh air, so that a whirlpool-like existence was formed with his body as the center, so that the leaves of the surrounding trees extended towards him, and some leaves could not bear it. , Fall off from the branches.

So, when he got to the back, there were big leaves around Fengyun swirling around him, almost covering his body.

I don't know how long it took. The leaves around the wind and clouds began to fall to the ground, and they were two stories high. Then there was a situation where the wind and clouds were buried in the leaves and could not be seen.

Suddenly the top of the pile of fallen leaves exploded, and Fengyun jumped out of it. He was in the air, with a light stroke of his arms, passed the pile of fallen leaves, and gently landed on the ground.

The Fengyun at this time has changed a bit compared to when he just stepped into the woods. His height has increased by about two inches, and his skin has become more delicate. Even if he gets closer, he can't see pores.

But the biggest change that happened to him was his aura. Compared with that, he had an aura that was difficult to describe clearly, which instinctively gave birth to a kind of fear, just like a low-level savage beast. Encountering high-level brutal beasts came from a kind of suppression that was close to blood.

The aura that appeared on Feng Yun's body should be derived from the changes that occurred in his body cells after he absorbed the clear qi.

Although the cells that make up his body have not undergone qualitative changes until now, they still have become different.

The breath emanating from Feng Yun didn't exist forever, and soon disappeared.

Feng Yun raised his head and looked into the depths of the forest, looking a little eager to try.

He can feel the amount of fresh air, the closer he gets to the depths of the woods, the more it is. It can even be said that the fresh air he touches and absorbs now comes from the depths of the woods.

He wanted to take a look at the depths of the woods and figure out where these fresh airs came from, but he didn't think they came out of thin air.

But going deep into the woods also meant that he had to face the unknown, and possibly even danger.

He only hesitated for a moment, and walked deep into the woods.

He wants to enter the depths of the woods. In addition to satisfying his own curiosity, he also has his interests, that is, to absorb more fresh air.

After he let go of the restriction on Qing Qi and even started to work hard to absorb more Qing Qi, the amount of Qing Qi in his area began to decrease drastically, compared to when he just started to absorb Qing Qi, the amount of Qing Qi has dropped. More than one level.

If he stays in place, although he can still absorb fresh air, it is far from satisfying his needs, especially after his cells have changed, their appetites have become bigger and bigger.

Feng Yun hadn't walked far to the front just now, and suddenly felt movement in the pile of leaves behind it, as if something was about to come out.

He turned around and looked at the pile of leaves. Then he seemed to think of something, raised his hand and waved to the pile of leaves, and immediately a strong wind appeared out of thin air, blowing the whole pile of leaves completely to one side.

Without being covered by leaves, the thing that made movement appeared in Fengyun's field of vision.

It was the rabbit that had evolved by instilling the power of his totem with a clear breath.

It's just that its size at this time has grown a lot again, and it has almost reached Feng Yun's chest, and it can be regarded as a giant rabbit.

In addition to its size becoming larger, its scale armor has also changed, becoming thicker, and its texture has also been greatly improved, which at first glance looks similar to colored glaze.

Looking at the rabbit, Feng Yun's eyes showed a hint of surprise. He obviously didn't expect it to be able to absorb fresh air just like him.

He only glanced at it, and he knew that there would be such a change in it, which must have something to do with Qing Qi.

"Does it have something to do with the totem power that I entered into its body, which is fused with clear aura?"

Feng Yun quickly thought of a possibility.

He himself had absorbed the Qing Qi, so that the Qing Qi in the woods changed his attitude towards him, from repelling him to getting closer to him.

Feng Yun didn’t pay much attention to the rabbit who had turned into a giant rabbit. He quickly turned around and walked to the depths of the building. Compared with the changes that occurred on the rabbit, it was obvious that he found out the source of his freshness. More attractive to him.

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