Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2851: Black hole


Feng Yun heard a squeezing and shattering sound in his ear, which made him frown.

This is the sound of his domain being squeezed and distorted, and he can clearly perceive that the domain has indeed been damaged.

This made him understand that the sudden wave of waves had extremely destructive power.

This is him. If he is replaced by someone else, even if he is a powerful person who has reached the true spirit level, he must be in a hurry.

The time is long enough to even threaten their lives.

He didn't pay too much attention to his own situation, but instead set his sights on where the three millipede earthworms were.

Although the field of external release was under considerable pressure at this time, and even damaged, it was far from enough to pose a threat to him.

Now the damaged part of the domain is limited to a small part of the outside. If he wants, he can completely repair it.

If he expands the scope of the domain, he can also keep danger away from him, but he will not do this. In his opinion, this has almost no meaning other than increasing his burden.

Compared to himself, he obviously paid more attention to and cared about the three millipede earthworms, and he was also counting on them to find the locust man.

Now they are in a weird space. If they die, the hope of finding the locust people will undoubtedly become very slim.

In addition, how to leave this space is also a big problem for him.

When Feng Yun saw the three millipede earthworms, his heart was slightly lowered.

Somewhat different from what he had imagined, they were more resistant to this sudden disaster.

He thought that they suddenly encountered this sinister situation, and they should be injured more or less.

This is not that he deliberately despised them, but the result of his deduction based on the information he has.

He has dealt with the millipede earthworm and has a considerable degree of understanding of it, and he has personally experienced the destructive power of the disaster that occurred this time.

He felt that the disaster could cause harm to the millipede earthworm.

As a result, there were no injuries on their bodies, at least it seemed so.

How do they do this?

Feng Yun also understood.

Obviously it is not the first time that they have faced such a disaster, and they are quite experienced in dealing with them, which greatly reduces the threat of disasters to them.

But the key to keeping them intact lies in their special body structure and powerful control over themselves.

Their long bodies, when encountering big waves, turned into a rubber band, contracted and stretched at will, following the momentum of the big waves, moving with the trend instead of opposing it, which allowed them to resolve well. The pressure encountered.

However, this is also something other people, including Fengyun, cannot admire. They don't have a body structure similar to them, and they have a powerful level of control over themselves, which is absolutely impossible to imitate.

Feng Yun also used to envy them, the disaster at this moment is far from enough to pose a real threat to him.

After thinking for a while, he began to further narrow the scope of the field.

In this way, it seems that he is closer to the natural disaster, but in fact, the risk he faces will not rise significantly.

No matter the scope of the domain is large or small, he will not be harmed until it is completely destroyed.

On the contrary, he narrowed the scope of the field and was able to greatly reduce the area under force, thereby reducing his burden.

In addition, he was also inspired by three millipede earthworms, and treated the field flexibly, making the part facing the big wave soft.

Although this puts forward higher requirements for him, the softness must be appropriate, and it must be adjusted in time according to the force. The force exerted by the big wave on the field is changing rapidly, and it will be very difficult to achieve it, but it is still Within the capabilities of Fengyun.

After a short period of adaptation, he did well.

As he understood Dalang more and more, his manipulation of the domain began to become more and more adept. Later, he even became amazing.

He can actually make good use of the force exerted by the big wave on the domain, by changing the softness and hardness of the domain and the angle of the force, he can move in the big wave, and move according to his ideas.

If someone is on the scene, he can see his condition clearly, and even give him a comfortable evaluation.

More importantly, in this state, Dalang's pressure on him has actually been reduced a lot, even though Dalang has been increasing over time.

Having mastered the method to deal with the big waves, Fengyun even became a little interested in standing up.

This is like surfing. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is undoubtedly a very dangerous sport, but it is not true for real surfers. This will encourage their interest, let them immerse in it, and enjoy the fun and excitement it brings. .

Feng Yun was in an approximate state at this time, as if he was not facing danger, but playing.

But he finally did not forget the purpose of his trip, to find the locust man, so as to see if he could help the Golden Dragon tribe out of danger once and for all.

He began to pay more attention to the three millipede earthworms, and was prepared to secretly take action to help them resolve when they were threatened by their lives.

Now he has pinned his hope of finding the locust people on them. In other words, unless he has a last resort, he will not let them die before seeing the locust people.

Fengyun has not found a chance to shoot.

With the continuous strengthening of the waves, the situation of the three millipede worms inevitably began to become more and more difficult, but the distance poses a real threat to them, but there is still a distance.

In particular, they are able to stretch their bodies very long, the largest extent once reaching ten times their normal body length.

At that time, he was almost shot, worried that they would be broken, but in the end he held it back.

He found that they weren't panicked, and that their bodies stretched so long, and that a considerable part of them was deliberately done by themselves.

This shows that the risks are still under their control.

That being the case, he naturally didn't rush to make a move. After all, in his own view, making a move to help the millipede was a last resort, and it was best to do less or even not.

Through close observation of them, he discovered that they should not have discovered his existence until now.

This is very important to him.

Only when they don't know his existence, they will go directly to the locust man. On the contrary, they will not only not go to the locust man, but may even lead him into a trap.

Since he doesn't know the space he is in now, if they set up traps with the help of special topography, it will be difficult for him to find them.

Knowing the situation of the three millipede earthworms, confirming that they are not currently in great danger, relieved his heart, but as time passed, his brows couldn't help but frowned.

He found that the sudden wave lasted a little too long.

This is not what he wants to see.

Not to mention the time-consuming, it will also increase the possibility of three millipede earthworms being injured. After all, the destructive power of big waves is still quite large, and they can only reduce the pressure they bear, but cannot completely ignore it.

Over time, they may be harmed.

It's like a long-distance trek for a person with good physical strength. It may be easy at first, but it will be unbearable to keep walking.

What's more, the situation facing the three millipede earthworms is far more dangerous than this.

As for Feng Yun himself, he didn't care very much. Given his situation, the time he could persist would be very, very long.

The big wave calmed down earlier and later calmed down little effect on him.

Just when Feng Yun felt more and more impatient, and even began to become anxious, he suddenly discovered that the performance of the three millipede worms was abnormal.

They were originally only passively withstanding and resolving the pressure and threats brought by the big waves, quite a sense of drifting with the flow.

In order to maintain the distance between them, he often needs to manipulate the domain, borrowing strength from the big waves that hit him, and approaching them.

Now they have become active, to be more specific, they have begun to move in one direction consciously.

"Is there a turnaround?"

After confirming that the three millipede earthworms were indeed moving purposefully, Feng Yun's eyes couldn't help but light up, and immediately followed the control field.

This time he made the distance between himself and them closer than before.

Now there are rampant waves and huge waves everywhere. He believes that even if their attention to the outside world is not cancelled, it will be reduced a lot. He closer the distance between them, and it should not increase the possibility of them discovering him.

In addition, the distance between him and them is a little closer. If something happens, he will be able to respond in time.

Facts proved that his choice was right.

After the three millipede earthworms actively started to move for about a quarter of an hour, their speed suddenly began to accelerate.

Seeing their performance, he suddenly felt a sense of deja vu, as if he saw the world before he traveled, the office workers who rushed past when they saw the bus coming.

He thought about it for a moment, and speeded up, even making the distance between him and them shorter.

In this way, about five minutes later, the bodies of the three millipede earthworms suddenly contracted, and they were less than one-third of their normal length, like a spring that had been severely compressed.

In the next instant, the spring stretched out, allowing them to shoot forward, their bodies elongated and turned into three arrows that detached from the string. Even the wolf couldn't stop their way, and they were pierced by them.

Feng Yun didn't even think about it, so he raised his speed and ran after him.

He acted very easily, not only because he did not have a lot of extra energy, but also because the three millipede earthworms helped him to open up a path to some extent, which greatly reduced the resistance he had to face.

Just less than a minute later, Feng Yun's expression couldn't help but change.

Just like a big wave, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in front of the three millipede worms. Before it appeared, there were no signs.

In Fengyun's eyes, the situation has become urgent and serious.

The millipede earthworms are already very fast at this time, and as we all know, the faster the speed, the more difficult it will be to stop, and the vortex appears suddenly, and they are not far away.

According to Fengyun's judgment, it is very likely that they will plunge into the vortex because of the braking.

According to his cognition, the vortex is very dangerous, not to mention the vortex that appears in the current environment, the degree of danger will definitely be greater.

Without even thinking about it, he grabbed the handle of the knife and drew the knife out in a swift manner. He was about to strike at the whirlpool that suddenly appeared.

Due to the sudden incident, there are not many ways he can think of to rescue the three millipede earthworms.

He decided to split a passage in the vortex so that they could pass smoothly.

They are very fast, as long as the channel exists for a very short time, this greatly reduces the difficulty of his operation, and the most important thing is that it also reduces the probability of him being discovered by them.

At the last moment, he abruptly stopped the sword and didn't really smash the whirlpool.

He found that the situation might be different from what he believed.

Seeing the emergence of the vortex, the three millipede earthworms, instead of slowing down their speed, speeded up and rushed past, as if they were afraid of missing it.

"Could it be that the previous performances of these millipede earthworms were to get close to this sudden vortex in time?"

Feng Yun saw the actions of the three millipede earthworms in his eyes, and a thought flashed through his mind.

Although this idea may seem absurd, after all other possibilities have been ruled out, no matter how absurd, it is also true.

The millipede earthworms really rushed into the whirlpool.

However, a question in Feng Yun's heart lingered, what were they doing this for.

This problem did not bother him for long.

In fact, the moment they entered the vortex, he got the answer.

Just as they rushed into the vortex, a hole suddenly appeared at the bottom of the vortex. It was so dark that he didn't know where it was leading, and he couldn't see the situation inside with Fengyun's eyes.

The earthworms plunged directly into the black hole without any hesitation.

In an instant, they all disappeared without a trace.

The black hole can exist for a very short time. As soon as the three millipede earthworms enter, they immediately begin to shrink, and the shrinking speed is still very fast.

In less than a second, it will shrink by half.

At this moment, Fengyun understood why the millipede worms were so anxious. As long as they were a little slower, they might not be able to pass.

Before he could think about it, he rushed to the vortex, preparing to enter the black hole.

As long as he wants to achieve his goal and find the locust man, he must follow the millipede earthworms.

As soon as he entered the whirlpool, he felt a huge pulling force enveloped him, trying to entrap him, leading him around, and being cut off by him with a knife.

But after such a delay, the black hole has shrunk to only three feet in diameter.

Fortunately, he was fast enough to rush in before it closed.

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