Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2740: Compile teaching materials


Fengyun listened to Wu's request, and agreed without much thought.

He let Feng Tuo enter the school to be a teacher, although he included compensation, but he didn't mind helping the three totem warriors with him through the catastrophe.

In any case, they also belong to the Golden Dragon tribe.

Although their prospects are not favored by him, there is no need to just give them up. At least they should be given a chance, in case they complete their self-transcendence and successfully get rid of the use of the evasion cage when they are promoted. The bad influence here is also a good thing for the Golden Dragon Tribe.

The stronger they are, the safer the Golden Dragon tribe.

Although he still doesn't know the environment in which the Golden Dragon tribe is located, it is not difficult to see that it is quite dangerous based on the experience of the Mangkun tribe. It is not easy to ensure the absolute safety of the tribe.

"If they don't perform well and don't meet your requirements, don't be angry. Give them more opportunities."

Wu Jian Fengyun agreed to his request and was quite happy, but still did not forget to remind him.

Feng Yun has already made the situation very clear just now, including the huge gap between the normal way to advance to the true spirit and the use of the avoiding cage to advance to the true spirit.

He also did not conceal his views on his two types of promotion.

This also led Wu Wu to speculate that he might behave differently to the two types of advancers. He can understand him, but he doesn't want him to treat them differently.

Not to mention that from his point of view, they are all members of the Golden Dragon tribe. He should treat them equally, saying that they are already powerful in the real spirit level.

No matter how much room they have for improvement, as long as they are strong in the real spirit level, they should be given enough attention and respect. After all, the current Golden Dragon tribe is not qualified to be picky.

Feng Yun thought about it for a moment, and then replied: "I will treat them fairly. As for how much they can gain, it's up to them."

Wu's performance also made him reflect on himself somewhat, and he realized that his requirements were too high.

Even if those three succeeded in crossing the catastrophe through avoiding the catastrophe cage and were promoted to the true spirit level, this does not mean that they are useless.

Not to mention, if they were able to surpass the Golden Dragon tribe so many people to meet the requirements for promotion to the true spirit, there must be something extraordinary.

In the normal way, facing the tribulation directly, passing its test, and being promoted to the true spirit, the requirements for those who are promoted are too high, not ordinary people can achieve it, he uses such a standard to measure everyone, it is himself that he is too much.

After thinking about it, Fengyun naturally changed his views on the three totem warriors who were promoted to the true spirit. He decided to give them the same treatment. As for how much they can gain, it depends on their own good fortune.

With Wu's support, Fengyun did not immediately start the content and courses related to the cultivation of xinxing in the school.

It's not that he changed his mind, or that he doesn't want to hurry up, but that he is really a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

Although he discovered that the level of xinxing is closely related to the speed of a totem warrior's strength improvement and whether he can pass the test of the catastrophe in a relatively normal way, and to advance to the true spirit level, he himself does not know much about xinxing.

Even though he has searched through his own memories, he has not found much content. Obviously, he paid too little attention to relevant content before crossing.

No wonder he.

In the world before he traveled, the content related to xinxing was relatively unpopular, unless he specialized in related research, and not many people paid attention.

He didn't understand it was normal.

As a result, he can only expand and add based on the limited content he found out from his memory, plus his own understanding, and this is definitely not an easy task.

In addition, he has to think carefully and carefully, once his understanding is wrong, or there is a deviation, it is really endless misfortune.

He must be cautious and cautious.

This is what caused him to prepare textbooks very slowly and hard. Sometimes, he couldn't write a few lines in a day.

The slower the progress of the textbook compilation, the more his mind was unable to calm down and he became more and more irritable. Later, including Fenghong and Fengzhu, when they saw him, they would subconsciously avoid him, for fear that they would get in the way. To make him angry.

Wu looked at Fengyun, hesitated for a moment, and still spoke. "Yun, you can't do this. You want to help everyone improve their character cultivation, but your own mind can't calm down."

Since the last time Feng Yun went to him and told him that he wanted to add content related to the cultivation of xinxing in the school, he had come to see Feng Yun every other paragraph, mainly to understand the progress of the teaching materials he compiled.

By the way, also take a look at what he needs, so that he can meet his requirements so that he can write teaching materials with peace of mind.

Although it was the first time he heard the cultivation base of xinxing from Fengyun, this did not prevent him from realizing its importance.

After Feng Yun explained the concept of xinxing cultivation to him, he keenly realized that he must pay attention to it, and it might become a huge boost to the development and growth of the Golden Dragon tribe.

He was able to realize the importance of xinxing cultivation, which was actually a matter of reason, because he himself was a very good example.

Originally, he was still very curious as to why he was able to become the first group of people who reached the conditions for promotion to the true spirit after Fengyun, and he was so much ahead of others.

According to his understanding, he doesn't have any obvious advantages compared with those witches who joined the Golden Dragon tribe. In terms of aptitude, even if they don't surpass him, there are more than one that is quite close to him.

Under normal circumstances, the gap between them should not be too big. There is a high probability that you will catch up with me, but as a result, he not only distanced them from them, but also left them far away. At the end, they couldn't even see his back.

This is obviously far from the result he predicted.

For this reason, he was once more confused.

Now that Feng Yun put forward the concept of xinxing cultivation, he immediately felt a sense of realization. He would be so far apart from them, a big reason is that his xinxing cultivation base is higher than them, and much higher.

The so-called hearing is better than seeing, and seeing is better than seeing it personally. In a very short period of time, Wu accepted the concept of xinxing cultivation proposed by Feng Yun and paid enough attention to it, which is a normal thing. .

If he values ​​it, he will naturally show his heart.

This is also the reason why he finds Fengyun every other time.

At the same time, he also hopes that Fengyun can complete the compilation of the teaching materials as soon as possible, so that more people's xinxing cultivation base can be improved, so that they can benefit from it.

But he also knows that this kind of thing is not anxious.

When Feng Yun approached him, he bluntly told him that it would take some time to promote it in the school.

Therefore, he came to see Fengyun, just to understand the progress of its textbook compilation and what needs to be provided by him, and never urged him.

After Fengyun left him that day, he himself thought a lot.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that the cultivation of xinxing is a new thing, and if you want to slowly figure it out, you must not act too hastily. Once there is a mistake, not only will it not achieve the desired effect, but it will backfire.

The more times he came, he naturally became very familiar with Fengyun's state, and this also made him discover that there was a problem with his mental state.

He was too anxious to get it done.

In his opinion, this is undesirable.

Not to mention, in this state, it is very difficult to compile a qualified textbook. For Fengyun himself, there is a problem with his mental state, which has a great impact on him, which is a bad aspect.

It's just that he didn't find out that Fengyun's mental state had a problem, so he directly clarified it. He hoped that he could realize that he had a problem and overcome it.

According to Feng Yun and his statement, this would help his xinxing cultivation base improve.

After he realized the importance of xinxing cultivation base, he hoped that the higher Fengyun's xinxing cultivation base, the better, so that his growth rate would be guaranteed.

He is similar to a protection **** for the entire Golden Dragon tribe. The stronger he becomes, the safer the tribe will be.

It's a pity that Fengyun's mental state has not improved, but has become worse and worse.

Wu Ye finally couldn't help it.

He didn't want to really see Fengyun's problems.

Maybe after a certain time, Feng Yun can realize that there is a problem in himself and can solve it well, but he and he dare not gamble.

He was too important for the implementation of the entire Golden Dragon Department, and could not tolerate any problems.

Therefore, he finally decided to clarify with Fengyun and tell him that there was a problem with him.


His words worked, Feng Yun couldn't help but was taken aback when he heard the words, and soon his face showed shame, and he pleaded guilty to Wu Wu, "Wu, you are right. I really shouldn't do this like this. It’s absolutely impossible to write textbooks in the state."

After a pause for a few seconds, it seemed to be thinking, and then continued to Wu Wu: "Wu, I decided to temporarily stop writing textbooks and go out to relax. When my mentality is adjusted, I will come back and continue writing."

"no problem."

Although Wu very much hoped to promote the related courses of Xinxing cultivation in the school as soon as possible, he still agreed to Fengyun's request without hesitation.

He pays more attention to Fengyun's health.

Besides, he also believes him. When he adjusts his mentality, the speed of writing textbooks should be faster.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to be up for something, and hurriedly asked: "Do you want someone to accompany you?"

He was obviously worried about Fengyun's safety. After all, it was not safe outside, and his mental state was not good, which further increased his chances of encountering danger.

"No need. I'll just leave it alone."

Fengyun resolutely declined the other party's proposal.

"Then you must be more careful."

Wu also didn't insist, just exhorted.

"I will."

Feng Yun was also very simple, and he replied and walked out.

"Yun, wait a minute..."

When Feng Hong saw that Feng Yun was about to leave, he subconsciously planned to stop him and prepare some food for him, but was stopped by the witch.

After leaving home, Fengyun soared into the sky and rushed out of the city. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace.

He flew in one breath for several hours before stopping and landing on the top of a high mountain, motionless, letting the wind blow his clothes and hunting.

And he himself seemed to have become a statue, motionless.

His stop was many days.

Later, he seemed to merge with the whole mountain, becoming a part of the mountain, and also a part of the world.

So much so that a bird fell on the mountain peak, close to him, but turned a blind eye to him, as if he was a stone in their eyes and would not pose any threat to them.

Fengyun stood on the top of the mountain for thirty days.

During the period, there was wind and rain, and even bird droppings could be seen on his body, which was left by the birds that landed on him.

He didn't care at all about this, and when he resumed his activities, he just laughed it off.

Of course, he has no habit of wearing dirty clothes.

Taking it off, between thoughts, a dark cloud was summoned, a heavy rain fell, the whole body was washed, and a set of clean clothes was taken out of the Qiankun bag and put on, before flying in the direction of New Dragon City.

He consciously adjusted his mentality, and naturally there was no need to stay outside.

After he left New Dragon City, he didn't activate the sword intent, and directly eliminated the negative emotions in his heart, but left them behind.

He wants to eliminate them by normal means.

Although the sword intent was very good, it didn't help him to improve his character cultivation.

If you compare him to a martial artist, then the negative emotions that breed in his heart are opponents, and you can gain a certain amount by defeating them.

And the knife intention is like a gun, no, it is a missile, used to deal with negative emotions, the effect is naturally no say, they can be killed in an instant, but he also lost the opportunity to exercise.

From the perspective of this situation, this is a very lazy behavior.

Before realizing the importance of xinxing cultivation, he would directly use the sword intent for convenience, but now he can't.

In his opinion, dealing with the negative emotions in the heart is a pretty good way to improve the cultivation of xinxing.

So he found a secluded place and started to eliminate the negative emotions in his heart, but it was not easy, but he was not depressed at all, but ignited fighting spirit.

The harder the negative emotions are to deal with, the better exercise he can get, and the more obvious the improvement of his xinxing cultivation.

Of course, no matter how difficult it is to deal with negative emotions, it is impossible for Fengyun to take a full thirty days. It only took him about a day to defeat all the negative emotions in his heart.

For the remaining twenty-nine days, he was thinking about the related content of Xinxing cultivation base, and he had already gained some gains.

After returning, he should not have much time to compile the textbook. After all, it still belongs to the category of enlightenment, and the content does not need to be complicated.

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