Primitive Tribe Adventure

Chapter 381: Go to death

Shipbuilding is not a very difficult task. The key is to ensure that they can travel safely on the lake without being attacked by various creatures in the lake, including piranhas.

This is indeed a difficult problem, and the key to solving this problem is that the black crow tribe warriors who were killed by the wind and cloud abandoned them on the wooden boats on the lake shore.

Fengyun has learned from the son of the Raven Baer that the boats of the Black Raven tribe can travel safely because of what the Raven Baer did to the ship.

Feng Yun believed that as long as he did it, no matter how secretive it was, it would inevitably leave a trace. Following the vines, maybe he could find the answer to the problem, which is what the tyrant did to those ships.

As for whether he will succeed in the end, Fengyun still has some certainty.

His insight ability is still good, as long as it is carefully investigated, very few things can escape his eyes. In addition, he also has a killer feature, that is, the eye of the snake god.

After activating the eyes of the snake god, his insight will not only be greatly improved, but he will also be able to discover some special existence and details that the ordinary eye can't find.

Therefore, it is self-evident how important the wooden boats on the shore of the lake are to Fengyun.


The monster's gaze hit a wooden boat without any suspense, and caused considerable damage to it, far exceeding the damage suffered by the wooden boat Fengyun had just taken.

The white light's landing point was located in the center of the ship, and it was almost completely interrupted by this one, and it was broken into two pieces, which was completely scrapped.

If only this is the case, Fengyun should feel distressed at best, after all, the Black Crow tribe warriors left more than one wooden boat.

In fact, the Black Raven tribe warriors who came to attack him from Raven Island took a total of nine wooden boats. Even if two were destroyed, there were still seven remaining, enough for his research.

But the problem is that the monster is not satisfied.

After a successful blow, the protrusion behind its eyes lit up again, and then a white light burst out, and in the next second, a good wooden boat was hit and shattered into two pieces.

The monster did not stop there and continued to destroy.

In a blink of an eye, only two wooden boats staying on the shore of the lake remained intact, and the monster still refused to give up, and the protrusions behind his eyes lit up again.

In the process, something even more irritating Fengyun happened.

After the wooden ship was destroyed, the white light did not disappear, but remained there.

They spread out, swimming on the damaged wooden boat, almost covering them all, because of their existence, the damaged wooden boat looks quite mysterious and special.

But when the white lights on different ships collide together, the situation can be serious.


After the different white lights came into contact with each other, in addition to the sparks, they also made clear sounds. Even the wind and clouds were so far away from them, they all heard clearly.

Those similar to sparks caused by the collision of different white lights suddenly caught fire after touching the already severely broken wooden boat, and the burning speed was very fast and very vigorous. It was more effective than splashing oil. Much better.

It was at this point that Feng Yun couldn't sit still.

In order to find out what Yaba had done to the wooden boats, he had already been mentally prepared, if necessary, he would not hesitate to take apart the hull completely.

Therefore, if those wooden boats should not be damaged very badly, or a few intact hulls can be left, he would not care too much.

But they burned violently. If you don’t stop it, all the ships may be burned. It’s fundamental to find out what the Ravens did to those wooden ships, and even copy them on the newly built ships. Unable to achieve.

No matter from which point of view, Fengyun can no longer sit idly by.


After one of the two remaining wooden boats was destroyed by a monster, Feng Yun couldn't sit still anymore, and lightly touched his feet on the ground and flew towards the shore, very fast.

His speed is fast, but the speed of the monster is also not slow.

When he was about fifty feet away from the shore, the protrusion behind the monster's glasses lit up again, which was a precursor to its activation.

"Die me!"

When Feng Yun saw this situation, he immediately realized that the problem was serious, and without delay, he grabbed the monster and activated the attack mode.

The treasure knife he was holding was shining brightly, and the red light was lingering, almost completely covering its appearance, and then the red light moved towards its tip.

In the next instant, a red light shot out from the tip of the knife and went straight to the monster. Judging from its trajectory, the final landing point should be its neck.


Guanghua flashed and made a huge sound like thunder.

The monster that made such a big movement was the monster that was targeted by Fengyun. After he instilled the power of totem into the sword, after a series of reactions, it issued a very destructive red light.

However, the monster is not vegetarian, and it can even be said to be very powerful. It immediately reacted. Several protrusions cooperated, and the white light shot out unexpectedly intercepted the red light and collided together, causing a violent explosion.

Feng Yun couldn't help but was stunned. In addition to being surprised by the monster's ability, he also didn't expect its destructive power to be so terrible, completely beyond his expectations.

Feng Yun just froze for a short time, and immediately urged the power of the totem to launch a new round of attacks.

He is still relatively confident in his own strength, and at the same time does not think that the monster can maintain this level for a long time, he decided to take this opportunity to have a good contest and solve the problem completely.

Thinking of doing it, a red light flashed on the treasure knife, and a red light escaped from the tip of the knife and shot at the monster again.


The monster once again successfully intercepted Feng Yun's attack on him, which made Feng Yun amazed, and his eagerness to win was also stirred.

The fired red Fengyun attacked again in a very short time, and this time although the monster still completed the interception, Fengyun could clearly feel that it was in a disadvantage.


Feng Yun's face couldn't help showing a smile, and there was a hint of arrogance in his smile, as if to say that you want to fight with me, it's really overweight.

Just when Feng Yun was about to take down the monster in a hurry, the scene he saw inadvertently changed his expression suddenly.

After the red light he shot out collided with the white light shot out by the monster, it made a lot of movement and also produced a big shock wave.

The problem arises above these shock waves.

They actually pushed the remaining wooden boat on the shore of the lake and made it begin to slide into the lake. If they continue to fight hard, it will leave the shore at a faster speed.

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