Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2872: maze

"Sure enough, you can't be careless at any time."

Fengyun wiped out the smoke-like monsters in the room, but couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Although he seemed to have done a very beautiful job this time, he had done everything in one go, but there was not much joy in his heart.

The disguise ability of these monsters is very powerful. When he first entered this room, he didn't even spot them at the first time. It wasn't until his body warned him that it attracted his attention.

In addition, he felt a lot of threat from these monsters, and this was the first room he entered into the castle.

He can foresee that there will be more terrifying dangers waiting for him in the future.

But after all, he was a person who had seen strong winds and waves, and his mental quality was very average, and he quickly recovered his calm, gently closing the door and hanging up the lock.

The lock, which was originally made of a rock that was extremely hard and comparable to metal, has been repaired by him.

This is not a difficult task for him.

Not only is he handy in manipulating the power of the earth attribute totem, but he also has a fairly high level of refining. It is natural to repair the lock, not to mention that the damage of the lock is not serious.

Glancing at the door, especially the lock, and confirming that there is no flaw, Feng Yun hurried forward along a corridor.

This corridor, according to the position he confirmed, should extend into the castle.

His steps are very light, and even from a certain angle, he makes no sound.

Out of caution, his feet did not touch the ground at all, and the distance between the soles of his feet and the ground was about an inch.

In fact, since he entered the castle and even climbed the wall, he has not had direct contact with anything, including the lock.

When he repaired it, he didn't let himself touch it, he was operating it in air.

Although doing so would greatly increase the difficulty, he still felt it was very necessary.

That hiding inside the castle, it is very likely that it is located at its core with a powerful detection ability, but it left a very deep impression on him.

Not long ago, he wanted to get close to the castle, but he couldn't even enter the valley and was discovered by it.

Now, he has not only entered the valley, but also entered the castle. It is no exaggeration to say that he has entered its one-acre three-quarter land, and the probability of being discovered by it will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

In this case, if he is not careful, he may have been exposed before he can confirm his location.

Fengyun's speed is very fast, like a phantom, in the corridor, fast forward, even leaving behind shadows.

He doesn't know when it will resume investigation. He must find it and dispose of it before it restarts its investigation, because he is not sure that he can escape its investigation.

This is not because he is presumptuous, he is belittling himself, it is that its investigative ability is too strong.

He had seen it personally, and even left him a psychological shadow.

As for the possibility of encountering other locust people in doing so, he can't take care of so many.

Besides, he slowed down his speed, which does not mean that he will not encounter locust people, after all, they exist objectively and will not change because of his will.

I don't know if it was luck or other reasons. In short, Feng Yun walked a long distance in the corridor, and he didn't even see a locust man.

At first, he was secretly delighted, feeling that God was helping him, but as time went on, he slowly didn't think so, and even began to feel uneasy in his heart.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Not seeing locust people for a long time is obviously abnormal.

According to his observations and speculations, although the locust people seem to attach great importance to him, there are a considerable number of locust people squatting at the entrance of the passage, but there are not too few locust people in the castle. The total number should be far more than squatting in the passage. Of locust people.

Since there are still a lot of locust people in the castle, it seems very unreasonable that he has not seen any of them in such a long time.

Of course, this can't rule out his luck, but he is more inclined to be exposed than he is.

As for how the opponent found himself, he didn't get too entangled. After all, he is now on the other side's territory, and the opponent has the home court advantage.

However, Feng Yun did not give up his aura of convergence and hide his whereabouts. In case he was really lucky, wouldn't he be pitted if he didn't converge.

He also didn't let himself make a few moves, telling the other party that he had found it and found him.

The other party was unwilling to speak up, he couldn't ask for it, and he was happy to pretend to be confused.

He still believes in his own abilities. As long as he gets close to it, he still has considerable certainty that it will suffer a big loss, or even solve it directly, it is not impossible.

Only after another period of time passed, his heart couldn't help but began to sink, because he found that he was very likely to underestimate his opponent this time.

Originally, he wanted to use his tactics and try to keep the distance between himself and the target as close as possible. It would be better if he could come directly to the target.

But as he kept moving forward, he found something wrong, that is, the corridor he was in now was a bit too long, and it had been so long, but he was still in the corridor.

He still knows his speed very well. At his normal speed, he has now reached the center of the castle.

He didn't think that this passage would really extend to the center of the castle, but to confirm this, he continued to run forward in the passage for a while.

At this point, he can be 100% sure that the corridor he is in now has a problem, and it is a big problem.

He is probably trapped inside.

The subsequent developments also confirmed this.

First, he continued to run forward, the distance could already pass through the other side of the castle, and the people were still in the corridor, then he turned one hundred and eighty degrees and ran back.

It took longer than running forward, logically, he should have seen the door he opened, but he didn't see it.

He has a good memory, and the lock on the door was repaired by him himself. He couldn't recognize it when he saw it.

He did not see it, which made him more certain that he was indeed in trouble.

He was trapped.

He didn't know if he had fallen into a illusion, or the environment he was in now became a maze, but no matter which of these two possibilities, it was not good news for him.

After thinking about it, he slowed down and focused more on the observation of the corridor, trying to find the flaws and break the game.

Although he has not encountered any danger until now, he is just trapped in the corridor and can't get out, but he is not satisfied with his current situation.

He used to be a hunter. Now that he has time, he will still go hunting. This makes him very clear. The hunter will never let the prey fall into the trap.

In other words, the opponent will definitely attack him, but sooner or later, maybe in the next second, it will attack him.

He never wants to be in a passive state.

In a short period of time, he activated his pair of parts that had been transformed by the halo, and looked at the sides of the walking distance and up and down, and then he looked at many filaments.

They are densely distributed in all directions of the corridor, and the number is very, very large, the gap is very small, not to mention a big living person, even a fly can't get through.

This is not over yet, the number of filaments in each position of the corridor is still increasing, and the increase is very, very fast.

"I didn't expect the day I would also fall into the net."

Seeing all this in his eyes, Feng Yun couldn't help but let out a wry smile in his heart.

But then, he didn't make any radical moves, still walking in the corridor, but the speed slowed down.

From what he has observed so far, it is not that the other party does not want to deal with him, but that the time is not yet ripe, but on the other hand, it is not an opportunity for him.

At least before the opponent shot him, this period of time was available to him.

If he makes good use of it, it may not be impossible for him to jump out of the current predicament.

Of course, he can use force.

He also didn't think that if he did his best, he would not be able to break the corridor that trapped him inside. He was very confident in the sword intent he possessed.

It's just that he thinks it's best not to do this before he completely tears his face.

For the next period of time, he focused on the doors on both sides of the corridor.

He wanted to confirm whether they were real and whether they could be opened.

If he can leave the current scene through them, he believes that he will still create some trouble for the other party, so that he can gain some powerful conditions for him, at least he can have more time.

The result disappointed him.

Most of the doors on both sides of the corridor are fake, they are just made into the appearance of the door, in fact, they are all part of the wall.

He wants to leave through them, just like breaking through the wall directly.

But not everyone's doors are fake, there are real ones too.

"Would you like to leave this passage and take a look outside?"

Feng Yun asked himself, but from his performance below, you can see that he already has the answer.

He deliberately pretended not to see through the true and false doors. Before he came to a fake door, the probe grabbed the doorknob and pulled it hard. Without success, he rushed to the next door. If he didn't succeed, he changed to another one. .

After changing several doors in a row, Feng Yun did not open the doors because they were all fake doors.

When he came to the front of a real door, he suddenly made an angry look, pulled the knife out suddenly, and slashed at the door.

The door was split in a short time.

Although the other party also added filaments behind the real door, these filaments seem to be more inclined to detect, but their strength is not very large.

In addition, the door is not particularly thick. Fengyun splits it open, which can be regarded as a normal thing.

It was just that when the door was really opened by him, whether to go through it and leave the corridor made him hesitant.

He looked outside through the broken door, and his eyes were all densely packed filaments, like a spider web, no, it was more difficult than a spider web.

Most of the spider webs are flat, but the filaments he sees now are in a three-dimensional state, intertwined with each other and become part of the three-dimensional web.

In other words, as long as Fengyun exits the corridor, it is tantamount to throwing himself into the net.

In comparison, he needs to be safer in the corridor, after all, he doesn't need to touch the filaments yet.

But he had already split the door open, but he didn't go out, it seemed a little strange, it was easy for the other party to guess it, he could find the thread it made.

Quickly weighing it in his mind, Feng Yun decided to leave the corridor, but he did one thing before passing through the broken portal.

He raised his hand and aimed it at the location of the breach, and then a little red light appeared in his palm, which was increasing at an extremely fast speed.

In less than two seconds, a fireball the size of a grapefruit was in his palm.

"go with!"

Accompanied by a low growl, the fireball flew forward, passed through the gap in the door, and came outside.

After passing through the goal, the fireball began to expand rapidly.

Just in the blink of an eye, its volume has increased dozens of times.

At the same time, it also emits strong energy fluctuations, which makes people shocking. As long as they are not blind, even blind people can feel that once it bursts open, it will definitely cause huge damage.

This time, Fengyun was deliberate.

Now that the other party has discovered it, there is no need to hesitate. He has already seen that the other party is actually dealing with him.

Although it did not directly attack him, it threatened him at all.

It is like an experienced hunter, trapping him in the trap step by step. When the trap is completely completed, he will have no chance.

Although he doesn't think he will become so miserable, it does not mean that he will let the other party go on like this.

The fireball he made was his counterattack.

He wants to achieve two goals through it, one is to test whether the filament is afraid of fire, and the other is to see if he can force his opponent out.

In order to achieve his goal, he compressed it many times before throwing it out, which greatly improved its destructive power.

It's just that he is very concealed and extremely difficult to be discovered.

"I hope you don't let me down."

Feng Yun's gaze at the fireball showed a glimmer of expectation, and then he completely let go of the restraint on it.

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