Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 2990: Never fall

Feng Yun would choose to attack the Ugly Fish first, not because he felt it was the most threatening to him, but just because he felt that he chose it and had the highest chance of success.

It had just been attacked by the Red Whale and was already seriously injured.

Immediately afterwards, it couldn't restrain the urge to take revenge and launched revenge on the Red Whale.

Even better, it also carried the fire fish.

To be honest, its revenge can be regarded as quite successful, not only almost shot the main target, the red whale, almost into a hedgehog, but even the fire fish with its feet got quite a lot of spikes on its body.

All of a sudden, the red whale and fire fish were put into a state of dying.

However, there is nothing without a price.

Ugly fish also paid the price this time.

The injury on its body aggravated a lot, and the cracks almost covered its whole body, like a piece of porcelain on the verge of collapse.

It broke to the ground in the next second, and Fengyun would not be surprised at all.

In addition, Fengyun can clearly perceive that its breath has become weaker through perception, like a lamp that is about to run out of oil, maybe it will be extinguished sometime.

Feng Yun naturally did not allow this kind of thing to develop, because he wanted to get benefits from it, he had to give it away before its life disappeared.

In comparison, fire fish and red whales are not so easy to die, so you might as well press them a little bit before proceeding.

Facing Fengyun's attack, the Ugly Fish had no choice but to wait and die despite being in a very bad state.

It didn't choose to dodge, but shot the few spikes left on its body at Fengyun.

Feng Yun couldn't help but nodded secretly in response to it.

According to the normal response, facing an attack, the first choice is often to dodge, but everything needs specific analysis.

Faced with different situations, the coping strategies will naturally be different. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.

In the current state of the ugly fish, choosing to dodge is not a good choice.

Its injury is very serious, and its state is quite poor. Both its speed and agility have been reduced to a very low level. To evade, the effect is naturally not good.

If it really chooses to dodge, the result is likely to be hit by Fengyun's knife before it can be completed.

Conversely, it shoots the spikes on the body towards Fengyun, and the effect will be much better.

In order to avoid these spikes, Fengyun's attack will inevitably be affected and even needs to give up.

At the same time, these spikes can also act as an expulsion, keeping Fengyun away from it.

Even so, Fengyun would not choose to give up, and would continue to attack it. It also got a buffer of time, and it would become more calm to deal with his attacks.

Unfortunately, in many cases, even if you make the right choice, you may not get a good result.

Ugly fish is like that this time.

Although it shoots the spikes on its body towards Fengyun, it is not a small number, and it is also lackluster in terms of strength and speed.

It may be enough to face ordinary enemies, but Fengyun is not an ordinary person.

Its sharp thorns shooting towards the wind and clouds, in his eyes, not only the speed is slow, but there is also a soft feeling, there is no threat at all.

This is not only his judgment, but his body also thinks that, facing them, it does not react at all.

Feng Yun did not evade, nor did he use the knife to block, still maintaining the original trajectory, and chopped off the ugly fish.

His performance was seen in the eyes of Ugly Fish, that is, he was completely dismissive of its attacks, and even too lazy to avoid it.

Its eyes couldn't help emitting an angry light, obviously it was irritated by Fengyun's performance.

But it also knows that anger does not have any effect. Facing Fengyun's sword, it must dodge.

The knife that Feng Yun cleaved gave it a great sense of threat. If it was hit by it, it would really die.

So it beat the spirit, cheered up, and dodged.

Fortunately, after it shot out the spikes on its body, it got a reaction force, and when it dodged, it used it.

It originally wanted to use it to distance itself from Fengyun, but now it just happens to be used.

It looked like it had been smeared with oil under its body and glide backwards, very fast.

It retreated so fast that it found that the distance between itself and Feng Yun's knife had increased.

This makes it very happy. If nothing else, it should be able to avoid Fengyun's sword.

The situation has been alleviated, and it has started to care about it. With the spiked attack he launched on Fengyun, see if he has hit Fengyun, it is best to kill him.

It looked at Fengyun's eyes with anticipation.

It is quite confident about its own attacks.

Although its state at this time greatly affected its performance, the spikes shot by it still have considerable lethality, especially when they hit the target, they can definitely cause very large damage.

It doesn't think Feng Yun's body can resist them.

However, when it really saw its own spikes, it couldn't help but reveal incredible in its eyes.

Those spikes that it had placed high hopes on, not only did not hurt Fengyun, but they could not even get close to him.

At this time, they seem to be frozen, their speed has become very slow, and the closer they are to the wind and cloud, the slower the speed.

According to the current trend, it is absolutely impossible for them to come into contact with Feng Yun's body.

It didn't know that its spikes had entered the realm of Fengyun and were imprisoned.

Fengyun's domain has been continuously increasing as his strength has improved, and now it has become quite powerful. The ugly fish's spikes can continue to approach Fengyun even when it is imprisoned, which is still very remarkable.

In exchange for a normal attack, they had already stagnated and stopped completely. If Fengyun was willing, they could even be reflected.

The Ugly Fish was surprised, but also realized that Fengyun was more terrifying than it thought.

So it worked harder to retreat, in order to be able to get a greater distance from the situation.

It has a foreboding that when Fengyun resolves the spikes it sent out, it will definitely continue to hunt it down, and it will never stop if it is not killed.

In order to be able to raise the speed, it ignores its own bad state and makes every effort to squeeze its own potential.

Doing so, although it will make its state worse, it is better than death.

It doesn't doubt at all, if it can't effectively distance itself from Fengyun, death will immediately find it.

Its judgments and practices are undoubtedly correct, but the effect is not good.

It had just squeezed out the remaining potential, and before it was used to accelerate the retreat, it found that its body suddenly became strange.

The distance between its upper body and lower body suddenly increased.

"What's the matter?"

It couldn't help showing confusion in its eyes.

However, without waiting for it to figure it out, to be more precise, it has never had a chance to figure out the truth, because at the moment when a question mark appeared in its mind, it felt black before its eyes, and then fell into it. In the eternal darkness.

At this time, the red whale and the fire fish both showed horror.

The Ugly Fish didn't figure out how he died, but they could see it clearly.

Although the knife in Fengyun's hand seemed to be unable to reach it due to its high-speed retreat, a white light burst out of the knife body, which turned into a light knife, and then flew to the ugly fish at a super fast speed. .

The speed of the light knife is really very, very fast, with the eyes of the red whale and the fire fish only barely able to see clearly.

Of course, this is also related to the severe injuries they have suffered. All aspects of the body, including vision, have been reduced, but the light knife that flew out from Fengyun's knife was not fast enough, and it still couldn't achieve this. The effect of.

Ugly fish's performance can also prove this.

Until its body was cut into two pieces by a light knife, its existence was not found.

Feng Yun killed the Ugly Fish, and did not immediately act on the Red Whale and Fire Fish, but stood quietly for a while, motionless and doing nothing.

It's not that he didn't want to kill the Red Whale and Fire Fish as soon as possible, he couldn't wait to kill them immediately.

But he had to stop temporarily.

The monster living in the strange sea can't be completely wiped out by killing it, at least he can't.

He still has to deal with the spirits that enter the sea of ​​consciousness after their deaths. Only by killing their spirits can they be considered complete.

This time the situation needs to be faced with caution.

Don't look at Fengyun's effort to kill the ugly fish. It almost succeeded in a single blow. That's because it had been severely injured before, so it was cheap.

When its spirit appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, it was different, and it instantly recovered to its perfect state.

If you want to kill it again this time, it will become very difficult and you must be treated with caution, otherwise it is likely to overturn.

Fengyun naturally didn't want this to happen to him.

So he decisively gave up to kill the red whale and the ugly fish immediately, and instead dealt with the spirit of the ugly fish with all his heart.

The result is good.

When it appeared in the sea of ​​his consciousness, the state was not very good, and it seemed very painful.

Feng Yun would naturally not let go of such a good opportunity, immediately let his consciousness incarnate, and launched a sneak attack on it.

Now he has become more proficient in the manipulation of the avatar of consciousness, and the avatar itself has more abilities, for example, it can make himself lurking on the side in an almost completely invisible state.

When the monster's spirit entered Fengyun's sea of ​​consciousness, it took the opportunity, broke out, and solved the problem with one blow.

This time the spirit of the ugly fish died under the sneak attack of Fengyun's incarnation of consciousness.

When it noticed something was wrong and wanted to evade, it was already too late, and it was directly split into two pieces by the giant knife in the hands of the Fengyun Consciousness Incarnation.

Feng Yun was very happy to successfully end the ugly fish.

He has gained a lot of benefits and helped his strength become stronger a lot.

But he did not forget to find the reason for the poor performance of the ugly fish's spirit.

Soon, he found the reason, because he was impressed by his knife intent.

After he killed its body with the sword intent, part of the sword intent that invaded its body also appeared in its spiritual land, and this part of the sword intent was also very destructive to the spirit of the ugly fish. Do harm.

This is undoubtedly good news for Fengyun.

From now on, he will kill the spirits of the monsters that enter his sea of ​​consciousness, it will become much easier.

But he didn't let himself be immersed in joy.

He quickly calmed himself down, urged the sword intent, and grasped the newly improved strength as soon as possible.

He hadn't forgotten that there were red whales and fire fish waiting for him to deal with them.

Killing them all, the benefits gained from them will increase his strength considerably.

Although as his strength becomes stronger and stronger, it has become more and more difficult for him to greatly improve his strength, but such things as Red Whale and Fire Fish are still untapped.

Any one of them ran away, it was a huge loss to him.

When Feng Yun turned his head to look at them, he found that the distance between them and him had increased a lot.

He was not surprised at all about this.

After they saw him kill the ugly fish, if they chose to stay in place, it would look abnormal.

In fact, the next second that Fengyun killed the ugly fish, they could take action and try to stay away from Fengyun.

Reluctantly, they are all seriously injured, and all aspects have been extremely seriously affected.

They exhausted their strength, and the speed was still not so high that Feng Yun saw them at a glance.

However, they were obviously aware of this. They did not flee in the same direction together, but fled separately, and the angle between them almost reached one hundred and eighty degrees.

In this case, no matter which one Fengyun chooses, it will increase the chance of another escape.

It's just that Fengyun is not an ordinary person.

The choice he made was not at all consistent with the norm.

He stayed in place, neither chasing the red whale, nor the fire fish, but he did not let them go.


He quickly glanced at the two monsters very quickly, then drew the knife out, and then slashed out two knives.

The light of the knife is like the spread of the wings of a swallow, one left and one right, flying towards the red whale and the monster respectively.

The speed of Dao Mang was super fast, and the two monsters approached in a flash, as if they would travel through space.

This obviously went beyond the expectations of the Red Whale and Fire Fish, and caught them by surprise.

When they realize that the situation is not good and want to evade, it is too late.

Both of them were hit by the sword.

Although their evasion is not entirely useless, they have slightly avoided some vital positions, but these still do not help their destiny change.

They all eventually fell, and died within a short time after being recruited.

The destructive power of the sword intent possessed by Feng Yun has reached a very terrifying level. Even if it is not hit by it, as long as it invades the body, it is still inevitable to die.