Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2807: Food making machine

"There are fish? That's great."

Fengyun could see clearly that it was a fish that jumped up and fell back from the lake, and when he was not too small, his face couldn't help but smile.

He was already very happy when he saw such a big lake in this hidden space. He felt that if the Golden Dragon tribe moved in, the draft problem could be solved extremely well.

As for whether there are fish in the lake, or whether it can be used to breed some fish to meet people's demand for meat, he has not thought about it, mainly because he has not had time to think about it.

But no matter what, it was a very happy thing for him to be able to see fish in the lake.

He knew very well that fish had an existential requirement for the environment, and he believed that the fish in this hidden space where he was now would be no exception.

In other words, even if he wants to breed fish in this lake, he can't put any fish into it. It must be able to adapt to the current environment.

This kind of fish is not easy to find, after all, the environment like him is quite rare now, and there are probably even fewer fish suitable for breeding in the lake.

Even if he finds it, transportation will become a very difficult task. After all, the world he lives in now is far from the world he traveled through before. You can use water tankers and oxygen supply equipment to transfer all kinds of Long-distance transportation of aquatic products without worrying about dying.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry about it now.

There are fishes in the lake in front of them. As long as the catch is controlled, the speed of their self-reproduction is not a big problem.

He thought for a while, and continued to walk towards the lake. He stopped about ten feet away from the lake, then raised his hand and made a grabbing motion against the lake.

Suddenly, a thin white water column soared up, like a tired bird returning to its nest, flying directly into his palm.

The water condensed into a water ball that was a circle larger than an orange on the top of his palm, but it did not make direct contact with his palm. Instead, it hovered there, an inch away from his palm.

He looked at the water polo carefully.

He found that its purity was quite high, and he did not see any suspicious ingredients. It should be very clean.

With his current eyesight, he couldn't see other impurities in it, and he was already able to explain the problem.

After staring at the water polo for a while, suddenly a bright light flashed in his eyes, and then a small piece of it separated from it, about half a teaspoonful, as if being invisible by a hand. It was cut with an extremely sharp knife.

The water separated from the water ball turned into a small water ball and floated towards Fengyun's mouth, while he slightly opened his lips.

It seemed that he was going to taste it himself.

Compared to seeing it with eyes, tasting it in person is obviously more able to confirm its quality.

But when the small water polo was about to fall into Fengyun's mouth, it was divided into two halves, one portion was nine times as large as the other, that is to say, the small part was one-tenth of its total amount.

The lesser part finally entered Feng Yun's mouth.

Obviously, he is more cautious about the lake water, worrying that there are toxic and harmful ingredients in it and will cause him harm.

In fact, in the end, that little bit of water entered the lake in his mouth, and he did not swallow it, but stayed in his mouth, and also restricted its destination.

It can only roll over his tongue so that he can taste its taste, and if he finds any problems with it, he will vomit it right away.


As soon as the lake water touched Fengyun's tongue, his eyebrows couldn't help but raised.

He found that the taste of the lake water was quite good, and there was a hint of sweetness in the clear water. The water quality was very good, and it was completely comparable to the good spring water.

Soon, he inhaled slightly, and inhaled most of the remaining water ball after being cut open.

"Not bad."

He nodded, showing an expression of approval, and then he cast his eyes on the water ball floating above his palm, and had the urge to drink it.

As the amount of water in the mouth increased, he became more aware of its quality.

The high quality of the lake water is good news for him. This not only means that it will be more acceptable to people, but also means that the possibility of it being poisonous is greatly reduced.

However, out of precaution, he decided to wait for a while. It takes time for some poison to occur.

He has to confirm this and drink more, otherwise once the water is really poisonous, he will be taking poison.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and began to focus on his body, especially the part from the esophagus to the stomach, which was where the water he drank passed.

If the water is toxic, it will be the first reaction in these areas.

He knows himself very well, and the means to detect his own situation are also quite rich. He is quite confident in figuring out the changes that have taken place in himself.

In other words, there is really no way to hide the presence of toxic and harmful ingredients in water.

After about a quarter of an hour, his eyes returned to their normal size and he showed a satisfied expression.

The lake water passed his inspection and was indeed non-toxic and harmless, at least he didn't notice it, and even for the sake of caution, he temporarily suppressed his resistance.

As his strength gets stronger and stronger, he not only understands the body better, but also his ability to control it has become stronger. For example, he can adjust it to a certain extent according to his requirements.

This includes that he can increase his own resistance so that he will not be harmed when encountering bad conditions.

Conversely, he can also reverse the operation to reduce his own resistance, just like he did this time.

The limit he can reach now is to reduce his own resistance to a level similar to that of ordinary people.

In other words, in this case, after drinking the lake water, it is not able to cause harm to his body, it should be able to prove that its safety is very high.

People from the Golden Dragon tribe, including children and the elderly with relatively low resistance, should not have any problems after drinking it.

Such a high-quality water source is quite difficult, not to mention that it is in this secret space, even outside, it is relatively rare.

In addition, the high quality of the lake water greatly reduces the possibility of toxic aquatic organisms living in it.

If the fish in the lake are poisonous, it would be better not to have them.

Now it seems that if nothing happens, the fish in the water should be safe to eat.

His mind moved, causing the ball of water he had taken from the lake to float to his mouth, and then he took a bite.

A piece of water polo was immediately missing, as if its state had changed, becoming a solid state.

The state of the lake water that constitutes the water polo has not changed, only that Fengyun has manipulated it and restricted its state to a certain extent, and it will behave like this.

Next, he bit the water polo bite after bite, as if eating an apple, held by an invisible hand, holding it to his mouth, for him to enjoy.

If there are outsiders present, he will definitely look at him with admiration, especially the enemy, and will be desperate.

Don't look at what he did that didn't seem to be special, or even seemingly unremarkable, but in the eyes of some people with high power, the higher the power, the more difficult it will be.

Of course, Feng Yun did not want to show off, even if he has the heart, there is no audience.

This time he did it only as a convenience.

He also wants to observe the lake surface, to be more specific, to look for fish living in the lake and see if he can catch it.

Whether the fish in the lake is poisonous or not, you still need to check it yourself before you can confirm. Just relying on the quality of the lake to make inferences cannot guarantee that there will be no errors.

He thought of the pufferfish, it has extremely high toxicity, enough to kill people.

After only a short while, before Fengyun had eaten all the water balls, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He found the fish, and it appeared under the water not far in front of him. Its size was even a lot bigger than the one that jumped out of the water he saw not long ago, and its yield was about half longer. .

Opening his mouth wide, he swallowed about one-third of the remaining water polo. At the same time, he reached out his palm, pointed his palm at the fish, and then made a grabbing action. .

In the next second, the fish that was several feet deep under the water appeared above the water and flew toward the wind and clouds.

The most important thing is that there is not even a trace of ripples on the lake surface, as if Fengyun caught the fish this time, directly crossing the space and grabbing it away.

Feng Yun doesn't have such skills yet, at least he can't do it at this stage.

The fish passed through the lake normally and were caught by him.

The reason for this seemingly miraculous state is entirely because his level of power control has reached a fairly high level, capable of turning decay into magic.

Feng Yun brought the big fish in front of him.

It didn't move, as if it had been frozen, let him turn it over and watch it all over.

After a while, he fixed it in front of him, and then reached out his index finger, his fingertips spit out a bright light, turned into a blade, its sharpness far exceeds that of ordinary knives, he To cut it open.

When Dao Mang was about to touch the belly of the fish, he stopped.

He put it into the Qiankun bag, and then walked around the lake.

During this process, his two eyes kept staring at the lake, as if looking for something.

He is looking for other aquatic creatures that live in the lake, especially fish and shrimps, and everything he finds cannot escape his clutches.

As long as they were targeted by him, almost without exception, they were all caught by him.

At his level of strength, even if he is empty-handed and does not have the tools to catch fish and shrimp, it will not delay him from catching the fish and shrimp he sees.

In this way, he can understand without touching the first fish he caught.

He is planning to catch more fish and shrimps and conduct a one-time test to save trouble.

As he caught more and more fish and shrimp, his mood became better and better.

The number of fish and shrimp in the lake is not only large, but the species is also quite rich, which means that he can't be more clear.

It is an out-and-out food manufacturing machine that can continuously produce a large amount of food, the most important thing is that it does not need to add raw materials.

This is very good news for him to the entire Golden Dragon tribe.

Even if the Golden Dragon tribe did not hide in this secret space in the end, this big lake could provide it with a lot of fish and shrimp, which meant that it had a stable and large food supply channel.

For the Golden Dragon tribe that is under siege of the locust army, it is undoubtedly a piece of pie that fell from the sky, not a piece, but continuously falling downward.

After a while, Fengyun still left the lake.

Although he wanted to stay longer, it was best to figure out the fish, shrimp and other edible things in the lake, but he knew better that his time was pressing and he couldn't afford to waste it.

Compared to figuring out the situation of fish and shrimp in the lake, what he should do more is to find out the situation in the secret space.

Fish and shrimps live in the lake, and the lake will not run away. With time, he can continue to complete the remaining census work.

And to understand the situation in the secret space will be related to the survival of the Golden Dragon tribe.

He glanced at the lake reluctantly, but he turned and walked away.

Next, he began to explore the remaining areas of the hidden space.

In order to make up for the time to catch fish and shrimp, he speeded up.

The big dragon under his feet emits a shining blue light, leaving a long blue light band wherever it passes, which is truly beautiful.

After exploring the entire hidden space, he found that it was probably an irregular circle, and the large lake with a lot of fish and shrimps was located in its center.

Its area is quite large, much larger than the purification area he led the people to clean up with the Golden Dragon tribe as the center, almost ten times larger.

This is already quite large, after all, when the purification zone was originally designated, it was to meet the food needs of the entire Golden Dragon tribe.

In order to prevent some conditions from leading to a reduction in grain production, a very large margin was deliberately set aside.

In fact, as long as half, or even one-third of the area of ​​the purification zone, the food grown can meet the needs of the Golden Dragon tribe and even live a fairly good life.

The area of ​​the hidden space is now ten times that of the purification zone. Even if the environment is different, the level of food it produces cannot reach the outside world, but as long as it reaches one-tenth, or even one-thirtieth of the output, it can be guaranteed People don’t get hungry.

If you count the fish and shrimp that can be caught in the lake and the domestication and breeding of animals living in secret spaces, you will get a large supply of meat, and people’s quality of life will not be too bad, and they can even maintain a high Level.

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