Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2476: Flame pattern


Fengyun saw that the giant snake turned into a red light soaring into the sky, disappearing from the trail, and couldn't help but open his mouth.

To be honest, he had never thought about such a situation, he was still thinking about how to get along with the giant snake.

Of course, the result he wants most is to be able to invite it to the Golden Dragon tribe. With it, he believes that even in another world, the entire tribe can be guaranteed to be safe and sound.

How to protect the Golden Dragon tribe has always been a problem for Fengyun. If anyone can do this, he simply cannot ask for it.

Therefore, after seeing the strength of the giant snake, Fengyun has already made a decision, no matter how difficult it is, he must make some attempts to persuade it to go to the Golden Dragon tribe and let it stay in the Golden Dragon tribe.

As for whether he can succeed, he still has some certainty, because he can basically conclude that the totem of the original flame snake tribe is the giant snake.

Based on this, regardless of how it became the totem of the Yan Snake Tribe, he believed that it would never be indifferent to the Yan Snake Tribe.

This gave him the confidence to convince the giant snake.

The only thing that worries him a little is that because of his existence, the totem of the original flame snake tribe has evolved twice, and it is now quite different from the giant snake.

This is also the most troublesome part of Feng Yun, but he didn't think that the other party didn't give him a chance to speak, so he ran away.

The most important thing is that it didn't tell him where it was going or what it was going to do. From now on, he just wanted to find it and couldn't do it.

Feng Yun looked at the sky and didn't take his gaze back for a long time. He wanted to see if he could find the clue left when it left, so as to increase his chances of finding it in the future.

As a result, he was greeted with deep disappointment, because even if he had enough vision, there would be no gain. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would even doubt whether it existed.

Feng Yun also knew that there would be no results if he watched more, but he still held a glimmer of hope, and was unwilling to withdraw his gaze for a long time until he felt something falling on his shoulders.

He didn't look at his shoulder immediately to confirm what was falling on his shoulder, because he already had the answer.

Before the thing touched his shoulder, he already felt a familiar breath, which also made him immediately confirm its identity.

It is the white snake.

It's just that when Feng Yun really cast his gaze on it, a look of surprise still appeared on his face.

At this time, the white snake is already different from the white snake in Fengyun’s impression. The biggest difference is that its forehead has a little more red, except that it does not increase in size, but it is a flame pattern. It is very common with ordinary flame patterns.

Ordinary flames, whether complicated or simple, are static, but the flame pattern on the white snake's forehead is dynamic, like a real flame burning there, even beating.

However, the flame pattern that really attracts Fengyun is the breath it reveals, which is unpredictable. As soon as his eyes touched it, he was immediately attracted by it. Even a little closer, he also had hallucinations. .

Not only did the flame appear more agile, but it was also growing rapidly, filling his entire field of vision, giving him the illusion of falling into a sea of ​​flames.

Feng Yun bit the tip of his tongue subconsciously, and a **** smell spread in his mouth, and the sharp pain pulled his mind back.

He immediately looked away from White Snake's forehead, and never dared to look again.

His instinct tells him that if he can't get rid of the hallucinations, he will really be in trouble.

White Snake obviously didn't know that he almost put Fengyun in danger, just standing firmly on his shoulders, he stuck his head out and kept rubbing against his cheeks.

The familiar behavior relaxed Feng Yun's mood, and he subconsciously reached out his hand, and gently rubbed the top of the white snake's head. He had no idea how many times he had done this action, and it had almost become his instinct.

The performance of the White Snake is no different from before, actively rubbing Fengyun's palm with his head.

Soon, Feng Yun's mood became calm, and then he naturally communicated with White Snake.

According to the White Snake, it will leave the Dragon City and rush to the station, entirely because it senses a call, and it is extremely strong, even making it difficult to resist.

After it hurriedly rushed to the ancestral land, after confirming that the call came from the snake **** mountain, it rushed over.

Hearing this, Fengyun's spirit suddenly lifted, looking forward to getting some information about the giant snake from it, but he was soon disappointed.

The White Snake himself knew very little about the giant snake, not even more than Fengyun, because it had just arrived at the Snake God Mountain, and a red light shot at him.

The speed of the red light is so fast that it has no time to dodge, and it hits its forehead accurately, and then it falls into a state of drowsiness. It was not until the giant snake left that it regained consciousness, so it was right. Its knowledge is extremely limited.

Such a result was obviously not what Feng Yun wanted to see. He unwillingly asked about the effect of the flame pattern on the white snake's forehead.

As a result, he was disappointed.

After the flame pattern was imprinted on the white snake's forehead, it felt hot, very, very hot, causing its head to become dizzy and into a state of confusion.


After hearing what Bai Snake said, Feng Yun couldn't help but let out a sigh, his voice was full of disappointment, which made Bai Snake a little uneasy.

"Don't blame you. You are not at fault."

Feng Yun comforted the white snake, but didn't take it away from the ancestral land immediately. Instead, he wandered around the ancestral land, wanting to see if there was anything valuable to take away.

This time, although the two types of cannibals have been wiped out, since they can find the ancestral land, it means that the ancestral land is no longer a secret to the cannibals, and maybe there will be new cannibals. come.

If the good things are left behind, wouldn’t it be cheaper for the enemy.

White Snake is very supportive of Fengyun's practice, and has done a lot for this.

Therefore, there was such a situation that when they left, the ancestral land had been emptied of some valuable things.

Not only that, some things that he couldn't take away, such as the double cold springs he built, he didn't let it go. He destroyed them and was difficult to use.

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