Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 364: Blind spot

"Are you angry? It's okay to be angry."

Fengyun saw the mouths of the Black Crow tribe warriors rushing towards the shore boats to keep opening and closing. Although they were too far away to hear what they were saying, he could infer that they should be cursing him.

He was not angry about this, on the contrary, he was secretly happy.

For him, the more angry they are, the better. Only when they are truly irritated will they come to him to settle accounts, so that he can achieve his goals.

"Crow tyrant, get out and meet me, you murderer, you bastard, I am going to kill you, I ate your meat, drank your blood, smashed your bones...I..."

Feng Yun saw that his provocative action had an effect, but he did not relax at this point, but continued to yell at Crowba.

He did this for two purposes. One was to provoke Raven Tyrant's men and let them come to him faster. The second point was also his most important point, and he wanted to test it out this way.

In his opinion, the most ideal state is of course to directly arouse Crowba, so that the purpose of his trip will be achieved.

Of course, the risk of doing so is also very large, but he is no longer willing to wait.

Now that Crowba is injured, even if he is a metamorphosis warrior, his self-healing ability far exceeds that of ordinary people, but he does not think that he can recover in such a short period of time.

In other words, the danger to him from the crow tyrant at this time is relatively small.

If it drags on and allows him to fully recover, he will provoke him again, or wait until he takes the initiative to find him for revenge, then he is really dangerous.

This is also a very important reason why he will adopt the current direct provocative method to achieve his goals.

It's not that he didn't expect to use some secret methods to explore the situation of the Raven Tyrant, for example, he can choose to hide near the cannibal lake and wait for the opportunity.

The area of ​​Crow Island is not small, but Fengyun does not believe that the people of the Black Crow tribe will stay on the island forever. They will definitely leave it and come to the shore.

With his skill, as long as the people who appear are not the crow tyrants, it should not be too difficult for him to catch them.

After catching them, he can interrogate them, and he should be able to get the information he wants from them.

If Yaba really returned to his lair, he could not tell the clans who stayed outside the Zizhu Forest his whereabouts, but he could never hide his whereabouts from the people on Raven Island.

The advantage of this is very obvious. There is no need to confront the Raven Tyrant, and he can even fool him. The danger he has to face will be greatly reduced, but the disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, uncertainty.

He is not sure when the people from the Black Crow tribe will come to shore from the island, nor can he be sure that he will be able to capture them alive, and after capturing them, he is still not sure that they will tell him the information he wants to know. determine……

In short, the uncertainty is too great.

Relatively speaking, if he jumps directly out of provocation, there will be much less uncertainty, but this means that he will face greater risks.

Precisely because he knew the danger of his actions, Feng Yun was delighted to see the effect of his provocation, but at the same time he did not forget to take precautions.

He divided his attention into two parts, one on the enemies who were irritated by him and wanted to come to him to settle accounts, and the other on the observation of Crow Island.

He wants to guard against the crow tyrants using insidious tricks to attract his attention to those people who seem to be irritated by him, while he himself brings the strong from the tribe around his back, surrounds him, and performs back and forth against him. Fringe, keep him.

He thinks that this possibility is there, and as long as he sees the possibility of the success of the action, he will also have a considerable probability to do it.

He can be sure that Raven Lord must hate him deeply, if he can be killed, even if his injuries are aggravated, he will not hesitate.

He must not leave him an opportunity, or even let him see it.

"Could it be that I'm too worried?"

As time went by, doubts gradually grew in Feng Yun's heart.

He found that apart from the Black Raven tribe warriors who were angered by him, rowing towards him, there was no other movement on Raven Island, let alone the appearance of the Raven Tyrant.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly his pupils shrank suddenly, his face became hard to look like, as if thinking of a terrible situation.

He immediately began to observe the Black Raven tribe warriors approaching him, and he thought of a blind spot that he might have overlooked before, a very dangerous blind spot.

He only thought that the Raven Lord might use the Black Raven tribe warriors who were close to him to attract his attention, but he did not think that he himself might be hidden among these people.

If this happens, he is really dangerous.

With the strength of the Raven Tyrant, even if he is not at his peak due to injury, but if he approaches him and suddenly launches a sneak attack on him, it will still pose a great threat to his life.

In the process of observing those struggling to row the enemy, Feng Yun's body has entered an emergency state inside and outside, like a spring compressed to its limit, it can respond in the shortest time.

He has made a decision. Once his worries become reality, he will immediately choose to evacuate and distance himself from the Raven Tyrant, at least not allowing him and his people to encircle him.

In order to be able to see more clearly, Feng Yun did not hesitate to urge the eyes of the snake god.

Although the warriors of the Black Raven tribe were relatively close to him at this time, they had already crossed the middle point between Raven Island and the shore. With his eyesight, he could see them very clearly, but he was still worried.

Based on his understanding of the Raven Tyrant, if he really got into this group of people, he must have carried out a careful disguise, and it would be difficult to find flaws without looking carefully.

The eyes of the snake **** did not disappoint Fengyun.

Under its unique vision, the black crow tribe warriors on the ship suddenly appeared in front of him, as if he could touch them by sticking out his hands. He saw them very clearly, even the hairs on his face. Be clear.


After watching it several times, Feng Yun let out a long suffocation, and his tight nerves finally relaxed.

He didn't realize that there was anything wrong with them, although there was a person who looked very similar to Crowba and should be related to him, but he was sure that he was definitely not Crowba himself.

When he first saw someone who looked very similar to the crow tyrant, he couldn't help but twitched, thinking that his conjecture had come true, but then he was happy again when he found out that he was not the crow tyrant.

In his opinion, this enemy who is obviously related to the Raven Tyrant is far more valuable than the others in the Black Raven Tribe.

For his appearance, he can say that he can't ask for it.

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